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Michael Yubin KIM jakepro657

Soongsil University South Korea

spreadone spread-one
Soongsil University, AI convergence
Khanh.NVM minhbi245
I'm on the path to becoming a global iOS developer
TaeHee Lee haeti-dev
Becoming a deepeloper

Soongsil University

조수민 jonique98 Backend

Soongsil University Seoul

Sanghyeok Park fecapark
Maker. Make anything as curly brackets. Make same stuffs, but difference.

@daangn / Soongsil University, Computer Engineering Seoul, South Korea

0chil 0chil
now, or never

@woowacourse 5th BE Soongsil Univ. SE

Lee Jihee Zoe0929
iOS Developer

Soongsil Univ

Sanghyeon Sim halfmoon-mind
Flutter Dev.

@toodat-platform South Korea

Youngju Lee oortmealy
Soongsil University School of Computer Science & Engineering 23

Seoul, South Korea

이중곤 2wndrhs

Soongsil Univ. CSE

Minha Ahn AAminha
Hi. Welcome to my Github!!

soongsil univ Incheon, Korea

Inkyu Oh gomjellie

@naverlabs Seoul, South Korea

Chaeyeon Seo seocylucky

Soongsil University Seoul, Republic of Korea

김지은 0zlrlo

Soongsil Univ. Computer Science and Engineering Seoul, Korea

Hyunsu Lee julymeltdown
백엔드 합니다

MetLife Seoul, South Korea

DongHyun Kim bricksky

@yourssu Seoul, South Korea

김규철 kimkyuchul

@yourssu Hoegi-dong

Jongchan Kim acious
Mobile Engineering Fanatic.

Presto Labs / SW Maestro Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jung Haesung cometj03

Soongsil University CSE, @yourssu Seoul, Korea