plots vertical profiles of the specified variable in struct argo
as a function of depth (PRES_ADJUSTED); where argo
is a struct created by argo_build
and variable
is a field name.
adds number annotations to the markers by default annotate=0
. Set annotate=1
to turn on annotation. The annotations of profiles correspond to those of argo_profiles_map
called on the same struct.
is the string name of the field (of argo
) to be plotted as a vertical profile
% Get variable information:
argo_dir = '/Users/lnferris/Documents/GitHub/ocean_data_tools/data/argo/*profiles*.nc';
listing = dir(argo_dir);
ncdisp([listing(1).folder '/' listing(1).name]) % Peek at netCDF header info to inform choice of variable_list.
% Load Argo data from west of New Zealand:
region = [-60.0 -50.0 150.0 160.0]; % Search region [-90 90 -180 180]
start_date = '28-Dec-2016 00:00:00';
end_date = '01-Jan-2017 00:00:00';
variable_list = {'TEMP_ADJUSTED','PSAL_ADJUSTED'};
[argo,matching_files] = argo_build(argo_dir,region,start_date,end_date,variable_list);
% Plot profiles with annotations:
variable = 'TEMP_ADJUSTED'; % See object for options.
annotate = 1;
argo_profiles(argo,variable,annotate) % annotate optional, 1=on 0=off
% Map profiles with annotations:
annotate = 1;
argo_profiles_map(argo,annotate) % annotate optional, 1=on 0=off
bathymetry_plot(bathymetry_extract(bathymetry_dir,bounding_region(argo)),'2Dcontour') % add bathymetry contours