Welcome to Metafy. Please familiarize yourself with our community guidelines, as they are essential for creating a positive and enjoyable experience for all members.
Respect and civility are paramount: hate speech, harassment, threats, and sharing personal information are strictly prohibited and may result in immediate bans.
All posts should relate to gaming or gaming culture. Check for similar content before posting to avoid creating duplicates. Repetitive, low-effort, or low-quality posts may be removed at moderator discretion.
No explicit or violent content, including gore, pornography, and animal cruelty.
Refrain from posting misinformation, clickbait, and sensationalist content. Impersonating users or public figures with the intent to mislead others is not allowed.
Posts aimed solely at eliciting follows, comments, reactions, or engagement for self-promotion or XP farming purposes are not allowed. Personal promotion and advertising must be confined to your Profile Feed and the Metafy Marketplace. Additionally, refrain from using affiliate links, URL shorteners, promoting cryptocurrencies, posting job listings, or requesting free items. Furthermore, using multiple alt accounts to artificially boost your own content via reactions or other means is also not allowed.
Engaging in the sharing, facilitation, or promotion of piracy, hacking, cheating, or advocating the circumvention of terms of service is forbidden and will lead to an immediate ban.
Constructive feedback is welcomed in our Discord server. Disputes regarding post removals or account bans should also be addressed there. Any attempt to circumvent moderator actions on your account will lead to additional measures taken against it.