This is the backend specification for the Assignmintz application.
Request (application/json)
{ "user_name": "ronnie1", "name": "testname", "email": "", "passwd": "passhash", "role": "student" }
Response 201 (application/json)
Response 400 (application/json)
{ "Bad request format or missing parameters." }
Request (application/json)
{ "user_name": "ronnie1", "passwd": "passhash" }
Response 201 (application/json)
{ "session_id": session_id, "user_name": user_name }
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "User does not exist." }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ "Bad request format, check JSON" }
Request (application/json)
{ "user_id":user_id, "session_id":session_id }
Response 201 (application/json)
Response 404 (application/json) { "User does not exist or session is expired." }
Response 400 (application/json) { "logout": { "invalid_user_and_key": "Invalid username or session key" } }
Request (application/json)
"session_key": "231c5279b2804736aa32255462449c2a", "user_name": "dumbledore", "course_id": "601.461", "course_title": "Stuff 101", "visible": "True", "description": "Stuff is cool.", "professor": "/backend/v1/user/dumbledore/", "students": [] } -
Response 201 (application/json)
Response 400 (application/json) "course": { "dup_course_id": "Course id already exists" }
"course": { "invalid_user_or_session": "Invalid username or session key" } { "error": "The 'professor' field has no data and doesn't allow a default or null value." } { "error": "The 'students' field has no data and doesn't allow a null value." }
Response 204 (application/json)
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find a course with the given course ID" }
Request (application/json)
{ "assignment_id": "2", "session_key": "67743fdae6c44735a12aa9fdc8f22c66", "user_name": "prof_name" "assignment_name": "Assignment 1", "assignment_type": "hw", "course": "/backend/v1/course/601.452/", "due_date": "2013-01-29T12:34:56.000000Z", "expected_difficulty": "3", "actual_difficulty": "4", "expected_time": "3.4", "actual_time": "5.4", "priority": "5", "percent_complete": "33.3", "visible": "True", "description": "Typing" }
Response 201 (application/json)
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find a professor with the given ID." }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ "professor/assignment": { "invalid_user_and_key": "Invalid username or session key" } } { "error": "Datetime provided to 'due_date' field doesn't appear to be a valid datetime string: '2013-01-29T12:34:56000000Z'" }
Response 204 (application/json)
{ "Assignment deleted." }
Response 400 (application/json)
Errors will be the usual bas requests documented previously.
Request (application/json)
{ "professor_id": prof_id, "updated_date": "newDateTime" }
Response 200 (application/json)
{ "assignment_id": id }
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find a professor or assignment with the given ID." }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ "Missing or incorrect request parameters." }
Request (application/json)
{ "professor_id": prof_id, "class_id": class_id, "ta_name": "name", "times": map_of_office_hours }
Response 201 (application/json)
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find a professor or assignment with the given ID." }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ "Missing or incorrect request parameters." }
Request (application/json)
{ "professor_id": prof_id, "class_id": class_id, "ta_name": "name", "old_time": dateTime, "new_time": dateTime }
Response 200 (application/json)
{ "current_office_hours": map_of_office_hours }
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find a professor or assignment with the given ID." }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ "Missing or incorrect request parameters." }
Request (application/json)
{ "student_id": student_id, "priority": priority_value, "difficulty": difficultyValue }
Response 201 (application/json)
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find a student with the given ID." }
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find an assignment for the given student with the requested assignment id." }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ "Missing or incorrect request parameters." }
Request (application/json)
{ "student_id": student_id }
Response 200 (application/json)
{ "subtasks": updated_subtasks }
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find a student with the given ID." }
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find an assignment for the given student with the requested assignment id." }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ "Missing or incorrect request parameters." }
Request (application/json)
{ "student_id": student_id, "new_title": "new_title", "new_description": "new_description" }
Response 200 (application/json)
{ "subtasks": updated_subtasks }
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find a student with the given ID." }
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find an assignment for the given student with the requested assignment id." }
Response 404 (application/json)
{ "Could not find a subtask for the given student with the requested assignment id." }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ "Missing or incorrect request parameters." }