FAQ Menu
• CMI and Bungeecord info-, • Chance example, • CMI Chat manager, • Chat format info, • Chat filter, • Chat rooms, • CMI Commands info, • Custom Join and Leave, • CMI Economy manager, • Event commands, • Extending commands, • Getting started with CMI, • Glow info, • Create custom /help, • CMI Hex colors, • Importing data into CMI, • CMILib library info, • Customizing CMI Locale, • CMI Chat with LuckPerms prefix, • Migrate to MySQL database, • Player stuck in Mode?, • User-moderation info, • More message commands, • MOTD, • Parameters explained, • Ranks info, • Create custom /rules, • Running CMI, • Safety tips, • Specialized commands info, • Toggle example, • Trash example, • CMI Vote manager, • Worth info.
Official Zrips Links
- Zrips Website
The official website, wiki/documentation/information - Zrips Discord
The official Discord community server with member-driven support - Zrips Github
The place for bug reports and feature suggestions
- Buy and Download CMI (premium plugin)
Get the CMI plugin if you haven't already, and then install it on all your servers - Also Download CMILib (free library) (more info)
All Zrips plugins require the CMILib .jar file. Get it and also put it on all your servers. - All my FAQ pages have been written for Spigot / Paper 1.20.x and CMI 9.6.x.x or newer.
- The mrfdev Github page is not an official resource, we're building up our knowledge base as a courtesy.
- I am an admin on the Zrips Discord, this does not mean what I share on here is official.
Turn on and display a custom join and leave messages to players.
- Start using CMI as Chat Manager, if you use something else.
- Update
(see below)
# If set to true, login message wont be shown
Disabled: false
# Defines number of players from which to automatically start hiding join messages
# Set to -1 to disable this
AutoHideFrom: -1
# If set to true, custom login message will be used. cmi.messages.disablelogin can be used to disable message for player
Use: true
# If set to true, logout message wont be shown
Disabled: false
# Defines number of players from which to automatically start hiding logout messages
# Set to -1 to disable this
AutoHideFrom: -1
# If set to true, custom logout message will be used. cmi.messages.disablequit can be used to disable message for player
Use: true
# Check locale file for translation and custom placeholders: [playername], [totalUsers], [onlinePlayers]
Use: true
# Defines number of players from which to automatically start hiding death messages
# Set to -1 to disable this
AutoHideFrom: -1
Note: If you are still on an outdated version below 9.0.7.x, the directory will be ~/plugins/CMILib/Translations
Next, inside the ~/plugins/CMI/Translations/
directory there is at least the file Locale_EN.yml
, where you can find:
localPrefix: ''
shoutPrefix: '&c[S]&r'
LocalNoOne: '!actionbar!&cNobody hear you, write ! before message for global chat'
shoutDeduction: '!actionbar!&cDeducted &e[amount] &cfor shout'
# Use \n to add new line
publicHover: '&eSent time: &6%server_time_hh:mm:ss%'
privateHover: '&eSent time: &6%server_time_hh:mm:ss%'
staffHover: '&eSent time: &6%server_time_hh:mm:ss%'
helpopHover: '&eSent time: &6%server_time_hh:mm:ss%'
link: '&l&4[&7LINK&4]'
item: '&7[%cmi_iteminhand_realname%[amount]&7]'
itemAmount: ' x[amount]'
itemEmpty: '&7[Mighty fist]'
And below is an example of some basic text you could use / customize:
FirstJoin: '{#Cerulean} 1MB Server »{#Feijoa} Welcome new player &6[playerDisplayName]{#Feijoa}
to 1MoreBlock.com!'
LogoutCustom: '{#Cerulean} - {#Feijoa}Player &l[playerDisplayName]&r {#Feijoa}left.'
LoginCustom: '{#Cerulean} 1MB Server »{#Feijoa} Welcome back &6[playerDisplayName]
As you can see you can use certain variables, CMI's hex colors, and set the text to whatever you want. Note that the above is a customization and not the default text, but gives you the info to search for within the locale file.
Of course, if you use another language you will have to adjust that file. They are also in the translations/
In ~/plugins/CMI/Settings/Modules.yml
, make sure these are set to true
# Login, logout and death messages
# Applies for servers from 1.7.x and up
customMessages: true
# First join messages
# Applies for servers from 1.7.x and up
firstJoinMessages: true
If you wish to hide the join/leave messages for a certain group or user, you can use these permissions:
> cmi checkperm disable
cmi.messages.disablelogin - Disables login message
cmi.messages.disablequit - Disables logout message
- LuckPerm:
lp group owner permission set cmi.messages.disablejoin true
- LuckPerm:
lp user mrfloris permission set cmi.messages.disablequit true
If you want to give first-time players something extra, you can utilise the /Settings/EventCommands.yml
file at the onfirstjoin
and onjoin
sections: (for example, you can make another .txt file, run certain commands, or do whatever)
Enabled: true
- msg! [playerName] This is event command example!
In the ~/plugins/CMI/Translations/
folder, the locale_EN.yml
file has the following, which you can customize:
ServerSwitchOut: ' &6[playerDisplayName] &eswitched server to &6[serverName]'
ServerSwitchIn: ' &6[playerDisplayName] &ecame from &6[serverName] &eserver'