- game logic
- gui, text, hud (-> +crosshair)
- Fog!
- Sky!
- Antialias!
- saving and loading
- Optimize meshing: see glescraft
- switch from GLEW to glbinding BECAUSE IT IS FREAKING AWESOME
- modularize voxel generator
- use/add polyvoxel
- add speed cap/limit
- remove those randomly generated mysterious staircases
- don't let the user quit with altf4!!
- Currently, when the distance to hold the blocks is far away, the block jumps far away when picked up. Change this behaviour: when picked up, the holding distance is adjusted for the block not to jump away. (hope you get it)
- blocks stutter when placed and picked up (especially when there are big chunks) (can be fixed by making chunks smaller)
- Sometimes when picking up, especially the first time, the player seems to pick up itself; he jumps a bit forward doing it and the blocks is not grabbed