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Mento Deployment

This repo contains scripts for deploying & proposing upgrades to the Mento protocol. It can be used for both Mento and Celo governance proposals. Deployments for the core contracts are done using Foundry solidity scripting.

Getting Started

# Get the latest code
git clone

# Change directory to the the newly cloned repo
cd mento-deployment

# Install the project dependencies & build the contracts
yarn install && forge install && forge build

# Create your .env file (Replace the PK for deployer account)
cp .env.example .env

# Pull secrets from GCP
yarn secrets:get

# Execute scripts using forge script command
forge script DeployCircuitBreaker --rpc-url $ALFAJORES_RPC_URL --broadcast --legacy --verify --verifier sourcify

Deployment Structure

The deployment scripts are organized in the following structure:

  • contracts/: Contains helper contracts that aren't core, for example a DummyERC20 contract used on testnets
  • script/: Contains all the Foundry deployment scripts
    • script/upgrades/: Contains all the upgrade scripts, which serve as a migration from one version of mento to another
      • script/upgrades/MU01/: Contains all the upgrade scripts to migrate from version v1.0.0. to v2.0.0
    • script/dev/: Contains dev scripts that are used in the deployment process, especially on testnets, but aren't central to the upgrade.
    • script/utils/: Contains helpers and utilities used in the deployment and governance operations using Celo Governance.
    • script/utils/mento: Contains helpers and utilities used in the deployment and governance operations using Mento Governance.
  • bin/: Contains bash/typescript scripts that are used to execute the deployment process.
  • broadcast/: Contains the broadcasted transactions for the deployment process.


The scripts tend to follow a similar structure, and are either simple helpers or wrappers for the forge script command.

General options will include:

  • -n: The network to run on, e.g. celo or alfajores
  • -u: The upgrade number, e.g. MU01
  • -g: The governance that will be used, e.g. celo or mento

Check the script file for more details on usage but here's a quick overview:

# Clean the broadcast folder, will remove all broadcast files pertaining to that network and upgrade combination
> yarn clean -n alfajores -u MU01

# Show the list of deployed contracts and their addresses
> yarn show -n alfajores -u MU01
# ...

# Run a development script, with no selector
> yarn script:dev -n alfajores
 Network is alfajores
👇 Pick a script to run
1) AddOtherReserveAddress        4) CreateMockBridgedUSDC
2) ChangeTestnetMockBridgedUSDC  5) DrainPartialReserve
3) CreateMockBridgedEUROC        6) FundPartialReserve

# Run a development script by index
> yarn script:dev -n alfajores -i 2
📠 Network is alfajores
🔥 Running CreateMockBridgedUSDC

# Run a development script by name
> yarn script:dev -n alfajores -s CreateMockBridgedUSDC
📠 Network is alfajores
🔥 Running CreateMockBridgedUSDC

# Run an upgrade deployment, will run all deploy scripts in an upgrade
> yarn deploy -n alfajores -u MU01

# Submit an upgrade proposal, will output the proposal ID
> yarn cgp -n alfajores -u MU01 -g celo

# Pass a CGP on testnets
> yarn cgp:pass -n alfajores -g celo -p <proposal-id>