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Federated Token


This package provides support for using JWT tokens for clients and passing that information to all federated services (upstream and downstream).


  • @labdigital/federated-token - The core package that provides the token handling and token sources.
  • @labdigital/federated-token-apollo - A plugin for Apollo Server (and gateway).
  • @labdigital/federated-token-envelop - An Envelop plugin for e.g. Yoga.
  • @labdigital/federated-token-react - A React context provider for managing the token state in a React application.

Upgrading from 0.x to 1.x

The 1.x release is a considerable rewrite of the package to allow better distinction between authenticated users and guest users. This primarily impacts the CookieTokenSource This allows you to control on your CDN which cookies are white-listed and which are not.

For ease of implementation and migrating users with existing cookies you need to make sure that both the refresh-token and the refresh-token-exists cookie names match the old names.

const server = new ApolloServer({
	// ...
	plugins: [
		// ...
		new GatewayAuthPlugin({
			signer: createTokenSigner(),
			source: new CompositeTokenSource([
				new CookieTokenSource({
					refreshTokenPath: "/auth/graphql",
					secure: true,
					sameSite: "Lax",
					publicDomainFn: (request: express.Request) => config.COOKIE_DOMAIN,
					cookieNames: {
						refreshToken: "authRefreshToken",
						guestRefreshTokenExists: "authRefreshTokenExist",
				new HeaderTokenSource(),
		// ...
	// ...

Token sources

Public tokens can be passed via either HTTP headers or cookies. For browser clients cookies are the preferred way since these are easiest to store safely in the browser using a combination of HTTP_ONLY cookies and non-HTTP_ONLY cookies.

Cookie Token Source

This token source is used for browser clients to safely store the token. It differentiates the tokens using a prefix for user tokens and guest tokens.

  • userToken / guestToken - The JWT token, HTTP_ONLY
  • userData / guestData - Value data for keeping state, can be used to for example store some user information so it can be used in a frontend, non-HTTP_ONLY
  • refreshToken - The refresh token, if any. It is stored as HTTP_ONLY cookie.
  • userRefreshTokenExists / guestRefreshTokenExists - A boolean value that indicates if a refresh token exists. It is used to determine if we can refresh an existing token.

Note that this expects the "cookie-parser" express middleware to be used.