Date: Sat, Feb 09, 2019 @ 1:00-2:00pm
π Participation: meet.jit.si/ournetworks
and calendar
π Notes:: https://hackmd.io/thUKLLPMQSan3mRo2d6bGA?edit
πͺ Attendance:
- dcwalk
- benhylau
- garry
- sarah
- Previous Business
- Sarah? Garry? Follow up with Rad Nets
- dcwalk: Chat with Phil more
- dcwalk: Pegah?
- dcwalk: distrbute budget
- dcwalk: prep milestones for editing
- New Business
- Theme
- Arts Grant
- Timeline / milestones
- Review 2018 calendar
- Budget
- Sponsor
- Collaborations
- Standing Business
- Run through "In Progress"
- Other Business
Recall from last week:
Things we agreed to:
- Whole event in same space as goal
- Larger audience than last year
- Wanting mix of un-programmed and programmed time
- un-conference elements
- 2.5 // 3 days "programmed" with
- "unprogrammed days" seem neat:
- gallery/exhibition?
- unconference stuff
- "load in" / site set up
- "NOC" debrief (kinda like battlemesh)
- Last weekend Sept. Saturday 28-Sunday 29
- TMAC conversation-- would need to follow up soon
- Other venues?
- Array Space
- Space? (too small)
- Warehouse space on geary
- Chatted in Google Doc
Grant first deadline Feb 21
- Tech and Rev (dcwalk)
- Zine thing? Phil and O1's collaborator
- interested in mutual aid / collaborate but a little later in the year
- collab in applying to art grant?
- TMAC is set up as a gallery, makes sense to do an exhibition
- Dweb
- Pegah June event?
- benhylau interested in doing a connection
- Radnets
- Ideas:
- sister conferences
- link to each other
- free tickets
- initiate event that concludes in Fall?
- funding conversations (concerns about our organizational status)
- Ideas:
2019 timeline:
- 01/15 Kickoff call (-36)
- 02/15 Theme and dates announced (-32)
- 03/01 Sponsorship packaged, firm budget (-30)
- 03/22 CFP posted, website relaunch (-27)
- 03/22 Space booked (-27)
- 04/01 conference open hour #1 (-25)
- 05/01 2019 website relaunch, marketing materials (-21)
- 05/15 conference open hour #2 (-19)
- 06/01 keynote speaker(s) (-17)
- 06/01 CFP closes (-17)
- 06/15 registration launched (-15)
- 07/01 submission decisions (-12)
- 07/25 schedule posted (-9)
- 08/25 Venue Walkthrough (-4)
- 09/01 conference open hour #3 (-3)
- 09/25 Load in (-0 weeks)
- 09/28 Our Networks 2019 (W39)
Recall 2018 timeline:
- 07/13-18 Our Networks (X)
- 07/12-13 Load in (-0 weeks before)
- 07/11 venue walkthru (-0)
- 05/29 schedule posted (-6)
- 05/21 registration launched (-7)
- 05/15 submissions dec'ns (-8)
- 05/07 CFP closes (-9)
- 05/02 2019 website relaunch, marketing materials (poster) (-10)
- 04/17 "Open hour #2" (-12)
- 03/24 "Open hour #1" CFP questions (-16)
- 03/24 2018 site launch (-16)
- 02/28 space secured (-19)
- 02/28 CFP posted (-19)
- 02/24 budget prepared, sponsorship package (-20)
- 02/18 theme finalized (-21)
- 02/01 kickoff call (-23)
- Maybe call around arts grant?
- March 2
[Move to/Update project issues from this list]
- benhylau: to follow up with Pegah
- dcwalk: reach out to TMAC with September dates
- all: review theme doc and confirm date this week
- goal: of end of week? check in on signal/
- garry: website more cleaning
- sarah: follow up with radnets, email?
- benhylau: take over transferring notes to github task