% Predicates
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So how do you write a funtion that takes a function as a parameter? Well, for
starters, let's define a function called (apply-1 f x)
that should return
(f x)
(defn apply-1 [f x]
(f x))
When you take a function as a parameter, you treat it like any other parameter. In clojure functions are just normal values and you can pass them around however you like. Calling a function parameter works like calling any other function.
(apply-1 str 13) ;=> (str 13) ;=> "13"
(sum-f inc dec 4) ;=> 8
(sum-f inc identity 5) ;=> 11
(sum-f identity - 10) ;=> 0
A function that returns a boolean value (false
or true
) is called a
predicate. Usually their name ends in a question mark ?
. We've already
defined a bunch of them and used them with filter
Let's write a function that returns a predicate. Suppose that I want to get all numbers greater than some limit from a sequence. I need a predicate for this grater than testing. Here's a function that returns such predicates.
(defn greater-than [n]
(fn [k] (> k n)))
We've already formed helper functions with fn
. Since these functions are
just values, we can just return them.
Let's try it out:
(filter (greater-than 5) [4 6 5 0 9 2 12]) ;=> (6 9 12)
(filter (less-than 3) [1 2 3 4 5]) ;=> (1 2)
(filter (less-than 4) [-2 12 3 4 0]) ;=> (-2 3 0)
(filter (equal-to 2) [2 1 3 2.0]) ;=> (2 2.0)
(filter (equal-to 2) [3 4 5 6]) ;=> ()
When you have a bunch of maps, you often want to filter those that have a
certain :keyword
as a key. Most of the time, you can just use the :keyword
itself as a predicate.
Here are some graphic novels, some of them belong to a series and some are stand alones.
(def graphic-novels [{:name "Yotsuba 1" :series "Yotsuba"}
{:name "Yotsuba 5" :series "Yotsuba"}
{:name "Persepolis"}
{:name "That Yellow Bastard" :series "Sin City"}
{:name "The Hard Goodbye" :series "Sin City"}
{:name "Maus"}
{:name "Solanin"}
{:name "Monster 3" :series "Monster"}])
Now it's easy to filter those that belong to a series:
(filter :series graphic-novels)
;=> ({:name "Yotsuba 1", :series "Yotsuba"}
; {:name "Yotsuba 5", :series "Yotsuba"}
; {:name "That Yellow Bastard", :series "Sin City"}
; {:name "The Hard Goodbye", :series "Sin City"}
; {:name "Monster 3", :series "Monster"})
Trouble arises when the value for :keyword
can be nil
or false
. No
worries though, we can write a function that turns any key into a predicate.
(defn key->predicate [a-key]
(fn [a-map] (contains? a-map a-key)))
And these predicates can be used in the same way.
(filter (key->predicate "Name") [{"Name" "Joe"} {"Blargh" 3}])
;=> ({"Name" "Joe"})
A similar thing happens when you want to use a set as a predicate. Set's act
as functions and they work like this. (a-set x)
evaluates to
is ina-set
Now you can use a set as a predicate as long as it doesn't contain false
. You can, for example, use this with filter
to get all element's in a
sequence that are also elements of a set:
(filter #{1 2 3} [0 2 4 6]) ;=> (2)
Trouble arises, as mentioned, if the set happens to have falsey values in it.
(filter #{1 2 3 nil} [0 2 4 6 nil]) ;=> (2)
Let's write a function that turns sets into predicates that works correctly even in this case.
Write the function `(set->predicate a-set)` that takes `a-set` as a parameter and returns a predicate that takes `x` as a parameter and- returns
is ina-set
- otherwise returns
(filter (set->predicate #{1 2 3}) [0 2 4 6]) ;=> (2)
(filter (set->predicate #{1 2 3 nil}) [2 nil 4 nil 6]) ;=> (2 nil nil)
Sometimes you have a predicate that almost does what you want. For an example,
suppose I want to filter all non-negative values from a sequence. There's
and pos?
, but neither allow 0
. I could do something like this:
(defn non-negatives [a-seq]
(let [non-negative? (fn [n] (not (neg? n)))]
(filter non-negative? a-seq)))
(non-negatives [1 -2 9 4 0 -100 2 0 2]) ;=> (1 0 3 0 7)
Wanting to get the opposite result of a predicate is actually common enough
that there's a function for this. It is called complement
. (complement pred)
takes a predicate and returns a new predicate that returns true
when pred
returns a falsey value and false
when pred
returns a truthy
((complement neg?) -5)
;=> (not (neq? -5))
;=> (not true)
;=> false
((complement neg?) 0) ;=> true
((complement neg?) 12) ;=> true
Now we can write non-negatives
using complement
(defn non-negatives [a-seq]
(filter (complement neg?) a-seq))
Okay, so complement
both takes a function as a parameter and returns a new
function. Let's see the definition of complement
(defn complement [predicate]
(fn [x] (not (predicate x))))
Sometimes you have multiple predicates and you want to know whethet a value or some values pass all of them. Let's create a helper function to do just that.
Write the function `(pred-and pred1 pred2)` that returns a new predicate that:- returns
if bothpred1
- otherwise returns
Suppose I wanted all even positive numbers from a sequence. With pred-and
this should be easy.
(filter (pred-and pos? even?) [1 2 -4 0 6 7 -3]) ;=> [2 6]
Here are some other test cases:
(filter (pred-and pos? odd?) [1 2 -4 0 6 7 -3]) ;=> [1 7]
(filter (pred-and (complement nil?) empty?) [[] '() nil {} #{}])
;=> [[] '() {} #{}]
- returns
returns true - otherwise returns
(filter (pred-or pos? odd?) [1 2 -4 0 6 7 -3]) ;=> [1 2 6 7 -3]
(filter (pred-or pos? even?) [1 2 -4 0 6 7 -3]) ;=> [1 2 -4 0 6 7]
Sometimes you want to know if every element in a sequence satisfies a
predicate. To do that, there's (every? predicate a-seq)
. It returns true
if predicate
returns a truthy value for every element in a-seq
. Otherwise
it returns false
(every? pos? [1 2 3]) ;=> true
(every? pos? [0 1 2 3]) ;=> false -- (pos? 0) ;=> false
It also always returns true
with an empty collection.
(every? pos? []) ;=> true
(every? pos? nil) ;=> true
Remember that strings can be used as a sequence of characters with
sequence functions like every?
. A function whitespace?
that tells
if a character is whitespace is defined for you in the source file.
(blank? " \t\n\t ") ;=> true
(blank? " \t a") ;=> false
(blank? "") ;=> true
5370 public static boolean isWhitespace(CharSequence cs) {
5371 if (cs == null) {
5372 return false;
5373 }
5374 int sz = cs.length();
5375 for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
5376 if (Character.isWhitespace(cs.charAt(i)) == false) {
5377 return false;
5378 }
5379 }
5380 return true;
5381 }
This is a good example about how the ability to easily pass around functions as parameters can improve clarity.
Earlier we had some books, let's add some data to them. Let's keep track of some awards.
(def china {:name "China Miéville", :birth-year 1972})
(def octavia {:name "Octavia E. Butler"
:birth-year 1947
:death-year 2006})
(def kay {:name "Guy Gavriel Kay" :birth-year 1954})
(def dick {:name "Philip K. Dick", :birth-year 1928, :death-year 1982})
(def zelazny {:name "Roger Zelazny", :birth-year 1937, :death-year 1995})
(def authors #{china, octavia, kay, dick, zelazny})
(def cities {:title "The City and the City" :authors #{china}
:awards #{:locus, :world-fantasy, :hugo}})
(def wild-seed {:title "Wild Seed", :authors #{octavia}})
(def lord-of-light {:title "Lord of Light", :authors #{zelazny}
:awards #{:hugo}})
(def deus-irae {:title "Deus Irae", :authors #{dick, zelazny}})
(def ysabel {:title "Ysabel", :authors #{kay}, :awards #{:world-fantasy}})
(def scanner-darkly {:title "A Scanner Darkly" :authors #{dick}})
(def books #{cities, wild-seed, lord-of-light,
deus-irae, ysabel, scanner-darkly}])
(has-award? ysabel :world-fantasy) ;=> true
(has-award? scanner-darkly :hugo) ;=> false
(HAS-ALL-THE-AWARDS? cities #{:locus})
;=> true
(HAS-ALL-THE-AWARDS? cities #{:locus :world-fantasy :hugo})
;=> true
(HAS-ALL-THE-AWARDS? cities #{:locus :world-fantasy :hugo :pulitzer})
;=> false
(HAS-ALL-THE-AWARDS? lord-of-light #{:locus :world-fantasy :hugo})
;=> false
(HAS-ALL-THE-AWARDS? lord-of-light #{:hugo})
;=> true
(HAS-ALL-THE-AWARDS? scanner-darkly #{})
;=> true
Finally, when you wan't to know if at least one element of a sequence passes a
predicate, there is (some pred a-seq)
which returns a truthy value if pred
returns a truthy value for some element in a-seq
and otherwise it returns
(some whitespace? "Kekkonen") ;=> nil
(some whitespace? "Kekkonen Kekkonen") ;=> True
(some even? [1 2 3]) ;=> true
(some even? [1 3]) ;=> false
Why some
and not some?
? Well, some
is not actually a predicate.
It returns the first truthy value returned by pred
, and functions
ending in ?
should return strictly true
or false
. This is often
useful, but sometimes you need to be careful with it.
(some first [[] [1 2] []]) ;=> 1
(some first [[] [false true] []] ;=> nil
(some nil? [1 nil 2]) ;=> true
Hint: You might find map
, filter
and first
useful (you won't necessarily
need them all).
(my-some even? [1 3 5 7]) ;=> falsey
(my-some even? [1 3 5 7 8]) ;=> true
(my-some neg? [1 3 5 0 7 8]) ;=> falsey
(my-some neg? [1 3 5 0 7 -1 8]) ;=> true
(my-some neg? []) ;=> falsey
(my-some first [[false] [1]]) ;=> 1
(my-some first [[false] []]) ;=> falsey
(my-some nil? [1 2]) ;=> falsey
(my-some nil? [1 nil 2]) ;=> true
Hint: the previous hint applies. empty?
and complement
might come in handy
as well.
(my-every? pos? [1 2 3 4]) ;=> true
(my-every? pos? [1 2 3 4 0]) ;=> false
(my-every? even? [2 4 6]) ;=> true
(my-every? even? []) ;=> true
The function (range k n)
returns the sequence
(k (+ k 1) (+ k 2) ... (- n 1))
Here's a concrete example:
(range 2 10) ;=> (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
A positive integer p
is a prime number if the only positive numbers dividing
are p
and 1
Your solution should be of the form
(defn prime? [n]
(let [pred ...]
(not (some pred (range 2 n)))))
Here are some tests:
(prime? 4) ;=> false
(prime? 7) ;=> true
(prime? 10) ;=> false
(filter prime? (range 2 50)) ;=> (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47)