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I am Michael, a product manger by day and avid gamer/napper/friend/learner whenever not working. I currently work at Hewlett Packard Enterprise developing new product offerings that would help customers monitor, manage, and maintain their hybrid cloud infrastructure environments.
In my free time I enjoy playing games, watching shows, hanging out with friends, and when I am motivated learning something new through articles, books, courses, videos, friends, etc.
This website was generated mainly to document my progress in learning something new throughout the year. The idea behind this is a way to not only hold myself accountable but also to share what I do learn during my journey of focusing on progression rather than end results.
I've always been someone that wanted to have everything be perfect, focusing in on the most minute details to ensure that the outcome exceeded expectations on things. This line of thinking led me to focus on reaching point 'A' to point 'B' in the most efficient and quick possible way. I saw no point in completely learning a general process or giving into my curiousity - as long as I could replicate something and reach my intended outcome or goal it was good enough for me and would allow me move onto the next item on my list of todos.
Although I was recognized for being an efficient and reliable taskmaster the general praise would eventually fade and lead to an overall sense of being stuck. If I zoomed out from a singular perspective of the task in front of me to see the "big picture" the point 'A' and point 'B' were no where in sight as there would always be a new task, goal, title, acheivement, etc. to strive for and without a definite answer what was the point of tirelessly hustling?
"Perfection is the focus on the outcome. Progression is the focus on the process"
This quote brought a new perspective I did not think of. Instead of putting so much weight on the outcome of something, finding a balance and enjoying the process of reaching an outcome could be just as rewarding as achieving the outcome itself. Embracing the ambiguity, inevitable failures, picking ourselves up, dusting off the pain of messing up, and learning/growing is rewarding in its own way. The progress made is as joyful as the perfect outcome.
This website is a log of sorts in my continuous journey of progression over perfection, feel free to follow along as I share my frustrations and pitfalls of learning something new, the light bulb moments when something clicks, and general musings of what interests me.