evcc is a common interface to charge electric vehicles. By default, evcc fetching the required data (meters/sites: grid, PV & battery states) directly from your PV/Battery System. This implies that the load on your PV/Battery system will increase and this could lead unfortunately to internal errors (this just happen to me when I tried to configue evcc via the default SENEC template that is included in evcc).
We have already all data (evcc needs) in Home Assistant! - so why not simply use this information and provide it to evcc? The good news is, that this is possible - the bad news is, that' IMHO way to complicated for the average user to configure this.
So I will provide here an example evcc.yml (meters and site section) that can be used in oder that evcc will be fed with data from your HA installation (having my SENEC.Home Integration installed).
This tutorial could be used also with other solar integrations - but you need to replace the corresponding sensor entities with the ones that match.
As mentioned in the introduction, with the SENEC.Home integration for HA we have already all home-installation data evcc going to need - we just need a way to provide this HA sensor data to evcc.
Before we can use the HA-API to read sensor data via http, we need some sort of access (for evcc) to the API. Therefor you need to create so-called Long-lived access token. This can be done in the Security tab of your Profile.
You can open this via http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/profile/security
Create a new token via the Create Token button, specify a name (e.g. 'evcc-access') and then copy the generated token to your clipboard (and paste it to a secure place). A token will look like this:
Please do not share your token anywhere! [the token above is really just an example!] - you need to replace all occurrences of [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
in the following example evcc.yml section with your generated token.
This step is only required, if you want to use alternative HA sensors. In order to support the core features of evcc we need at least current grid power. SENEC.Home.V4 users must use the alternative sensors as they are provided by the 'webapi'. But since this is a SENEC.Home tutorial I will provide here (my) full list of sensors:
- Power (negative when exporting power to the grid, positive when importing power from the grid)
- Current of P1,P2 & P3:
- Power (negative when exporting power to the grid, positive when importing power from the grid)
- Generated power by PV (total):
- Generated power by PV (total):
- Battery power, negative when consumed by battery (charging) (Please note, that evcc expects a positive value when battery will be charged and a negative when energy from battery will be consumed - we deal with this in the meters configuration later)
- State of Charge (in percent)
- Battery power, negative when consumed by battery (charging) (Please note, that evcc expects a positive value when battery will be charged and a negative when energy from battery will be consumed - we deal with this in the meters configuration later)
Optional Aux:
Electrical consumption of my waterkotte heatpump:
Electrical consumption of my pool pump & heating (Shelly):
Electrical consumption of my garden (water) pump (Shelly):
Below you will find a valid evcc meters configuration - but you have to make two replacements:
The text '[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]' have to be replaced with the IP/host name of your Home Assistant installation.
E.g. when your HA is reachable via:, then you need to replaced
The text '[YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]' have to be replaced with the Long-lived access token you have just created in HA.
E.g. when your token is:
, then you need to replaced[YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
with this (long) token text.
So as short example (with all replacements) would look like:
source: http
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiIzNWVjNzg5M2Y0ZjQ0MzBmYjUwOGEwMmU4N2Q0MzFmNyIsImlhdCI6MTcxNTUwNzYxMCwiZXhwIjoyMDMwODY3NjEwfQ.GMWO8saHpawkjNzk-uokxYeaP0GFKPQSeDoP3lCO488
insecure: true
- name: SENEC.grid
type: custom
source: http
uri: http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/api/states/sensor.senec_grid_state_power
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
insecure: true
jq: .state|tonumber
timeout: 2s
- source: http
uri: http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/api/states/sensor.senec_enfluri_net_current_p1
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
insecure: true
jq: .state|tonumber
timeout: 2s
- source: http
uri: http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/api/states/sensor.senec_enfluri_net_current_p2
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
insecure: true
jq: .state|tonumber
timeout: 2s
- source: http
uri: http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/api/states/sensor.senec_enfluri_net_current_p3
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
insecure: true
jq: .state|tonumber
timeout: 2s
- name: SENEC.pv
type: custom
source: http
uri: http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/api/states/sensor.senec_solar_generated_power
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
insecure: true
jq: .state|tonumber
timeout: 2s
- name: SENEC.bat
type: custom
source: http
uri: http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/api/states/sensor.senec_battery_state_power
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
insecure: true
jq: .state|tonumber * -1 # this does the trick to invert the sensor value for evcc
timeout: 2s
source: http
uri: http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/api/states/sensor.senec_battery_charge_percent
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
insecure: true
jq: .state|tonumber
timeout: 2s
Just to demonstrate the general concept of adding additional AUX senors (all this will be part of the evcc.yaml meters section)
- name: AUX.heat
type: custom
source: http
uri: http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/api/states/sensor.wkh_power_electric
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
insecure: true
jq: .state|tonumber
timeout: 2s
- name: AUX.pool
type: custom
source: http
uri: http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/api/states/sensor.kanal_1_pool_power
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
insecure: true
jq: .state|tonumber
timeout: 2s
- name: AUX.gardenpump
type: custom
source: http
uri: http://[YOUR-HA-INSTANCE]:8123/api/states/sensor.kanal_2_power
method: GET
- Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-TOKEN-HERE]
insecure: true
jq: .state|tonumber
timeout: 2s
Use the following meters in your evcc.ymal site
configuration (obviously use the aux
only if you have similar entries):
grid: SENEC.grid
- SENEC.pv
- SENEC.bat
- AUX.heat
- AUX.pool
- AUX.gardenpump
- Create an Long-lived access token in HA
- Configure the different evcc meter's (in evcc.yaml) via the
type: custom
and providepower
) - Optional: Add additional AUX sources
- Configure your evcc site
- Be happy evcc user without putting extra load on your SENEC.Home!
When you have issues with the http requests to your HA instance, you might like to enable TRACE log level of evcc in order to find the root cause.
log: trace