Using the API Introduction Firecrawl API Reference Base URL All requests contain the following base URL:
Authentication For authentication, it’s required to include an Authorization header. The header should contain Bearer fc-123456789, where fc-123456789 represents your API Key. Authorization: Bearer fc-123456789
Response codes Firecrawl employs conventional HTTP status codes to signify the outcome of your requests. Typically, 2xx HTTP status codes denote success, 4xx codes represent failures related to the user, and 5xx codes signal infrastructure problems. Status Description 200 Request was successful. 400 Verify the correctness of the parameters. 401 The API key was not provided. 402 Payment required 404 The requested resource could not be located. 429 The rate limit has been surpassed. 5xx Signifies a server error with Firecrawl.
Refer to the Error Codes section for a detailed explanation of all potential API errors. Rate limit The Firecrawl API has a rate limit to ensure the stability and reliability of the service. The rate limit is applied to all endpoints and is based on the number of requests made within a specific time frame. When you exceed the rate limit, you will receive a 429 response code. Endpoints Scrape POST / scrape Send Authorization Body Authorizations Authorization string headerrequired Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer , where is your auth token. Body application/json url string required The URL to scrape formats enum[] Formats to include in the output. Available options: markdown, html, rawHtml, links, screenshot, extract, screenshot@fullPage onlyMainContent boolean default: true Only return the main content of the page excluding headers, navs, footers, etc. includeTags string[] Tags to include in the output. excludeTags string[] Tags to exclude from the output. headers object Headers to send with the request. Can be used to send cookies, user-agent, etc. waitFor integer default: 0 Specify a delay in milliseconds before fetching the content, allowing the page sufficient time to load. mobile boolean default: false Set to true if you want to emulate scraping from a mobile device. Useful for testing responsive pages and taking mobile screenshots. skipTlsVerification boolean default: false Skip TLS certificate verification when making requests timeout integer default: 30000 Timeout in milliseconds for the request extract object Extract object Show child attributes actions object[] Actions to perform on the page before grabbing the content Wait Screenshot Click Write text Press a key Scroll Scrape Show child attributes location object Location settings for the request. When specified, this will use an appropriate proxy if available and emulate the corresponding language and timezone settings. Defaults to 'US' if not specified. Show child attributes Response 200 - application/json success boolean data object
import requests
url = ""
payload = { "url": "", "formats": ["markdown"], "onlyMainContent": True, "includeTags": [""], "excludeTags": [""], "headers": {}, "waitFor": 123, "mobile": True, "skipTlsVerification": True, "timeout": 123, "extract": { "schema": {}, "systemPrompt": "", "prompt": "" }, "actions": [ { "type": "wait", "milliseconds": 2, "selector": "#my-element" } ], "location": { "country": "", "languages": ["en-US"] } } headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer ", "Content-Type": "application/json" }
response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)
{ "success": true, "data": { "markdown": "", "html": "", "rawHtml": "", "screenshot": "", "links": [ "" ], "actions": { "screenshots": [ "" ] }, "metadata": { "title": "", "description": "", "language": "", "sourceURL": "", " ": "", "statusCode": 123, "error": "" }, "llm_extraction": {}, "warning": "" } }
Endpoints Crawl POST / crawl Send Authorization Body Authorizations Authorization string headerrequired Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer , where is your auth token. Body application/json url string required The base URL to start crawling from excludePaths string[] Specifies URL patterns to exclude from the crawl by comparing website paths against the provided regex patterns. For example, if you set "excludePaths": ["blog/"] for the base URL, any results matching that pattern will be excluded, such as includePaths string[] Specifies URL patterns to include in the crawl by comparing website paths against the provided regex patterns. Only the paths that match the specified patterns will be included in the response. For example, if you set "includePaths": ["blog/"] for the base URL, only results matching that pattern will be included, such as maxDepth integer default: 2 Maximum depth to crawl relative to the entered URL. ignoreSitemap boolean default: true Ignore the website sitemap when crawling limit integer default: 10 Maximum number of pages to crawl. Default limit is 10000. allowBackwardLinks boolean default: false Enables the crawler to navigate from a specific URL to previously linked pages. allowExternalLinks boolean default: false Allows the crawler to follow links to external websites. webhook string The URL to send the webhook to. This will trigger for crawl started (crawl.started) ,every page crawled ( and when the crawl is completed (crawl.completed or crawl.failed). The response will be the same as the /scrape endpoint. scrapeOptions object Show child attributes Response 200 - application/json success boolean id string url string
import requests
url = ""
payload = { "url": "", "excludePaths": [""], "includePaths": [""], "maxDepth": 123, "ignoreSitemap": True, "limit": 123, "allowBackwardLinks": True, "allowExternalLinks": True, "webhook": "", "scrapeOptions": { "formats": ["markdown"], "headers": {}, "includeTags": [""], "excludeTags": [""], "onlyMainContent": True, "mobile": True, "waitFor": 123 } } headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer ", "Content-Type": "application/json" }
response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)
{ "success": true, "id": "", "url": "" }
Endpoints Get Crawl Status GET / crawl / {id} Send Authorization Path Authorizations Authorization string headerrequired Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer , where is your auth token. Path Parameters id string required The ID of the crawl job Response 200 - application/json status string The current status of the crawl. Can be scraping, completed, or failed. total integer The total number of pages that were attempted to be crawled. completed integer The number of pages that have been successfully crawled. creditsUsed integer The number of credits used for the crawl. expiresAt string The date and time when the crawl will expire. next string | null The URL to retrieve the next 10MB of data. Returned if the crawl is not completed or if the response is larger than 10MB. data object[] The data of the crawl. Hide child attributes data.markdown string data.html string | null HTML version of the content on page if includeHtml is true data.rawHtml string | null Raw HTML content of the page if includeRawHtml is true data.links string[] List of links on the page if includeLinks is true data.screenshot string | null Screenshot of the page if includeScreenshot is true data.metadata object Show child attributes Crawl
import requests
url = "{id}"
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer "}
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
{ "status": "", "total": 123, "completed": 123, "creditsUsed": 123, "expiresAt": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z", "next": "", "data": [ { "markdown": "", "html": "", "rawHtml": "", "links": [ "" ], "screenshot": "", "metadata": { "title": "", "description": "", "language": "", "sourceURL": "", " ": "", "statusCode": 123, "error": "" } } ] }
Endpoints Map POST / map Send Authorization Body Authorizations Authorization string headerrequired Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer , where is your auth token. Body application/json url string required The base URL to start crawling from search string Search query to use for mapping. During the Alpha phase, the 'smart' part of the search functionality is limited to 1000 search results. However, if map finds more results, there is no limit applied. ignoreSitemap boolean default: true Ignore the website sitemap when crawling includeSubdomains boolean default: false Include subdomains of the website limit integer default: 5000 Maximum number of links to return Response 200 - application/json success boolean links string[]
import requests
url = ""
payload = { "url": "", "search": "", "ignoreSitemap": True, "includeSubdomains": True, "limit": 123 } headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer ", "Content-Type": "application/json" }
response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)
Endpoints Batch Scrape POST / batch / scrape Send Authorization Body Authorizations Authorization string headerrequired Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer , where is your auth token. Body application/json urls string[] formats enum[] Formats to include in the output. Available options: markdown, html, rawHtml, links, screenshot, extract, screenshot@fullPage onlyMainContent boolean default: true Only return the main content of the page excluding headers, navs, footers, etc. includeTags string[] Tags to include in the output. excludeTags string[] Tags to exclude from the output. headers object Headers to send with the request. Can be used to send cookies, user-agent, etc. waitFor integer default: 0 Specify a delay in milliseconds before fetching the content, allowing the page sufficient time to load. timeout integer default: 30000 Timeout in milliseconds for the request extract object Extract object Show child attributes actions object[] Actions to perform on the page before grabbing the content Wait Screenshot Click Write text Press a key Scroll Scrape Hide child attributes actions.type enum required Wait for a specified amount of milliseconds Available options: wait actions.milliseconds integer Number of milliseconds to wait actions.selector string Query selector to find the element by
import requests
url = ""
payload = { "urls": [""], "formats": ["markdown"], "onlyMainContent": True, "includeTags": [""], "excludeTags": [""], "headers": {}, "waitFor": 123, "timeout": 123, "extract": { "schema": {}, "systemPrompt": "", "prompt": "" }, "actions": [ { "type": "wait", "milliseconds": 2, "selector": "#my-element" } ] } headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer ", "Content-Type": "application/json" }
response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)
Endpoints Get Batch Scrape Status GET / batch / scrape / {id} Send Authorization Path Authorizations Authorization string headerrequired Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer , where is your auth token. Path Parameters id string required The ID of the batch scrape job Response 200 - application/json status string The current status of the batch scrape. Can be scraping, completed, or failed. total integer The total number of pages that were attempted to be scraped. completed integer The number of pages that have been successfully scraped. creditsUsed integer The number of credits used for the batch scrape. expiresAt string The date and time when the batch scrape will expire. next string | null The URL to retrieve the next 10MB of data. Returned if the batch scrape is not completed or if the response is larger than 10MB. data object[] The data of the batch scrape. Hide child attributes data.markdown string data.html string | null HTML version of the content on page if includeHtml is true data.rawHtml string | null Raw HTML content of the page if includeRawHtml is true data.links string[] List of links on the page if includeLinks is true data.screenshot string | null Screenshot of the page if includeScreenshot is true data.metadata object
import requests
url = "{id}"
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer "}
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
{ "status": "", "total": 123, "completed": 123, "creditsUsed": 123, "expiresAt": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z", "next": "", "data": [ { "markdown": "", "html": "", "rawHtml": "", "links": [ "" ], "screenshot": "", "metadata": { "title": "", "description": "", "language": "", "sourceURL": "", " ": "", "statusCode": 123, "error": "" } } ] }