=== WDT Breadcrumbs === Contributors: (this should be a list of wordpress.org userid's) Plugin URI: https://webdevelopmenttech.com/ Requires at least: 5.2 Tested up to: 5.8 Stable tag: 1.0.0 Requires PHP: 7.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
use shortcode [wdt_site_breadcrumb]
anywhere you want to show breadcrumbs options for shortcode are seperator=">" and title="Custom title" parent_page="true". Note title will only work with parent_page true.
== Description ==
use shortcode [wdt_site_breadcrumb]
anywhere you want to show breadcrumbs options for shortcode are seperator=">" and title="Custom title" parent_page="true". Note title will only work with parent_page true.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= A question that someone might have =
An answer to that question.
= How to use it? =
Simply add the shortcode [wdt_site_breadcrumb] where you want to show the breadcrumbs and on page rendered you will get nice breadcrumbs.
= Can we change the separators? =
Yes you can just pass the desired separator in shortcode as the parameter ex. [wdt_site_breadcrumb seperator="->"]
= How to show parent page title on child page's breadcrumb? =
You need to add other option (parent_page) in shortcode as the parameter ex. [wdt_site_breadcrumb parent_page="true"]