diff --git a/client/src/components/editor/Editor.tsx b/client/src/components/editor/Editor.tsx
index 23a3087..d587d67 100644
--- a/client/src/components/editor/Editor.tsx
+++ b/client/src/components/editor/Editor.tsx
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { LeanMonaco, LeanMonacoEditor, LeanMonacoOptions } from 'lean4monaco'
import '../../css/editor.css'
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { selectTypewriterMode } from '../../state/progress';
-import { Typewriter } from './Typewriter';
+import { TypewriterInterFace } from './Typewriter';
export function Editor() {
let { t } = useTranslation()
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export function Editor() {
- {typewriterMode && }
+ {typewriterMode && }
diff --git a/client/src/components/editor/Typewriter.tsx b/client/src/components/editor/Typewriter.tsx
index 29fa65c..0db1186 100644
--- a/client/src/components/editor/Typewriter.tsx
+++ b/client/src/components/editor/Typewriter.tsx
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ export function TypewriterInterFace() {
- {mobile && i == 0 && props.data?.introduction &&
+ {/* {mobile && i == 0 && props.data?.introduction &&
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ export function TypewriterInterFace() {
{mobile &&
({hint: hint, step: i}))} />
- }
+ } */}
{/* setDisableInput(n > 0) : (n) => {}}/> */}
{!(isLastStepWithErrors(proof, i)) &&
setDisableInput(n > 0) : (n) => {}}/>
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ export function TypewriterInterFace() {
{mobile && proof?.completed &&
- {props.level >= props.worldSize ?
+ {/* {props.level >= props.worldSize ?
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ export function TypewriterInterFace() {
- }
+ } */}
> :
diff --git a/client/src/components/game.tsx b/client/src/components/game.tsx
index 1ae1d89..7333b20 100644
--- a/client/src/components/game.tsx
+++ b/client/src/components/game.tsx
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { WorldTreePanel } from './world_tree'
import i18next from 'i18next'
import { ChatPanel } from './chat'
import { NewLevel } from './level'
-import { GameHint, ProofState } from './infoview/rpc_api'
+import { GameHint, ProofState } from './editor/Defs'
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { Diagnostic } from 'vscode-languageserver-types'
diff --git a/client/src/components/level.tsx b/client/src/components/level.tsx
index 5c0c017..0b44ade 100644
--- a/client/src/components/level.tsx
+++ b/client/src/components/level.tsx
@@ -124,596 +124,482 @@ export function NewLevel({visible = true}) {
// monacoSetup()
-export function Level({visible = true}) {
- let { t } = useTranslation()
- const {gameId, worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
- // Load the namespace of the game
- i18next.loadNamespaces(gameId).catch(err => {
- console.warn(`translations for ${gameId} do not exist.`)
- })
- const gameInfo = useGetGameInfoQuery({game: gameId})
- const levelInfo = useLoadLevelQuery({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId})
- const codeviewRef = useRef(null)
- const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
- const initialCode = useAppSelector(selectCode(gameId, worldId, levelId))
- const initialSelections = useAppSelector(selectSelections(gameId, worldId, levelId))
- const typewriterMode = useSelector(selectTypewriterMode(gameId))
- const setTypewriterMode = (newTypewriterMode: boolean) => dispatch(changeTypewriterMode({game: gameId, typewriterMode: newTypewriterMode}))
- const {deletedChat, setDeletedChat,showHelp, setShowHelp} = useContext(ChatContext)
- const {proof, setProof} = useContext(ProofContext)
- // Only for mobile layout
- const {page, setPage} = useContext(PageContext)
- // set to true to prevent switching between typewriter and editor
- const [lockEditorMode, setLockEditorMode] = useState(false)
- const [typewriterInput, setTypewriterInput] = useState("")
- const lastLevel = levelId >= gameInfo.data?.worldSize[worldId]
- // // impressum pop-up
- // function toggleImpressum() {setImpressum(!impressum)}
- // function togglePrivacy() {setPrivacy(!privacy)}
- // When clicking on an inventory item, the inventory is overlayed by the item's doc.
- // If this state is set to a pair `(name, type)` then the according doc will be open.
- // Set `inventoryDoc` to `null` to close the doc
- const [inventoryDoc, setInventoryDoc] = useState<{name: string, type: string}>(null)
- function closeInventoryDoc () {setInventoryDoc(null)}
- const onDidChangeContent = (code) => {
- dispatch(codeEdited({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId, code}))
- }
- const onDidChangeSelection = (monacoSelections) => {
- const selections = monacoSelections.map(
- ({selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn}) =>
- {return {selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn}})
- dispatch(changedSelection({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId, selections}))
- }
- // const {editor, infoProvider, editorConnection} =
- // useLevelEditor(codeviewRef, initialCode, initialSelections, onDidChangeContent, onDidChangeSelection)
- // /** Unused. Was implementing an undo button, which has been replaced by `deleteProof` inside
- // * `TypewriterInterface`.
- // */
- // const handleUndo = () => {
- // const endPos = editor.getModel().getFullModelRange().getEndPosition()
- // let range
- // console.log(endPos.column)
- // if (endPos.column === 1) {
- // range = monaco.Selection.fromPositions(
- // new monaco.Position(endPos.lineNumber - 1, 1),
- // endPos
- // )
- // } else {
- // range = monaco.Selection.fromPositions(
- // new monaco.Position(endPos.lineNumber, 1),
- // endPos
- // )
- // }
- // editor.executeEdits("undo-button", [{
- // range,
- // text: "",
- // forceMoveMarkers: false
- // }]);
- // }
- // Select and highlight proof steps and corresponding hints
- // TODO: with the new design, there is no difference between the introduction and
- // a hint at the beginning of the proof...
- const [selectedStep, setSelectedStep] = useState()
- // useEffect (() => {
- // // Lock editor mode
- // if (levelInfo.data?.template) {
- // setLockEditorMode(true)
- // if (editor) {
- // let code = editor.getModel().getLinesContent()
- // // console.log(`insert. code: ${code}`)
- // // console.log(`insert. join: ${code.join('')}`)
- // // console.log(`insert. trim: ${code.join('').trim()}`)
- // // console.log(`insert. length: ${code.join('').trim().length}`)
- // // console.log(`insert. range: ${editor.getModel().getFullModelRange()}`)
- // // TODO: It does seem that the template is always indented by spaces.
- // // This is a hack, assuming there are exactly two.
- // if (!code.join('').trim().length) {
- // console.debug(`inserting template:\n${levelInfo.data.template}`)
- // // TODO: This does not work! HERE
- // // Probably overwritten by a query to the server
- // editor.executeEdits("template-writer", [{
- // range: editor.getModel().getFullModelRange(),
- // text: levelInfo.data.template + `\n`,
- // forceMoveMarkers: true
- // }])
- // } else {
- // console.debug(`not inserting template.`)
- // }
- // }
- // } else {
- // setLockEditorMode(false)
- // }
- // }, [levelInfo, levelId, worldId, gameId, editor])
- // useEffect(() => {
- // // TODO: That's a problem if the saved proof contains an error
- // // Reset command line input when loading a new level
- // setTypewriterInput("")
- // // Load the selected help steps from the store
- // setShowHelp(new Set(selectHelp(gameId, worldId, levelId)(store.getState())))
- // }, [gameId, worldId, levelId])
- // useEffect(() => {
- // if (!(typewriterMode && !lockEditorMode) && editor) {
- // // Delete last input attempt from command line
- // editor.executeEdits("typewriter", [{
- // range: editor.getSelection(),
- // text: "",
- // forceMoveMarkers: false
- // }]);
- // editor.focus()
- // }
- // }, [typewriterMode, lockEditorMode])
- useEffect(() => {
- // Forget whether hidden hints are displayed for steps that don't exist yet
- if (proof?.steps.length) {
- console.debug(Array.from(showHelp))
- setShowHelp(new Set(Array.from(showHelp).filter(i => (i < proof?.steps.length))))
- }
- }, [proof])
- // save showed help in store
- useEffect(() => {
- if (proof?.steps.length) {
- console.debug(`showHelp:\n ${showHelp}`)
- dispatch(helpEdited({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId, help: Array.from(showHelp)}))
- }
- }, [showHelp])
- // Effect when command line mode gets enabled
- // useEffect(() => {
- // if (//onigasmH &&
- // editor && (typewriterMode && !lockEditorMode)) {
- // let code = editor.getModel().getLinesContent().filter(line => line.trim())
- // editor.executeEdits("typewriter", [{
- // range: editor.getModel().getFullModelRange(),
- // text: code.length ? code.join('\n') + '\n' : '',
- // forceMoveMarkers: true
- // }]);
- // let endPos = editor.getModel().getFullModelRange().getEndPosition()
- // if (editor.getModel().getLineContent(endPos.lineNumber).trim() !== "") {
- // editor.executeEdits("typewriter", [{
- // range: monaco.Selection.fromPositions(endPos, endPos),
- // text: "\n",
- // forceMoveMarkers: true
- // }]);
- // }
- // let endPos = editor.getModel().getFullModelRange().getEndPosition()
- // let currPos = editor.getPosition()
- // if (currPos.column != 1 || (currPos.lineNumber != endPos.lineNumber && currPos.lineNumber != endPos.lineNumber - 1)) {
- // // This is not a position that would naturally occur from Typewriter, reset:
- // editor.setSelection(monaco.Selection.fromPositions(endPos, endPos))
- // }
- // }
- // }, [editor, typewriterMode, lockEditorMode, ])//onigasmH == null])
- return
- {/*
- {/*
- */}
- {levelId > 0 &&
- }
- {/*
- */}
-export function LevelWrapper({visible = true}) {
- let { t } = useTranslation()
- const {gameId, worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
- // Load the namespace of the game
- i18next.loadNamespaces(gameId).catch(err => {
- console.warn(`translations for ${gameId} do not exist.`)
- })
- const { mobile } = useContext(PreferencesContext)
- const gameInfo = useGetGameInfoQuery({game: gameId})
- const levelInfo = useLoadLevelQuery({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId})
- let image: string = gameInfo.data?.worlds.nodes[worldId].image
- const codeviewRef = useRef(null)
- const proofPanelRef = React.useRef(null)
- // set to true to prevent switching between typewriter and editor
- const [lockEditorMode, setLockEditorMode] = useState(false)
- const [typewriterInput, setTypewriterInput] = useState("")
- const lastLevel = levelId >= gameInfo.data?.worldSize[worldId]
- const { proof } = useContext(ProofContext)
- const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
- const typewriterMode = useSelector(selectTypewriterMode(gameId))
- const setTypewriterMode = (newTypewriterMode: boolean) => dispatch(changeTypewriterMode({game: gameId, typewriterMode: newTypewriterMode}))
- const initialCode = useAppSelector(selectCode(gameId, worldId, levelId))
- const initialSelections = useAppSelector(selectSelections(gameId, worldId, levelId))
- const onDidChangeContent = (code) => {
- dispatch(codeEdited({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId, code}))
- }
- const onDidChangeSelection = (monacoSelections) => {
- const selections = monacoSelections.map(
- ({selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn}) =>
- {return {selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn}})
- dispatch(changedSelection({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId, selections}))
- }
- useEffect(() => {
- console.info(`Loading Level: ${mobile}`)
- }, [mobile, gameId, worldId, levelId])
- // const {editor, infoProvider, editorConnection} =
- // useLevelEditor(codeviewRef, initialCode, initialSelections, onDidChangeContent, onDidChangeSelection)
- const navigate = useNavigate()
- // Keyboard listener
- useEffect(() => {
- function keyDownHandler(e: globalThis.KeyboardEvent) {
- if (e.key === "Enter") {
- // use enter on a completed proof to go to the next level or home.
- if (proof?.completed) {
- if (levelId == gameInfo.data?.worldSize[worldId]){
- navigate(`/${gameId}`)
- e.preventDefault()
- } else {
- navigate(`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId+1}`)
- e.preventDefault()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- document.addEventListener("keydown", keyDownHandler)
- return () => {document.removeEventListener("keydown", keyDownHandler)}
- }, [proof])
- /** toggle input mode if allowed */
- function toggleInputMode(ev: React.MouseEvent) {
- if (!lockEditorMode) {
- setTypewriterMode(!typewriterMode)
- console.log('test')
- }
- }
- // { typewriterMode ? : }
- //
- //
- return
- { image &&
- }
- { levelId > 0 &&
- title={lockEditorMode ? t("Editor mode is enforced!") : typewriterMode ? t("Editor mode") : t("Typewriter mode")} />
- {/* { typewriterMode ? : } */}
- }
+// export function Level({visible = true}) {
+// let { t } = useTranslation()
+// const {gameId, worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
+// // Load the namespace of the game
+// i18next.loadNamespaces(gameId).catch(err => {
+// console.warn(`translations for ${gameId} do not exist.`)
+// })
+// const gameInfo = useGetGameInfoQuery({game: gameId})
+// const levelInfo = useLoadLevelQuery({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId})
+// const codeviewRef = useRef(null)
+// const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
+// const initialCode = useAppSelector(selectCode(gameId, worldId, levelId))
+// const initialSelections = useAppSelector(selectSelections(gameId, worldId, levelId))
+// const typewriterMode = useSelector(selectTypewriterMode(gameId))
+// const setTypewriterMode = (newTypewriterMode: boolean) => dispatch(changeTypewriterMode({game: gameId, typewriterMode: newTypewriterMode}))
+// const {deletedChat, setDeletedChat,showHelp, setShowHelp} = useContext(ChatContext)
+// const {proof, setProof} = useContext(ProofContext)
+// // Only for mobile layout
+// const {page, setPage} = useContext(PageContext)
+// // set to true to prevent switching between typewriter and editor
+// const [lockEditorMode, setLockEditorMode] = useState(false)
+// const [typewriterInput, setTypewriterInput] = useState("")
+// const lastLevel = levelId >= gameInfo.data?.worldSize[worldId]
+// // // impressum pop-up
+// // function toggleImpressum() {setImpressum(!impressum)}
+// // function togglePrivacy() {setPrivacy(!privacy)}
+// // When clicking on an inventory item, the inventory is overlayed by the item's doc.
+// // If this state is set to a pair `(name, type)` then the according doc will be open.
+// // Set `inventoryDoc` to `null` to close the doc
+// const [inventoryDoc, setInventoryDoc] = useState<{name: string, type: string}>(null)
+// function closeInventoryDoc () {setInventoryDoc(null)}
+// const onDidChangeContent = (code) => {
+// dispatch(codeEdited({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId, code}))
+// }
+// const onDidChangeSelection = (monacoSelections) => {
+// const selections = monacoSelections.map(
+// ({selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn}) =>
+// {return {selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn}})
+// dispatch(changedSelection({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId, selections}))
+// }
+// // const {editor, infoProvider, editorConnection} =
+// // useLevelEditor(codeviewRef, initialCode, initialSelections, onDidChangeContent, onDidChangeSelection)
+// // /** Unused. Was implementing an undo button, which has been replaced by `deleteProof` inside
+// // * `TypewriterInterface`.
+// // */
+// // const handleUndo = () => {
+// // const endPos = editor.getModel().getFullModelRange().getEndPosition()
+// // let range
+// // console.log(endPos.column)
+// // if (endPos.column === 1) {
+// // range = monaco.Selection.fromPositions(
+// // new monaco.Position(endPos.lineNumber - 1, 1),
+// // endPos
+// // )
+// // } else {
+// // range = monaco.Selection.fromPositions(
+// // new monaco.Position(endPos.lineNumber, 1),
+// // endPos
+// // )
+// // }
+// // editor.executeEdits("undo-button", [{
+// // range,
+// // text: "",
+// // forceMoveMarkers: false
+// // }]);
+// // }
+// // Select and highlight proof steps and corresponding hints
+// // TODO: with the new design, there is no difference between the introduction and
+// // a hint at the beginning of the proof...
+// const [selectedStep, setSelectedStep] = useState()
+// // useEffect (() => {
+// // // Lock editor mode
+// // if (levelInfo.data?.template) {
+// // setLockEditorMode(true)
+// // if (editor) {
+// // let code = editor.getModel().getLinesContent()
+// // // console.log(`insert. code: ${code}`)
+// // // console.log(`insert. join: ${code.join('')}`)
+// // // console.log(`insert. trim: ${code.join('').trim()}`)
+// // // console.log(`insert. length: ${code.join('').trim().length}`)
+// // // console.log(`insert. range: ${editor.getModel().getFullModelRange()}`)
+// // // TODO: It does seem that the template is always indented by spaces.
+// // // This is a hack, assuming there are exactly two.
+// // if (!code.join('').trim().length) {
+// // console.debug(`inserting template:\n${levelInfo.data.template}`)
+// // // TODO: This does not work! HERE
+// // // Probably overwritten by a query to the server
+// // editor.executeEdits("template-writer", [{
+// // range: editor.getModel().getFullModelRange(),
+// // text: levelInfo.data.template + `\n`,
+// // forceMoveMarkers: true
+// // }])
+// // } else {
+// // console.debug(`not inserting template.`)
+// // }
+// // }
+// // } else {
+// // setLockEditorMode(false)
+// // }
+// // }, [levelInfo, levelId, worldId, gameId, editor])
+// // useEffect(() => {
+// // // TODO: That's a problem if the saved proof contains an error
+// // // Reset command line input when loading a new level
+// // setTypewriterInput("")
+// // // Load the selected help steps from the store
+// // setShowHelp(new Set(selectHelp(gameId, worldId, levelId)(store.getState())))
+// // }, [gameId, worldId, levelId])
+// // useEffect(() => {
+// // if (!(typewriterMode && !lockEditorMode) && editor) {
+// // // Delete last input attempt from command line
+// // editor.executeEdits("typewriter", [{
+// // range: editor.getSelection(),
+// // text: "",
+// // forceMoveMarkers: false
+// // }]);
+// // editor.focus()
+// // }
+// // }, [typewriterMode, lockEditorMode])
+// useEffect(() => {
+// // Forget whether hidden hints are displayed for steps that don't exist yet
+// if (proof?.steps.length) {
+// console.debug(Array.from(showHelp))
+// setShowHelp(new Set(Array.from(showHelp).filter(i => (i < proof?.steps.length))))
+// }
+// }, [proof])
+// // save showed help in store
+// useEffect(() => {
+// if (proof?.steps.length) {
+// console.debug(`showHelp:\n ${showHelp}`)
+// dispatch(helpEdited({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId, help: Array.from(showHelp)}))
+// }
+// }, [showHelp])
+// // Effect when command line mode gets enabled
+// // useEffect(() => {
+// // if (//onigasmH &&
+// // editor && (typewriterMode && !lockEditorMode)) {
+// // let code = editor.getModel().getLinesContent().filter(line => line.trim())
+// // editor.executeEdits("typewriter", [{
+// // range: editor.getModel().getFullModelRange(),
+// // text: code.length ? code.join('\n') + '\n' : '',
+// // forceMoveMarkers: true
+// // }]);
+// // let endPos = editor.getModel().getFullModelRange().getEndPosition()
+// // if (editor.getModel().getLineContent(endPos.lineNumber).trim() !== "") {
+// // editor.executeEdits("typewriter", [{
+// // range: monaco.Selection.fromPositions(endPos, endPos),
+// // text: "\n",
+// // forceMoveMarkers: true
+// // }]);
+// // }
+// // let endPos = editor.getModel().getFullModelRange().getEndPosition()
+// // let currPos = editor.getPosition()
+// // if (currPos.column != 1 || (currPos.lineNumber != endPos.lineNumber && currPos.lineNumber != endPos.lineNumber - 1)) {
+// // // This is not a position that would naturally occur from Typewriter, reset:
+// // editor.setSelection(monaco.Selection.fromPositions(endPos, endPos))
+// // }
+// // }
+// // }, [editor, typewriterMode, lockEditorMode, ])//onigasmH == null])
+// return
+// {/*
+// {/*
+// */}
+// {levelId > 0 &&
+// }
+// {/*
+// */}
+// }
-export function ExercisePanel({codeviewRef, visible=true}: {codeviewRef: React.MutableRefObject, visible?: boolean}) {
- const {gameId, worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
- const level = useLoadLevelQuery({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId})
- const gameInfo = useGetGameInfoQuery({game: gameId})
- return
-function IntroductionPanel({gameInfo}) {
- let { t } = useTranslation()
- const {gameId, worldId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
- const {mobile} = React.useContext(PreferencesContext)
- let text: Array = t(gameInfo.data?.worlds.nodes[worldId].introduction, {ns: gameId}).split(/\n(\s*\n)+/)
- return
- {text?.filter(t => t.trim()).map(((t, i) =>
- ))}
-/** The site with the introduction text of a world */
-function Introduction() {
- let { t } = useTranslation()
- const {gameId, worldId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
- const {mobile} = useContext(PreferencesContext)
- const inventory = useLoadInventoryOverviewQuery({game: gameId})
- const gameInfo = useGetGameInfoQuery({game: gameId})
- let image: string = gameInfo.data?.worlds.nodes[worldId].image
- // const toggleImpressum = () => {
- // setImpressum(!impressum)
- // }
- // const togglePrivacy = () => {
- // setPrivacy(!privacy)
- // }
- return <>
- {/* */}
- {gameInfo.isLoading ?
- : mobile ?
- :
- //
- //
- {image &&
- }
- // {/* */}
- //
- }
- >
- // TODO: This is copied from the `Split` component below...
- <>
- >
-function useLevelEditor(codeviewRef, initialCode, initialSelections, onDidChangeContent, onDidChangeSelection) {
- const {gameId, worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
- const [editor, setEditor] = useState(null)
- const [infoProvider, setInfoProvider] = useState(null)
- const [editorConnection, setEditorConnection] = useState(null)
- const uriStr = `file:///${worldId}/${levelId}`
- const uri = monaco.Uri.parse(uriStr)
- const inventory: Array = useSelector(selectInventory(gameId))
- const difficulty: number = useSelector(selectDifficulty(gameId))
- useEffect(() => {
- // monaco.editor.getModels().forEach(model => model.dispose());
- console.info(`trying to create model: ${gameId} ${worldId} ${levelId} ${uri}`)
- const model = monaco.editor.createModel(initialCode ?? '', 'lean4', uri)
- if (onDidChangeContent) {
- model.onDidChangeContent(() => onDidChangeContent(model.getValue()))
- }
- const editor = monaco.editor.create(codeviewRef.current!, {
- model,
- glyphMargin: true,
- quickSuggestions: false,
- lineDecorationsWidth: 5,
- folding: false,
- lineNumbers: 'on',
- lightbulb: {
- enabled: true
- },
- unicodeHighlight: {
- ambiguousCharacters: false,
- },
- automaticLayout: true,
- minimap: {
- enabled: false
- },
- lineNumbersMinChars: 3,
- tabSize: 2,
- 'semanticHighlighting.enabled': true,
- fontFamily: "JuliaMono",
- theme: 'vs-code-theme-converted'
- })
- if (onDidChangeSelection) {
- editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection(() => onDidChangeSelection(editor.getSelections()))
- }
- if (initialSelections) {
- console.debug("Initial Selection: ", initialSelections)
- // BUG: Somehow I get an `invalid arguments` bug here
- // editor.setSelections(initialSelections)
- }
- setEditor(editor)
- const abbrevRewriter = new AbbreviationRewriter(new AbbreviationProvider(), model, editor)
- const socketUrl = ((window.location.protocol === "https:") ? "wss://" : "ws://") + window.location.host + '/websocket/' + gameId
- const connectionProvider : IConnectionProvider = {
- get: async () => {
- return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- console.log(`connecting ${socketUrl}`)
- const websocket = new WebSocket(socketUrl)
- websocket.addEventListener('error', (ev) => {
- reject(ev)
- })
- websocket.addEventListener('message', (msg) => {
- // console.log(msg.data)
- })
- websocket.addEventListener('open', () => {
- const socket = toSocket(websocket)
- const reader = new DisposingWebSocketMessageReader(socket)
- const writer = new WebSocketMessageWriter(socket)
- resolve({
- reader,
- writer
- })
- })
- })
- }
- }
- // Following `vscode-lean4/webview/index.ts`
- const client = new LeanClient(connectionProvider, showRestartMessage, {inventory, difficulty})
- const infoProvider = new InfoProvider(client)
- // const div: HTMLElement = infoviewRef.current!
- const imports = {
- '@leanprover/infoview': `${window.location.origin}/index.production.min.js`,
- 'react': `${window.location.origin}/react.production.min.js`,
- 'react/jsx-runtime': `${window.location.origin}/react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js`,
- 'react-dom': `${window.location.origin}/react-dom.production.min.js`,
- 'react-popper': `${window.location.origin}/react-popper.production.min.js`
- }
- // loadRenderInfoview(imports, [infoProvider.getApi(), div], setInfoviewApi)
- setInfoProvider(infoProvider)
- // TODO: it looks like we get errors "File Changed" here.
- client.restart("Lean4Game")
- const editorApi = infoProvider.getApi()
- const editorEvents: EditorEvents = {
- initialize: new EventEmitter(),
- gotServerNotification: new EventEmitter(),
- sentClientNotification: new EventEmitter(),
- serverRestarted: new EventEmitter(),
- serverStopped: new EventEmitter(),
- changedCursorLocation: new EventEmitter(),
- changedInfoviewConfig: new EventEmitter(),
- runTestScript: new EventEmitter(),
- requestedAction: new EventEmitter(),
- };
- // Challenge: write a type-correct fn from `Eventify` to `T` without using `any`
- const infoviewApi: InfoviewApi = {
- initialize: async l => editorEvents.initialize.fire(l),
- gotServerNotification: async (method, params) => {
- editorEvents.gotServerNotification.fire([method, params]);
- },
- sentClientNotification: async (method, params) => {
- editorEvents.sentClientNotification.fire([method, params]);
- },
- serverRestarted: async r => editorEvents.serverRestarted.fire(r),
- serverStopped: async serverStoppedReason => {
- editorEvents.serverStopped.fire(serverStoppedReason)
- },
- changedCursorLocation: async loc => editorEvents.changedCursorLocation.fire(loc),
- changedInfoviewConfig: async conf => editorEvents.changedInfoviewConfig.fire(conf),
- requestedAction: async action => editorEvents.requestedAction.fire(action),
- // See https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#avoiding-eval
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-implied-eval
- runTestScript: async script => new Function(script)(),
- getInfoviewHtml: async () => document.body.innerHTML,
- };
- const ec = new EditorConnection(editorApi, editorEvents);
- setEditorConnection(ec)
- editorEvents.initialize.on((loc: Location) => ec.events.changedCursorLocation.fire(loc))
- setEditor(editor)
- setInfoProvider(infoProvider)
- infoProvider.openPreview(editor, infoviewApi)
- const taskgutter = new LeanTaskGutter(infoProvider.client, editor)
- // TODO:
- // setRestart(() => restart)
- return () => {
- editor.dispose();
- model.dispose();
- abbrevRewriter.dispose();
- taskgutter.dispose();
- infoProvider.dispose();
- client.dispose();
- }
- }, [gameId, worldId, levelId])
- const showRestartMessage = () => {
- // setRestartMessage(true)
- }
- return {editor, infoProvider, editorConnection}
+// export function ExercisePanel({codeviewRef, visible=true}: {codeviewRef: React.MutableRefObject, visible?: boolean}) {
+// const {gameId, worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
+// const level = useLoadLevelQuery({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId})
+// const gameInfo = useGetGameInfoQuery({game: gameId})
+// return
+// }
+// function IntroductionPanel({gameInfo}) {
+// let { t } = useTranslation()
+// const {gameId, worldId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
+// const {mobile} = React.useContext(PreferencesContext)
+// let text: Array = t(gameInfo.data?.worlds.nodes[worldId].introduction, {ns: gameId}).split(/\n(\s*\n)+/)
+// return
+// {text?.filter(t => t.trim()).map(((t, i) =>
+// ))}
+// }
+// /** The site with the introduction text of a world */
+// function Introduction() {
+// let { t } = useTranslation()
+// const {gameId, worldId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
+// const {mobile} = useContext(PreferencesContext)
+// const inventory = useLoadInventoryOverviewQuery({game: gameId})
+// const gameInfo = useGetGameInfoQuery({game: gameId})
+// let image: string = gameInfo.data?.worlds.nodes[worldId].image
+// // const toggleImpressum = () => {
+// // setImpressum(!impressum)
+// // }
+// // const togglePrivacy = () => {
+// // setPrivacy(!privacy)
+// // }
+// return <>
+// {/* */}
+// {gameInfo.isLoading ?
+// : mobile ?
+// :
+// //
+// //
+// {image &&
+// }
+// // {/* */}
+// //
+// }
+// >
+// }
+// {mobile?
+// // TODO: This is copied from the `Split` component below...
+// <>
+// >
+// :
+// }
+// function useLevelEditor(codeviewRef, initialCode, initialSelections, onDidChangeContent, onDidChangeSelection) {
+// const {gameId, worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
+// const [editor, setEditor] = useState(null)
+// const [infoProvider, setInfoProvider] = useState(null)
+// const [editorConnection, setEditorConnection] = useState(null)
+// const uriStr = `file:///${worldId}/${levelId}`
+// const uri = monaco.Uri.parse(uriStr)
+// const inventory: Array = useSelector(selectInventory(gameId))
+// const difficulty: number = useSelector(selectDifficulty(gameId))
+// useEffect(() => {
+// // monaco.editor.getModels().forEach(model => model.dispose());
+// console.info(`trying to create model: ${gameId} ${worldId} ${levelId} ${uri}`)
+// const model = monaco.editor.createModel(initialCode ?? '', 'lean4', uri)
+// if (onDidChangeContent) {
+// model.onDidChangeContent(() => onDidChangeContent(model.getValue()))
+// }
+// const editor = monaco.editor.create(codeviewRef.current!, {
+// model,
+// glyphMargin: true,
+// quickSuggestions: false,
+// lineDecorationsWidth: 5,
+// folding: false,
+// lineNumbers: 'on',
+// lightbulb: {
+// enabled: true
+// },
+// unicodeHighlight: {
+// ambiguousCharacters: false,
+// },
+// automaticLayout: true,
+// minimap: {
+// enabled: false
+// },
+// lineNumbersMinChars: 3,
+// tabSize: 2,
+// 'semanticHighlighting.enabled': true,
+// fontFamily: "JuliaMono",
+// theme: 'vs-code-theme-converted'
+// })
+// if (onDidChangeSelection) {
+// editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection(() => onDidChangeSelection(editor.getSelections()))
+// }
+// if (initialSelections) {
+// console.debug("Initial Selection: ", initialSelections)
+// // BUG: Somehow I get an `invalid arguments` bug here
+// // editor.setSelections(initialSelections)
+// }
+// setEditor(editor)
+// const abbrevRewriter = new AbbreviationRewriter(new AbbreviationProvider(), model, editor)
+// const socketUrl = ((window.location.protocol === "https:") ? "wss://" : "ws://") + window.location.host + '/websocket/' + gameId
+// const connectionProvider : IConnectionProvider = {
+// get: async () => {
+// return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+// console.log(`connecting ${socketUrl}`)
+// const websocket = new WebSocket(socketUrl)
+// websocket.addEventListener('error', (ev) => {
+// reject(ev)
+// })
+// websocket.addEventListener('message', (msg) => {
+// // console.log(msg.data)
+// })
+// websocket.addEventListener('open', () => {
+// const socket = toSocket(websocket)
+// const reader = new DisposingWebSocketMessageReader(socket)
+// const writer = new WebSocketMessageWriter(socket)
+// resolve({
+// reader,
+// writer
+// })
+// })
+// })
+// }
+// }
+// // Following `vscode-lean4/webview/index.ts`
+// const client = new LeanClient(connectionProvider, showRestartMessage, {inventory, difficulty})
+// const infoProvider = new InfoProvider(client)
+// // const div: HTMLElement = infoviewRef.current!
+// const imports = {
+// '@leanprover/infoview': `${window.location.origin}/index.production.min.js`,
+// 'react': `${window.location.origin}/react.production.min.js`,
+// 'react/jsx-runtime': `${window.location.origin}/react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js`,
+// 'react-dom': `${window.location.origin}/react-dom.production.min.js`,
+// 'react-popper': `${window.location.origin}/react-popper.production.min.js`
+// }
+// // loadRenderInfoview(imports, [infoProvider.getApi(), div], setInfoviewApi)
+// setInfoProvider(infoProvider)
+// // TODO: it looks like we get errors "File Changed" here.
+// client.restart("Lean4Game")
+// const editorApi = infoProvider.getApi()
+// const editorEvents: EditorEvents = {
+// initialize: new EventEmitter(),
+// gotServerNotification: new EventEmitter(),
+// sentClientNotification: new EventEmitter(),
+// serverRestarted: new EventEmitter(),
+// serverStopped: new EventEmitter(),
+// changedCursorLocation: new EventEmitter(),
+// changedInfoviewConfig: new EventEmitter(),
+// runTestScript: new EventEmitter(),
+// requestedAction: new EventEmitter(),
+// };
+// // Challenge: write a type-correct fn from `Eventify` to `T` without using `any`
+// const infoviewApi: InfoviewApi = {
+// initialize: async l => editorEvents.initialize.fire(l),
+// gotServerNotification: async (method, params) => {
+// editorEvents.gotServerNotification.fire([method, params]);
+// },
+// sentClientNotification: async (method, params) => {
+// editorEvents.sentClientNotification.fire([method, params]);
+// },
+// serverRestarted: async r => editorEvents.serverRestarted.fire(r),
+// serverStopped: async serverStoppedReason => {
+// editorEvents.serverStopped.fire(serverStoppedReason)
+// },
+// changedCursorLocation: async loc => editorEvents.changedCursorLocation.fire(loc),
+// changedInfoviewConfig: async conf => editorEvents.changedInfoviewConfig.fire(conf),
+// requestedAction: async action => editorEvents.requestedAction.fire(action),
+// // See https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#avoiding-eval
+// // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-implied-eval
+// runTestScript: async script => new Function(script)(),
+// getInfoviewHtml: async () => document.body.innerHTML,
+// };
+// const ec = new EditorConnection(editorApi, editorEvents);
+// setEditorConnection(ec)
+// editorEvents.initialize.on((loc: Location) => ec.events.changedCursorLocation.fire(loc))
+// setEditor(editor)
+// setInfoProvider(infoProvider)
+// infoProvider.openPreview(editor, infoviewApi)
+// const taskgutter = new LeanTaskGutter(infoProvider.client, editor)
+// // TODO:
+// // setRestart(() => restart)
+// return () => {
+// editor.dispose();
+// model.dispose();
+// abbrevRewriter.dispose();
+// taskgutter.dispose();
+// infoProvider.dispose();
+// client.dispose();
+// }
+// }, [gameId, worldId, levelId])
+// const showRestartMessage = () => {
+// // setRestartMessage(true)
+// console.log("TODO: SHOW RESTART MESSAGE")
+// }
+// return {editor, infoProvider, editorConnection}
+// }