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70 repositories
- Load environment variables securely from .env files, with seamless integration for Google Secret Manager to handle referenced secrets.
- Generate TypeScript definitions (types) from a PostgreSQL database schema.
- Authentication library for the browser environment using Web Crypto API
- The web's most popular Jamstack front-end template (boilerplate) for building web applications with React
- Check Version Action for GitHub
- Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
- Code examples for GraphQL Start (tutorial) — How to build a GraphQL API on Node.js stack
- Create React App with server-side code support
- Lightweight universal Cloudflare API client library for Node.js, Browser, and CF Workers
- GraphQL Start (tutorial) — How to build a GraphQL API on Node.js stack
- Getting started with Terraform
- Passport.js framework that uses JWT for sessions
- Webpack plugin that excludes dynamically imported dependencies from the output bundle, used for SSR.
- Node.js backend (middleware) for dynamic image manipulation needs (transform, resize, optimize)
- Validation library for JavaScript/TypeScript with a strongly typed fluent API
- Webpack plugin for emitting additional application bundles for Node.js, SSR, Cloudflare Workers, etc.