From any Alpine component inside a Magewire component, you can access a magic $wire
object to access and manipulate the
Magewire component.
class Explanation extends \Magewirephp\Magewire\Component
public $foo = 'bar';
<div x-data>
<h1 x-text="$"></h1>
<button x-on:click="$wire.set('foo', Math.random())">Increment</button>
gives you access to the Magewire component properties using AlpineJS. To avoid misunderstandings, you can also usewire:click="$set('foo', Math.random())"
to set the value of thefoo
property. This is just a demonstration of howx-text
can be used in combination with Magewire.
Syncing data between AlpineJS and Magewire is made easy with the $wire.entangle()
method. This powerful method creates
a seamless two-way binding between an AlpineJS property and a Magewire property, ensuring that any changes made to one
property are automatically reflected in the other. This simplifies data synchronization and helps maintain consistency
between the two frameworks.
class Explanation extends \Magewirephp\Magewire\Component
public $foo = 'bar';
<?php /** @var Explanation $magewire */ ?>
<div x-data="{ foo: $wire.entangle('foo') }">
<input type="text" x-model="foo">
<!-- The value of the `foo` property can be accessed using Alpine JS: -->
<p x-text="foo"></p>
<!-- Alternatively, it can also be accessed using Magewire: -->
<?= $magewire->foo ?>
We bind an input field to an AlpineJS property called 'foo', and use $wire.entangle
to bind it to a Magewire property with the same name. When the input field is updated, the 'foo' property is updated in both AlpineJS and Magewire.
Note: The public property you want to sync must be declared in both Magewire (via a public property) and AlpineJS (via x-data).
class Explanation extends \Magewirephp\Magewire\Component
public $foo = [
0 => [
'foo' => 'bar',
'nonNumericKey' => [
0 => 'fooBar',
<div x-data>
<!-- Output 'bar' -->
<span x-text="$[0].foo"></span>
<span x-text="$['0'].foo"></span>
<span x-text="$[0]['foo']"></span>
<!-- Output 'fooBar' -->
<span x-text="$[0]"></span>
<span x-text="$['0']"><span>
<span x-text="$['nonNumericKey'][0]"></span>