With an enterprise account companies can disable permissions on a Chrome extension even if that Chrome extension ask for the permission by default. This means that every Chrome api should be treated as a conditional even if the permission is granted on installation.
This was something I found out after my Chrome extension kept failing Store Review because of the enterprise policy at Google.
The implication of this is that any time you are using a Chrome web api you should first check the permissions.
chrome.permissions.contains({ permissions: ['topSites'] }, (hasPerimssion) => {
if (hasPermission) chrome.topSites.get(callback)
This is something that could probably be filled by abstraction to check these values before using the api.
extension.topSites.get = (callback) => {
chrome.permissions.contains({ permissions: ['topSites'] }, (hasPermssion) => {
if (hasPermssion) {
} else {