- The driver is executing at an IRQL that is too high for the function that it is calling. Consult the WDK documentation for the function and verify the IRQL at which the function can be called. + The driver is executing at an IRQL that is too high for the function that it is calling. Consult the WDK documentation for the function and verify the IRQL at which the function can be called. If you have applied custom IRQL annotations to your own functions, confirm that they are accurate.
- The driver is executing at an IRQL that is too low for the function that it is calling. Consult the WDK documentation for the function and verify the IRQL at which the function can be called. + The driver is executing at an IRQL that is too low for the function that it is calling. Consult the WDK documentation for the function and verify the IRQL at which the function can be called. If you have applied custom IRQL annotations to your own functions, confirm that they are accurate.
+ The return type of a function pointer used in a function call should match the declaration of the calling function +
++ Verify function pointer is correct +
++ The function has raised the IRQL to a level above what is allowed. +
++ A function has been annotated as having a max IRQL, but the execution of that function raises the IRQL above that maximum. If you have applied custom IRQL annotations to your own functions, confirm that they are accurate. +
++ The function has lowered the IRQL to a level below what is allowed. +
++ A function has been annotated as having a minimum IRQL, but the execution of that function lowers the IRQL below that minimum. If you have applied custom IRQL annotations to your own functions, confirm that they are accurate. +
++ KeSetEvent must not be called in a paged segment when the Wait argument is set to TRUE. This can cause a system crash the segment is paged out. +
++ Adjust the KeSetEvent call to pass FALSE to the wait parameter. +
++ KeSetEvent must be called at DISPATCH_LEVEL or below. If the Wait argument is set to TRUE, it must be called at APC_LEVEL or below. Failure to follow these guidelines can lead to system crashes. +
++ Ensure that the IRQL at this statement is low enough. If you are calling with Wait set to TRUE, consider setting it to FALSE instead. +