$ node scripts/create-rule.js rule-name --author="Your name" --description="Description of the rule"
# OR with npm script alias
$ npm run create -- rule-name -- --author="Auz" --description="A cool rule"
This script will generate three files with basic boilerplate for the given rule:
- lib/rules/${rule-name}.js
- tests/lib/rules/${rule-name}-test.js
- docs/rules/${rule-name}.md
It will also update the following index.ts
- lib/index.ts
- lib/rules/index.ts
If the rule already exists or is not specified in the correct format, an error will be thrown.
If we wanted to scaffold a rule for no-marquee
, we could run:
$ node scripts/create-rule.js no-marquee --author="Ethan Cohen <@evcohen>" --description="Enforce <marquee> elements are not used."
# OR
$ npm run create -- no-marquee --author="Ethan Cohen <@evcohen>" --description="Enforce <marquee> elements are not used."
jscodeshift ./lib/index.ts -t ./scripts/addRuleToIndex.js --extensions ts --parser flow --ruleName=rule-name --rulePath=./lib/rules/rule-name.ts
jscodeshift ./lib/rules/index.ts -t ./scripts/addRuleToExportIndex.js --extensions ts --parser flow --ruleName=rule-name --exportIndexFilePath=./lib/rules/index.ts