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Manoj Kumar Reddy Bhimavarapu BHIMAVARAPU-MANOJ-KUMAR
Java Backend Developer | Software Development Engineer Intern at Wellness360

Wellness360 Hyderabad , Telangana , India

Sellakumar sellakumark
Senior Web Developer

@infosys Chennai

hoshima hoshima
Web developer. Angular / NestJS / TypeScript

Osaka, Japan

Gary Stidston-Broadbent garysb

Blank Canvas Limited Hong Kong

Kamil Furtak kamilfurtak
Experienced Software Engineer with a strong focus on Angular-based web development.
Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Borja Sahuquillo BorjaSahuquillo
Front-End Developer - Angular
Vishnu S Krish vishnuskrish
CrAzZzY FrOnT-EnD DeVeLoPeR!!!!


Haidar haidarknightfury
Graduated in Computer science at the University of Mauritius Full Stack Software Developer with Spring Java as Backend Framework and Angular as Frontend

Curepipe, Mauritius

Vadim_Bobryakov VForVogue
Hello World?

Government Russia

Vladyslava Volkova maglini
Full Stack Software Engineer .NET & React & Angular
FarhanHamza FarhanHamza
.NET || Angular || Ui/UX Designer @FaziHamza


Erick elcordova
Focused on the first principles.

Jobsity LLC Guayaquil

Stefani Nectaria Totokotsopoulou StefaniToto
Fullstack Developer Angular, Ionic, Nodejs

Upwork Greece

Fábio Henrique Gabriele Fabioh

@itau São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Klaus Ferreira KlausEverWalkingDev
Software Developer | Angular | TypeScript | Git | Linux | Java | SQL | Creator and Community Manager at @DevCaminhante

@DevCaminhante Blumenau, SC, Brazil