Content entered directly below the header but before the first section heading is called the preamble.
This is a paragraph of regular text.
This is a paragraph with a bold word and an italicized word. Bold italic is also possible.
Words can also have internal bold and italic formatting.
Some constrained monospace text
, and some u
nconstrained m
onospace t
Some Superscript® text and some subscript text: H2O.
The text at the end of this sentence is cross referenced to the third level heading
This is a link to the Asciidoctor User Manual.
This is an attribute reference {quick-uri}[which links this text to the Asciidoctor Quick Reference Guide^].
copyright: ©
registered trademark: ®
trademark: ™
em dash (between words): —
ellipses: …
arrows: → ⇒ ← ⇐
apostrophe: Sam’s
XML entity (e.g., dagger): †
This is another paragraph.[1]
list item 1
nested list item
nested nested list item 1
nested nested list item 2
list item 2
ordered list item
nested ordered list item
ordered list item
second level list item
third level list item
another third level list item
a final third level list item
another second level list item
You can override the number scheme for any level by setting its style (the first positional entry in a block attribute list). You can also set the starting number using the start attribute:
Here’s an example of a labeled list that identifies parts of a computer:
The brain of the computer.
- Hard drive
Permanent storage for operating system and/or user files.
Temporarily stores information the CPU uses during operation.
- Keyboard
Used to enter text or control items on the screen.
- Mouse
Used to point to and select items on your computer screen.
- Monitor
Displays information in visual form using text and graphics.
The brain of the computer. |
Hard drive |
Permanent storage for operating system and/or user files. |
Temporarily stores information the CPU uses during operation. |
- Diary
- Bakery
- Produce
Content in an example block is subject to normal substitutions.
Sidebars contain aside text and are subject to normal substitutions.
Content in a listing block is subject to verbatim substitutions. Listing block content is commonly used to preserve code input.
Column heading 1 | Column heading 2 |
Column 1, row 1 |
Column 2, row 1 |
Column 1, row 2 |
Column 2, row 2 |
\[X_nY_m\] |
This is a block quote or a prose excerpt. This is subject to normal substitutions.
movie title
This is a verse block. Indents and endlines are preserved in verse blocks.
poem title and more
This is a tip. There are five admonition labels: Tip, Note, Important, Caution and Warning. |
This is a note. |
This is important. |
Caution — be careful! |
This is a warning. |