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60. tuyaTRIGGER info

Marco Sillano edited this page Jul 22, 2023 · 3 revisions

The TRIGGERs do not connect to individual devices, but create a direct and bidirectional connection with Tuya-cloud events and 'automation', allowing complete control of both the smartlife logic and the devices not handled by the LOW-LEVEL MQTT channel. This technique produces a fast and reliable HI-LEVEL communication channel, stable over time because it is not very affected by the evolution of Tuya ecosystem.

TuyaSmart App and SmartLife App limits (2021-01-07)

  Item                             Description                                                               Limit
Device Schedule quantity         The maximum number of timers that can be added to a single device         30
Number of household devices      Maximum number of devices that can be added in a single home              120
Number of scenes                 The maximum number of Tap-to-Run that a single home can create            100
Number of automations            Maximum number of Automations that can be created in a single home        100
Number of scene actions          The maximum number of tasks that can be added in a Tap-to-Run             150
Number of automation actions     The maximum number of tasks that can be added in an Automation            150
Number of automation conditions  The maximum number of conditions that can be added in an Automation       10
Number of multi-terminal logins  The maximum number of mobile devices that 
                                                can simultaneously log in to an account                    200
Number of homes                  The maximum number of Homes that can be created by a single App account   20
Number of home members           The maximum number of home members that can be added in a single home     20
Number of rooms                  The maximum number of rooms that a single home can create                 20
Number of room equipment         The maximum number of devices that can be added in a single room          50
Number of equipment groups       The maximum number of devices that can be added in a single device group  100
Number of home equipment groups  The maximum number of device groups that a single home can create         20
Number of users                  The maximum number of each device group that
     shared by device group                     can be shared with other users                             20
Number of users sharing devices  The maximum number of each device that can be shared with other users     20
Number of homes invited          The maximum number of each App account that can be invited by other homes 20


The total number of automations is limited (100 + 100) but this limit is on a "home" basis. If we use the classification "home" as "scope" (such as 'safety', 'irrigation', 'climate' ...) this limit can be easily overcome and the interrelationships between 'homes' can be entrusted by tuyaDAEMON.


The tuya_bridge fake device handles the _trgPing property: that is, a measure of the time taken by a complete TRIGGER round trip, to verify the real performance of TRIGGER:

  1. A TRIGGER1050 command is executed by tuyaDEAMON and an MQTT message is sent to the device: SET tuya_bridge":countdown to 1050
  2. The device receives the MQTT message, sets its counter to 1050, then broadcasts an MQTT message: tuya_bridge:countdown changed to 1050
  3. (tuyaDEAMON receives and processes the message)
  4. Also tuya-cloud receives this MQTT message, looks for automation, and executes: if "tuya_bridge"countdown:1050, "tuya_bridge"countdown:0
  5. Tuya-cloud sends an MQTT command to the device: SET tuya_bridge":countdown to 0
  6. The device receives the MQTT message, sets its counter to 0, then broadcasts an MQTT message: tuya_bridge:countdown changed to 0
  7. This MQTT message is captured by tuyaDEAMON and decoded.

So tstPing is the sum of <tuyaDAEMON send MQTT> + <device RX + broadcast update> + <tyua-cloud RX + find automation + send MQTT> + <device RX + broadcast update> + <tuyaDAEMON RX MQTT> + <network delays for 4 MQTT links>

Using my actual PC, 1G FTTH router, and a switch MOES QS-WIFI-S03 as tuya_bridge, I get (2022, Rome/it, in ms):

_trgPing: object
     count: 5
       avg: 114
       max: 123
       min: 112

Compare these values with the tuya response time and with the PING data from the smartlife-configuration-network test.


On ANDROID, using _testPing24H (does _tstPing every 20 min), I get the following results:

This show the PING time variations in 24H:
The minimum values are in the range [100-250] ms, often even less than 100. The average values rise in the time interval [01: 00-14: 00] (local, UTC + 2): further investigation could pinpoint the cause. Some sporadic maximum values can be high, up to 450 ms. The slow Android O.S. does not seem to significantly affect the measurements.

Old triggers map

This is only an example. New actual map is in 'triggerMAP' node in core-trigger flow (since 2.2.0):

  1. TUYATRGs (1000-1990) are used to handle 'mirror' devices.

    • the device changes status
    • an automation is fired by this event and it sends a TUYATRG to node-red.
    • on receiving the TUYATRG, node-red remaps the trigger as a usual device message, to log them, using a fake dps (convention: same as the trigger value). The mirror device and dps must be defined in global.alldevice.fake branch.
    • node-red sends an ACK (reset the 'counter' to 0)

    example in tuyaTRIGGER:

    the WiFi 'Motion Detector' device is battery powered. But a trigger is send at any status change by tuya-cloud to tuyaDAEMON:

    • TUYATRG1010: is mapped as Motion Detector [123410408caab8e79837]:alarm[dps:1010]:OFF

      In Tuya Automation we need: If sensore di movimento:normale, tuya-bridge:countdown:1010

    • TUYATRG1020: is mapped as Motion Detector [123410408caab8e79837]:alarm[dps:1010]:ON

      In Tuya Automation we need: If "sensore di movimento:Allarme", tuya-bridge:countdown:1020

  2. TUYATRGs (1000-1990) are also used fired by smartlife to signal some user/device/weather/geolocation action

    example in tuyaTRIGGER:

    • TUYATRG1030: free
    • TUYATRG1040: free
  3. REDTRG (2000-2990) can be fired by node-red, to activate smartlife automations:

    example in tuyaTRIGGER:

    • REDTRG2010: free
    • REDTRG2020: free
  4. more TRIGGERs, with conditions defined by the user, can fire node-red flows asynchronously, without global.alldevices polling, or implement conditions not allowed by smartlife automatitions.

    example in tuyaTRIGGER:

    • EVNTRIGGER00A: fired if temperature > 20 °C (from a virtual device)
    • EVNTRIGGER00B: fired on PIR alarm (from a mirror device)


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