This is a holding pen for abbreviations that I run into -- but only infrequently -- that may need definition and/or context later...
Acronym or Abbreviation | Expanded Text | Context |
ACGIH | American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists | Emergency Response |
AEGL | Acute Exposure Guideline Level | Emergency Response |
CASRN | CAS Registry Number | Emergency Response |
CCS | carbon, capture, and storage | Big Oil, Big Ag, petrochemical extraction, energy production |
CFD | computational fluid dynamics | Fluid flow modeling |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | |
CO2 | carbon dioxide | climate change, chemistry, biology, environmental studies, health |
CPM | computational pipeline monitoring | Fluid pipeline infrastructure & operation |
EOR | enhanced oil recovery | |
ERPG | emergency response planning guidelines | Emergency Response |
ESWH | Electric Storage Water Heater (Electric Resistance or Electric Heat Pump) | water heater efficiency analysis |
GSWH | Gas Storage Water Heater | water heater efficiency analysis |
HAZCOM | hazardous communication | Emergency Response |
HAZWOPER | OSHA’s Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard | Emergency Response |
HCA | high consequence areas | Emergency Response |
HSE | health, safety, and environment | Emergency Response |
HVL | highly volatile liquid | Emergency Response |
ICS | Incident Command System | Emergency Response |
IDLH | immediately dangerous to life or health | Emergency Response |
LEPC | local emergency planning committee | Emergency Response |
NCEI | National Centers for Environmental Information | Emergency Response |
NIMS | National Incident Management System | Emergency Response |
NIOSH | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | |
NRC | National Response Center | Emergency Response |
O2 | oxygen | climate change, chemistry, biology, environmental studies, health |
OSWH | Oil Storage Water Heater | water heater efficiency analysis |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration | |
OSRO | oil spill removal organization | Emergency Response |
PAC | protective action criteria per SCAPA (see below) | Emergency Response |
PEL | permissible exposure limit | Emergency Response |
PHMSA | United States Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration | Emergency Response |
PPE | personal protective equipment | Emergency Response |
PPM | part per million | |
PREP | Preparedness for Response Exercise Program | Emergency Response |
PSI | per square inch | |
RE | recovery efficiency | water heater efficiency analysis |
REL | recommended exposure limits | Emergency Response |
ROW | right of way | |
SAR | supplied air respirator | Emergency Response |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition | Control systems |
SCAPA | U.S. Department of Energy’s Subcommittee on Consequence Assessment and Protective Actions | Emergency Response |
SCBA | self-contained breathing apparatus | Emergency Response |
STEL | short-term exposure limit | Emergency Response |
TEEL | temporary emergency exposure limit | Emergency Response |
TLV | threshold limit values per ACGIH (see above) | Emergency Response |
TWA | time-weighted average | Emergency Response |
UEF | uniform energy factor | The higher the energy factor, the more efficient the appliance should be. Energy conversion efficiency of residential appliances. Water heater efficiency analysis. |