Date: Sat, Mar 02, 2019 @ 1:00-2:00pm
π Participation: meet.jit.si/ournetworks
and calendar
π Notes:: https://hackmd.io/thUKLLPMQSan3mRo2d6bGA?edit
πͺ Attendance:
- dc
- garry
- ben
- sarah
- March Meetup
- Organizer Travel
- Standing Business
- Run through "In Progress"
- Run through "Calendar Deadlines"
- Other Business
- Venue Update
- Website Check-in
- Budget
- Sponsorship
- Grant Debrief (Prep for next one?)
- Community group presentation + garry intro
- Livestreaming flow from CivicTech (patcon), experiment with linking that to IPFS livestreaming
- Plan one or two more and then have a sit down with patcon to debrief on organizer flow
Ben: Remote
- Apr: SFO, BCN
- May: HKG
- Jun: YYZ? then SFO
- Jul: SFO then YYZ?
- Aug: YYZ?
- Sep: YYZ
Sarah: Remote
- Poor availability in May (on and off)
- Mid August in the mountains no wifi (2nd-12th)
Dawn: Remote
- Jul: 1-2 weeks EU ??
- Sep: 5 days US Conf
Garry: Remote
- Jul: Somewhere, SF??
- Early Aug: Bad Internet (Mostly AFK)
Revisit meeting schedule?
- 2/mth throughout Apr-Jun
- Jul busy for at least a couple folks
- End JUL before break important to connect
- Last week August (August 20 on) meet regularly until load-in
- Agreement back with Jennie for update, the modification to notes section:
- Exhibition/conference installation Sep 19, 10am-6pm
- Exhibition open daily, Sep 20-24, 10am-6pm
- Conference Fri-Sun, Sep 20-22 (extend to Friday based on interest!)
- Kickoff Fri Sep 20 with alcohol (format likely similar to last year)
- Dawn to follow up this week
- Support us
- amts fine: $15 stickers! $30 tote!
- Dawn generate paypal thing
- updates to page: layout of tiers, tote image why?!
- Revisiting dweb publish flow
- homebase instance
- https://hashbase.io/
- publish flow
- mid-April to July
- Ben is interested in learning this and helping with automation, related:
- Toronto Mesh thing
- DWeb Camp needs website published to Dat and IPFS
- Next grant, Sarah looking into shortly, application prep, confirming we meet requirements
- No deadline, rolling acceptance
- Is flow async work and then meeting to finalize?
- Draft package: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IGuBnd3O1CnICe8baFD8WSF9cWZjjls5-6zE8qCEDEM/edit#heading=h.ofdcikls6w3z
- Nice to start reaching out with date and venue posted
- CFP before official push? (align with social media push)
- Some friendly potential sponsors incl. Mozilla before CFP?
- Possibly relevant CIRA meetup in Toronto March 20
- Draft budget: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vNI_1LzYn8_36MxNLmlIxAJSqyLfilyhDQ7qI4I9l70/edit#gid=0
- Existing sponsor outreach
- Look and feel, aspirational vibing
- CFP check-in
[Move to/Update project issues from this list]
- Dawn to follow up this week on venue
- Ben to sort livestreaming with patcon for March 28 meetup <-- dc: we discussed trackin on gh issue once I followed up
- Dawn update readme and calendar with new less tentative dates
- Garry to tell ben about dweb publishing & automation (end-April)
- Dawn move over the p2p issue in 2018 repo
- Sarah to set up next grant doc
- Sarah to check on grant results deadlines
- Sarah review sponsorship package