Releases: linuxserver/docker-swag
LinuxServer Changes:
Existing users should update: nginx.conf, proxy.conf, and ssl.conf - Minor cleanups and reordering.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.9.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Existing users should update: nginx.conf, proxy.conf, and ssl.conf - Minor cleanups and reordering.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.9.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Existing users should update: nginx.conf, proxy.conf, and ssl.conf - Minor cleanups and reordering.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.9.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Existing users should update: nginx.conf, proxy.conf, and ssl.conf - Minor cleanups and reordering.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.9.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Existing users should update: nginx.conf, proxy.conf, and ssl.conf - Minor cleanups and reordering.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.8.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Existing users should update: nginx.conf, proxy.conf, and ssl.conf - Minor cleanups and reordering.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.8.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Update nginx.conf - Added geoip2 configs. Added MAXMINDDB_LICENSE_KEY variable to readme.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.8.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Add php7-xsl.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.8.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Add php7-xsl.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.8.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Update nginx.conf and proxy.conf (and various proxy samples) to better handle websockets.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.8.0