An implementation of a thread-safe, lock-free and scalable FIFO queue algorithm. Two variants of the algorithm are provided:
- MPMC (Multi-Producer/Multi-Consumer)
- MPSC (Multi-Producer/Single-Consumer)
The API is similar to that of [std::sync::mpsc
] with separate types for producer
and consumer handles.
There is also [OwnedQueue
], which is a single-threaded queue with an identical
internal structure for cheap conversion from/to either of the thread-safe variants
or initialization from iterators.
The MPMC queue implementation is based on the algorithm in [1] and the MPSC variant is derived from the MPMC algorithm described therein but optimized for the additional constraint of at most a single consumer.
One key aspect of the implemented algorithm is, that it does not rely on a dedicated
memory reclamation mechanism but comes with its own memory reclamation strategy,
that is lock-free, deterministic (rather than lazy/deferred) like reference counting
and has very little performance impact.
It does come with a limitation, however, in that there is a limit on how many
producers and consumers can safely interact with the same queue.
These limits are enforced by the implementation and they are encoded in the
two constants [MAX_PRODUCERS
When the number of live producer/consumer handles would exceed these safe limits,
further attempts to clone
handles will panic!
In the current implementation, there can be 961 producer and 480 consumer handles.
# #[cfg(not(miri))]
# {
use std::sync::{Arc, Barrier, Mutex};
use std::thread;
const N: usize = 100;
const THREADS: usize = 4;
const EXP_SUM: usize = (N * (N - 1)) / 2; // Gauss sum [1, 99]
let (tx, rx) = loo::mpmc::queue();
let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(THREADS * 2));
let total_sum = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
let mut handles = Vec::with_capacity(THREADS * 2);
// spawn 4 producer threads, each pushing 100 elements in FIFO order
for _ in 0..THREADS {
let tx = tx.clone();
let barrier = Arc::clone(&barrier);
handles.push(thread::spawn(move || {
for i in 0..100 {
// spawn 4 consumer threads, each popping exactly 100 elements from the queue
// and summing them up
for _ in 0..THREADS {
let rx = rx.clone();
let barrier = Arc::clone(&barrier);
let total_sum = Arc::clone(&total_sum);
handles.push(thread::spawn(move || {
let mut count = 0;
let mut sum = 0;
while count < N { // retrieve exactly N elements
if let Some(e) = rx.pop_front() {
count += 1;
sum += e;
// add this thread's result to the total sum
let mut lock = total_sum.lock().unwrap();
*lock += sum;
for handle in handles {
let lock = total_sum.lock().unwrap();
let mut count = *lock;
assert!(rx.is_empty(), "queue must be empty after all threads are done");
assert_eq!(count, THREADS * EXP_SUM);
# }