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Li Xiong LiXiong0906
My name is Li Xiong. Master of Geophysic, China University of Geoscience. Research interests:magnetic modeling.
@GeddesRs AVI-ONE
AEROSPACE & AVIATION Consultants working towards the implementation of the UN’s 2030 sustainable development goals.

Victoria BC Canada

Sharad Kumar Gupta sharadgupta27

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Leipzig, Germany

Jian Kang jiankang1991
Associate Professor at Soochow University

Soochow University Suzhou

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

ECS AI hydrogeohc
My projects focus on applying AI/ML, Agents workflow at multiple spatial-temporal scales for real world use cases.

GenAI research engineer Cupertino, CA

Zhuolu-Hou Zhuolu-Hou
Wuhan University / major in Remote Sensing

Wuhan University wuhan

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Fred Motta fredm23579
ĤΨ = iħ∂Ψ∕∂t

Riverside, California

Das jankarchhu
Remote sensing of glaciology

Jawaharlal Nehru University New DElhi

Rico Niederhausen RicoNiederhausen

@int3gral-dev Configuration Space

Martina Guillermo Roman (Mar) MartinaGR
Medical Epidemiologist and Health Data Manager


Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Leooooooon Vezarachan
To automate the world.

Elaiza München

Matt Anderson EDU-MDAnderson
I'm a student at BYUI through Pathway Online. My degree is Applied Technology and I am pursuing minors in Development, System Administration, and Database.
Student at Iowa State University pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering
Things slowly change wangsanqian
master degree in BUAA


Chen Yao crankler
There is a rapture on the lonely shore

HIT / HITSZ / SUSTech Shenzhen

ZhouxuanXiao zhouxuanxiao
Krzysztof Dobrzyński Sejoslaw
Senior Software Engineer | Investor on Warsaw Stock Exchange | ChromeOS / BSD / Linux | C# / C / Python | I used to mod Minecraft @SejoslawMods

Warsaw, Poland


Kyushu University Japan

Katherine Scott kscottz
Computer vision / robotics / hardware / software. @ros2 and @gazebosim dev advocate at @osrf. Work at @intrinsic-ai. Board @oshwa.

@osrf @intrinsic San Francisco, CA

Rebeca Nunes rebeca53
Software Engineer. Worked with embedded systems (industrial automation, middleware for SmartTVs, Android OS) and desktop applications (robotics, seismology).
ringsaturn ringsaturn

@caiyunapp Beijing

chenghao chenghao-matrix
RS and GIS

Wuhan University China

Antony Barja ambarja
I love geography, geocomputation and spatial data science 🤓🌎⚕️.

National University of San Marcos Lima, Peru