An audio player made with pure javascript 💙
- Javascript
- Webpack (To compile sass/pug/js)
- Fontawesome icons
- Unit tests with JEST (97.47% of coverage)
- Create logo here
- ☑️ Setup project
- ☑️ Cross Browser Flexbox
- ☑️ Dark/Light Mode
- ☑️ Custmize player (add play/pause button, add next/previous button, etc)
- ☑️ Play a music
- ☑️ Pause a music
- ☑️ Auto player (got to next music)
- ☑️ TDD
- 🔲 List tracks from an album
- 🔲 Play next music
- 🔲 Play previous music
npm install
npm run loc
npm run build
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details