- Had to install
- Else error: invalid command
- Remove
from requirements.txt numba
"incompatibilities" with numpy is okay, since numpy 1.23.1 is a maintanence release- Change
from 3.1.4 to 3.1.0 to avoid incompatibilities withpyrender
sudo snap install ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
Boost includes are automatically at: /usr/include/boost
In project repo, BOOST_INCLUDE_DIRS=/usr/include/boost make all
chmod 755 bin/meshviewer
In lambda environment, run
source ~/venv/fenv/bin/activate
ImportError: ('Unable to load OpenGL library', 'OSMesa: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory', 'OSMesa', None)
fix: sudo apt install -y python-opengl libosmesa6
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psbody'
fix: use the same venv as the project
RuntimeError: The shape of the 3D attn_mask is torch.Size([4, 600, 600]), but should be (4, 601, 601).
when trimming the audio, use ffmpeg's command instead:
ffmpeg -ss 0 -i missile_3.wav -t 15 -c copy missile_4.wav
Somehow, this will cause librosa's load np.ndarray shape to match the shape of the 3D attn_mask in later steps, which is always off by one for some other reason.
Download model biwi.pth Download FLAME_sample.ply and place in vocaset/templates
- Maximum input wav length for Biwi: 24 seconds (else, RuntimeError: The shape of the 3D attn_mask is torch.Size([4, 600, 600]), but should be (4, 601, 601).)
- Maximum input wav length for VOCA: 20 seconds (again, same error)
- The video rendered is missing one frame at the end (0.04s @ 25fps), compared to the audio.
- The linear_interpolation of wav2vec outputs should be done with 49Hz -> 30Hz instead of 50Hz?
- The "save memory" mechanism for vocaset, still needed?
Training command (25 epoch, 1 subject)
python main.py --dataset vocaset --vertice_dim 15354 --feature_dim 64 --period 30 --train_subjects "M005" --val_subjects "M005" --test_subjects "M005" --wav_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_FACEFORMER/wav" --vertices_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_FACEFORMER/vertices_npy" --template_file "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_FACEFORMER/template.pkl" --save_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_TRAINED/save" --result_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_TRAINED/result" --max_epoch 25
Needs ~10GB RAM
Training command (100 epoch, 5 subjects)
python main.py --dataset vocaset --vertice_dim 15354 --feature_dim 64 --period 30 --train_subjects "M005 W011 M009 W014" --val_subjects "M011" --test_subjects "M011" --wav_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_FACEFORMER/wav" --vertices_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_FACEFORMER/vertices_npy" --template_file "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_FACEFORMER/template.pkl" --save_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_TRAINED/save" --result_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_TRAINED/result" --variance_indices_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_FACEFORMER/variance_indices-600.pkl" --max_epoch 100
Needs ~30GB RAM
Demo command
python demo.py --model_name vocaset --dataset vocaset --vertice_dim 15354 --feature_dim 64 --period 30 --fps 30 --train_subjects "M005 W011 M009 W014" --test_subjects "M011" --template_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_FACEFORMER/template.pkl" --render_template_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_FACEFORMER/templates" --condition M005 --subject M009 --variance_indices_path "/home/leoho/data/pipeline-data/pipeline-data-lambda/MEAD_FACEFORMER/variance_indices-600.pkl" --wav_path "demo/wav/test.wav"
Training command (25 epoch, 1 subject)
python main.py --dataset vocaset --vertice_dim 15069 --feature_dim 64 --period 30 --train_subjects "FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA" --val_subjects "FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA" --test_subjects "FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA" --max_epoch 25
Demo command
python demo.py --model_name vocaset --wav_path "demo/wav/test.wav" --dataset vocaset --vertice_dim 15069 --feature_dim 64 --period 30 --fps 30 --train_subjects "FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA" --test_subjects "FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA" --condition FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA --subject FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA
Render command python render.py --dataset MEAD --subject_id M005 --vertice_dim 15354
Training command
python main.py --dataset vocaset --vertice_dim 15069 --feature_dim 64 --period 30 --train_subjects "FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA FaceTalk_170904_00128_TA FaceTalk_170725_00137_TA FaceTalk_170915_00223_TA FaceTalk_170811_03274_TA FaceTalk_170913_03279_TA FaceTalk_170904_03276_TA FaceTalk_170912_03278_TA" --val_subjects "FaceTalk_170811_03275_TA FaceTalk_170908_03277_TA" --test_subjects "FaceTalk_170809_00138_TA FaceTalk_170731_00024_TA"
Demo command
python demo.py --model_name vocaset --wav_path "demo/wav/test.wav" --dataset vocaset --vertice_dim 15069 --feature_dim 64 --period 30 --fps 30 --train_subjects "FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA FaceTalk_170904_00128_TA FaceTalk_170725_00137_TA FaceTalk_170915_00223_TA FaceTalk_170811_03274_TA FaceTalk_170913_03279_TA FaceTalk_170904_03276_TA FaceTalk_170912_03278_TA" --test_subjects "FaceTalk_170809_00138_TA FaceTalk_170731_00024_TA" --condition FaceTalk_170913_03279_TA --subject FaceTalk_170809_00138_TA