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Python: Error in notebook 00-getting-started "field "memory" not yet prepared" #3104
@sqlshep I tried running the notebook and it seems to work fine. (Windows 10). Could you provide more context?. Specifically, your python3 version and the chat service you used. (AzureChatCompletion or OpenAIChatCompletion). This most likely seems like a python3 version problem. |
Python 3.8.8 It is from this notebook, I tried GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 |
Is there a work-around for this problem? |
Hi @matthewbolanos , I'm trying to find the status on this issue/bug, can you help me? I know it's out there I just don't know how to find it. |
I have a work around @sqlshep @matthewbolanos . The problem appears to be the pydantic package. I use conda, so i created a new environment, made sure there was no pydantic package, installed ipykernel and now the notebook runs ok Stop Press: it may not be pydantic that's causing the problem as it still is there! |
Assigning @moonbox3 to take a look at this issue to see why it might be happening. |
The environment that caused this issue is still available so that the error can be reproduced
From: Matthew Bolaños ***@***.***>
Sent: Tuesday, 28 November 2023 1:50 PM
To: microsoft/semantic-kernel ***@***.***>
Cc: Mike Allen ***@***.***>; Comment ***@***.***>
Subject: Re: [microsoft/semantic-kernel] Python: Error in notebook 00-getting-started "field "memory" not yet prepared" (Issue #3104)
Assigning @moonbox3<https://github.com/moonbox3> to take a look at this issue to see why it might be happening.
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Hi @MikeAinOz, @sqlshep if you do a
For my understanding: do you use virtual environments? I'm going to have to find access to an Apple device, potentially, to try and repro. |
This is running a in an Anaconda environment under Window 11:
(Stats) C:\Users\mike>python
Python 3.9.12 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Mar 24 2022, 23:17:03) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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From: Evan Mattson ***@***.***>
Sent: Thursday, 30 November 2023 4:32 AM
To: microsoft/semantic-kernel ***@***.***>
Cc: Mike Allen ***@***.***>; Mention ***@***.***>
Subject: Re: [microsoft/semantic-kernel] Python: Error in notebook 00-getting-started "field "memory" not yet prepared" (Issue #3104)
Hi @MikeAinOz<https://github.com/MikeAinOz>, @sqlshep<https://github.com/sqlshep>
if you do a pip list can you confirm the semantic-kernel installed version shows as:
semantic-kernel 0.3.15.dev0
For my understanding: do you use virtual environments? I'm going to have to find access to an Apple device, potentially, to try and repro.
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@MikeAinOz thanks for your reply. As a quicker way to unblock you, any chance you could use If it's a must to use Anaconda then I'll need to spend some time next week trying to repro the issue. It can be difficult to do given how Anaconda may set up the kernel, and such. |
I resolved the problem by creating a new anaconda environment and installing semantic kernel. I assume that semantic kernel is incompatible with one of the packages in my Stats environment. I guess what it really needs is either a code analysis with an AI (haha) or a progressive test on the package dependency tree to detect the failure point. I'm not technical enough to do either of these things, and there mat be a better solution. Perhaps put this on hold until there is another instance of this issue?
From: Evan Mattson ***@***.***>
Sent: Saturday, 2 December 2023 3:41 AM
To: microsoft/semantic-kernel ***@***.***>
Cc: Mike Allen ***@***.***>; Mention ***@***.***>
Subject: Re: [microsoft/semantic-kernel] Python: Error in notebook 00-getting-started "field "memory" not yet prepared" (Issue #3104)
@MikeAinOz<https://github.com/MikeAinOz> thanks for your reply. As a quicker way to unblock you, any chance you could use Poetry and setup SK per the following DEV_SETUP<https://github.com/microsoft/semantic-kernel/blob/main/python/DEV_SETUP.md#using-poetry> guidelines? Because we use Poetry you can easily create a virtual environment and install the necessary dependencies.
If it's a must to use Anaconda then I'll need to spend some time next week trying to repro the issue. It can be difficult to do given how Anaconda may set up the kernel, and such.
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Hi @MikeAinOz thank you for the update. Glad to hear you are now unblocked. Let's close this issue for now, and if you hit anything else related to this one, feel free to open it up. Otherwise, you can create a new issue, and we'll take a look. |
Describe the bug
While running python notebook 00-getting-started, in the last cell, that performs the "print(joke_function("time travel to dinosaur age"))". I receive the following error
**"ConfigError: field "memory" not yet prepared so type is still a ForwardRef, you might need to call SKContext.update_forward_refs()." **
I tried the SK Code in three notebooks, get the same error in all of them
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Load and run notebook 00-getting-started all the cells to the last cell
Expected behavior
Preferably not fail...
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Additional context
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: