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R. Ounit (Public Github Account) rouni001
Engineer, Scientist, Entrepreneur, Inventor. This github account is my only public one.

San Francisco, CA

Efe Dallı efe3506
Hello there, im new around here. My biggest wish is call my self a qualified front-end developer, do for that aim i'm learning and practicing


Bui Hoang Phuc buihoangphuc412
Medical microbiologist

Oita University Yufu, Oita, Japan

Gemy George Kaithakottil gemygk

Earlham Institute @TGAC Norwich

Amir Hachaichi amirlogic
Javascript and Python programmer
Mona Parizadeh memoll
Postdoc fellow

University of Calgary

Daniel Schmitz Schmytzi
Bioinformatician, PhD in Medical Genetics, Queer Activist

University of Gothenburg Gothenburg

Ernst Bablick ernst-bablick
Software engineer, expert in programming distributed applications such as workload management systems (Open Cluster Scheduler former Univa Grid Engine)

HPC-Gridware Germany

Gaurav Sablok applicativesystem
Bioinformatics, Deep Learning, System Administration. EURAXESS: 134206

Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany/Deutschland

Caelan Miller caelanjmiller
Computational & Systems Biology PhD Student @ Washington University in St. Louis
Vito Butardo Jr vbutardo

Swinburne University of Technology Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia

MD BABU MIA , PHD mdbabumiamssm
Biomedical Software Developer! Hematology & Immunology Scientist! Data Science! Single Cell Multi-omics! Icahn School of Medicine! Alum: Indiana University

@mssm Manhattan, NYC @USA

Sotiris Touliopoulos SotirisTouliopoulos
Molecular Biology and Genetics, DUTH

Alexandroupolis, Greece

Natalie Forsdick natforsdick
she/her | Postdoc at Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research | conservation genomics | genome assembly | #birdnerd
Amr Saadeldin AmrSaadeldin
A graduate student studying genetic diseases.
Yen On Chan yenon118
Research Assistant at University of Missouri-Columbia

Columbia, MO, USA

Ibukun Tella IbukunT
Bioinformatics Graduate Student at UGA
Maeruf marvinkobit

@adotsense @ahri-et Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


INRAE Clermont-Ferrand

Cecilia Deng CeciliaDeng

Plant & Food Research Auckland

Mahmut Uludag uludag

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal, Saudi Arabia