I will no longer support this as there is no use for this anymore, as Sveltekit brings it's own router.
Is a really basic file-based router. Uses Navaid as one of the smallest available routers. Currently only works with pure svelte (no sapper), but should easily be converted to whatever you want.
npm i svelte-navaid-filebased
In your src/
folder create a folder called routes. This is where this package will start putting the routes together.
Put this in your package.json
"generate": "svelte-navaid-filebased"
and run
npm run generate
You should see that in the folder you just created (src/routes
) a new file called Routes.svelte
will be created.
In your App.svelte
.... <!-- Other imports -->
import Routes from './Routes.svelte'
<!-- Maybe put your navbar here -->
<!-- Create your site layout -->
<Routes /> <!-- This is where your different pages will be displayed-->
Thats it! All the configuration we need is done. So lets start creating our first page!
In src/routes
create a file index.svelte
and put in some text. Rerun npm run generate
to update the routes, and start your dev server. You should already see the text you tiped in.
All files called index.svelte
will be mapped to the route /
of the current directory. So if you have a file pages/edit/index.svelte
the route for this file will be pages/edit
Can I have access to the url params? Sure. Just create a file pages/edit/[pageid].svelte
(where [...]
are important). The in your component write
..... <!-- Imports -->
export let params;
..... <!-- other code -->
With params.pageid
you will get access to the urlparam.
With the option -D
the package will start in dev mode. This means, that every time you create / move / remove a file in src/routes
it will automatically generate the new routes. In most of the cases you do not even need to restart your server.
But i know, you don't like to start your server and this package one after the other. So lets make a few modifications to our package.json
First lets install npm install npm-run-all
Now paste this into your package.json
"dev": "run-p dev:routes dev:svelte",
"dev:svelte": "rollup -c -w",
"dev:routes": "svelte-navaid-filebased -D",
and run npm run dev
Done! your Routes will autogenrate when you make changes to your files.
Here are the few available options:
svelte-navaid-filebased -h
Generates a Router based on a folder-structure
$ genrate [dir] [options]
-d, --dir the location of the routes directory (default src/routes/)
-b, --basepath the location of the routes directory (default /)
-o, --output the file where the routes should be written to (default src/Routes.svelte)
-D, --dev enable dev mode and watch dir
-v, --version Displays current version
-h, --help Displays this message
Contributions welcome. Just open a Pull-Request or Issue!