📅 Date: Saturday, August 24, 2019 @ 13:00-15:00pm
🙋 Participation: meet.jit.si/ournetworks
and calendar
📓 Notes:: https://hackmd.io/thUKLLPMQSan3mRo2d6bGA?edit
👪 Attendance:
- eloisa
- garry
- dc
- ben
- sarah
- Old Business
- sarah: screenprinting quotes (incl. sugar bomb from last year?).
- dc: confirm with sarah, able to get quotes, or who she wanted quotes from?
- sarah (dc now): coc stuff
- dc: still able to do CoC stuff?
- garry: poke us: end of this week we have to dial in swag designs (overprint, buttons, stickers)
- dc: ask stickermule for donation
- dc: make buttons again first week Sept?
- garry: update to buttons / stickers with construction/brick outlines
- garry: poster: add qri (confirmed), infura, CSS; remove "/conference" URL and revise scholarship sentence
- dc: email qri RE: logo, also CSS logo
- garry: poster also do scaled 11x17 version AUG 1
- dc: first round poster printing AUG 5
- garry: to do a branding update on assets in artwork repo
- dc: to update twitter + youtube
- dc: make scuttlebutt gathering
- dc: first pass August update for website (program+registration)
- dc: make bpt page for registration
- sarah: screenprinting quotes (incl. sugar bomb from last year?).
- Standing Business
- Run through "In Progress"
- Run through "Calendar Deadlines"
- Other Business
- Registration and Adverstising
- Keynote
- Program Revisit
- Code of Conduct
- Zine Library
- Billeting
- A/V
- Swag
- Filming at Our Networks
- Funding for 2020
- Defining Area Leads
- Revisit Meeting Schedule and Timeline
- 19 registered (anemic for 1 month out) / $1215 of goal $4500
- 45 incl. presenters
- reduced tickets to 120 (from 150) to make it look like there are less avail.
- Advertising:
- Listed on out-of-town topical mailing lists/events
- Another round on battlemesh, other mailing lists
- Rhizomatica + Telecomunicaciones indígenas comunitarias (via Maka + Peter to submit zines)
- Local advertising
- CivicTech calendar (added)
- Announce civic tech (ben + garry, grab handbills from garry/dc)
- Email local student groups (dc)
- FreeGeek, social media because we missed the quarterly newsletter (ben)
- Toronto Mesh event (ben)
- Submitted event sites (dc follow)
- Meetup event (dc)
- Social Media push (sarah)
- Aim to post next week
- Start scheduled tweets by Wed Aug 28
- Mailing list
- Tools library (sarah)
- Maker spaces (sarah)
- Hacklab (ben)
- Civic tech slack (dc)
- IDRC (el)
- GTA LUG (dc)
- NANOG (dc)
- Libre on mailinglist? (dc to check)
- Personal networks
- Listed on out-of-town topical mailing lists/events
- #todo dc: refunding email
- #todo sarah: social media mailing list sheet, done wed Aug 28
- el to help
- #todo sarah: re/tweet registration info
- Alfredo from Mayfirst panel confirmed
- Followup sent to Penny @ K-Net
- Another followup, Tuesday August 27th as cutoff
- #todo garry to follow-up today
- Next two in-line:
- #todo dc to draft, inline to send to JW next invite today
- #todo sarah email artists for image
- #todo dc affirmative negation also as exhibited work
- dc word vomit:
- rethink Friday schedule?
- moving third room content to plenary times?
- sunday ?
- add technical/hands-on workshops
- NYC-mesh offered (dc)
- Follow up with Grant? (dc)
- Vassilis from Sarantaporo, talk about the network (ben, if needed)
- Yurko from Toronto Mesh, MR16 hacking (ben, if needed)
- Screening (outdoors saturday)
- sidebar discussion on honoraria
- approach for existing scheduled folks
- those pulled in offer honoraria: inline with our current structure
- sidebar discussion on honoraria
- Kickoff party (inside friday)
- invite another performance
- DJ? more playlist vibes
- #todo sarah invite (additional) performer for kickoff
- #todo dc submit screening park permit
- #todo dc submit SOP
- #todo sarah Sep 4 screening plan nailed down
- #todo ? add mystery screening spot on calendar
- #todo dc ask abt short cut of radio doc from daniel?
- #todo ? move 2 talks from Sunday
- Revised language here: #103
- What happens when stuff comes up when things are out of scope? (e.g., HOPE)
- In the case of a CoC violation
- #todo ALL review and explicitly approve PR on GitHub
- #todo dc change coc@ email to ben's gmail
- #todo dc update the CoC 2019 PR
- #todo ? update the website with new CoC
- Recall zine proposal: https://hackmd.io/f45ESvMqTICG1_pR0TEDLA?edit
- Mail-in & bring-in
- Toronto zine library to borrow
- Make copies of zines with photocopier provided by TMAC
- Drafted call for zines
- Haven't heard from Phil about collaborating
- #todo followup with phil about their capacity
- Ways to send us stuff
- Email us a link and we can print stuff in BW
- Mail us physical zines
- #todo el, dc update website with call for zines by Sunday
- #todo bl, dc email folks to follow up
- Status:
- 3 on sheet
- Patcon: unclear whether asked
- Dylan may be able to host (checking with flatmates)
- #todo one more round of personal outreach by organizers?
- #todo dc and bl to sync of assignment of ppl into spaces
- New features for ipfs live streaming
- Handling remote participation
- Handling recording preferences + ISOC restream
- Call on Monday Aug 26 13.30
- #todo bl make meeting pad, agenda: #53 add remote presenter discussion and restreaming
- Dylan request to film a couple workshops / interviewing people
- We had media presence for Sarah's session last year
- It was an isolated workshop space
- Made space for people to opt out
- Repeating what we did last year makes sense
- Strong protocol for posting photos publicly
- Agreed cannot film in general areas
- Able we as organizeres able to introduce? (workshops, interviews)
- Release handled between folks
- Independent, declare relationship
- We have a policy (not in general areas, agreement of presenters + attendees)
- #todo we draft our blurb
- #todo follow up with Dylan RE: specific folks, ask for something to forward
- Dylan attended DSF seminar, shared high-level notes. $50,000 range for Canadian
- Scheduled call for August 29, with Ben, Sarah, Mark from OAC
- dc: this is a preliminary moment, we might need to sit until after/debrief to think about next year
- #todo ben, sarah take notes on the Thursday call with Mark from OAC
- #todo ask Dylan to chat after our networks 2019
- We defined our "leads" for the event as:
- Presenters (dawn)
- Comms -- mailing list, regered attendees / Attendees (dawn)
- Social Media (sarah, el)
- Volunteers (dc)
- Code of Conduct (ben--during)
- A/V (ben)
- Catering (dc)
- Swag (sarah--onsite)
- Swag (sarah--pre-printed, dc, garry to assist)
- Design (garry)
- Kickoff (sarah)
- Screening (sarah)
- Exhibition (sarah)
- Zine Library (el)
- #todo budget cost for swag and catering for next meeting
- #todo ben: share printing summary of swag
Revisit Meeting Schedule and Timeline
- Current:
- 08/24 MEETING
- 08/31 MEETING
- 09/03 Conference open hour #3 (-2)
- 09/07 MEETING
- 09/10 Venue walkthrough (-1) ... move this to the week of
- 09/14 MEETING
- 09/19 Load in (-0 weeks)
- 09/21 Our Networks 2019 (W38)
- In-person:
- Sarah, arrive Sept 18
- Rest around the preceeding week
- Weekday meetings:
- ET Am or after 10pm Sarah
- no 26 or 27
- No Wednesday evenings, Thursdays can be bad
- After 5pm ET
- #todo: dawn to poll on and pin down times for meeting
- Discussed flow: Sarah to handle followup on printing, Ben to deal with collecting?
- Ask if we can be invoiced directly and pay from Our Networks acct
- #todo dc to share shirt breakdown
- #todo sarah to follow up with email quote
- #todo dc share stickermule password
- #todo garry and ben work on sticker testprint and final order
- all: advertising push per above
- dc: refunding email
- sarah: social media mailing list sheet, done wed Aug 28
- el to help
- sarah: re/tweet registration info
- garry: to follow-up today
- dc: to draft, inline to send to JW next invite today
- sarah email artists for image
- dc: affirmative negation also as exhibited work (PR)
- sarah: invite (additional) performer for kickoff
- dc: submit screening park permit
- dc: submit SOP
- sarah: Sep 4 screening plan nailed down
- ? add mystery screening spot on calendar
- dc: ask abt short radio doc from daniel?
- ? move 2 talks from Sunday
- all: review and explicitly approve PR on GitHub
- dc: change coc@ email to ben's gmail
- dc: update the CoC 2019 PR
- ? update the website with new CoC
- ? (el followup with phil about their capacity
- el, dc: update website with call for zines by Sunday
- bl, dc: email folks to follow up
- one more round of personal outreach by organizers for billets?
- dc, bl: to sync of assignment of ppl into spaces
- bl: make meeting pad, agenda: #53 add remote presenter discussion and restreaming
- we: draft our blurb about filming
- dc: follow up with Dylan RE: specific folks, ask for something to forward
- ben, sarah: take notes on the Thursday call - with Mark
- dc: Dylan after our networks 2019
- ?: budget cost for swag and catering for next meeting
- ben: share printing summary of swag
- dc: to poll on and pin down times for meeting
- dc: to share shirt breakdown
- sarah: to follow up with email quote
- dc: share stickermule password
- garry and ben: work on sticker testprint and final order