Date: Friday, August 30, 2019 @ 17:00-18:00pm
π Participation: meet.jit.si/ournetworks
and calendar
π Notes:: https://hackmd.io/thUKLLPMQSan3mRo2d6bGA?edit
πͺ Attendance:
- ben
- el
- garry
- dc
- Old Business
- all: advertising push per above
- Listed on out-of-town topical mailing lists/events
- Another round on battlemesh, Dat, IPFS, Community Networks and Local Access, other mailing lists
- Local advertising
- CivicTech calendar (added)
- Announce civic tech (ben + garry, grab handbills from garry/dc)
- Email local student groups (dc)
- Toronto Mesh event (ben)
- Submitted event sites (dc follow)
- Listed on out-of-town topical mailing lists/events
- sarah: social media mailing list sheet, done wed Aug 28
- el to help
- sarah email artists for images
- sarah: invite (additional) performer for kickoff
- dc: submit screening park permit
- sarah: Sep 4 screening plan nailed down
- ? move 2 talks from Sunday
- dc, bl: to sync of assignment of ppl into spaces
- we: draft our blurb about filming
- ben, sarah: take notes on the Thursday call - with Mark
- ?: budget cost for swag and catering for next meeting
- ben: share printing summary of swag
- garry and ben: work on sticker testprint and final order
- dc: make buttons again first week Sept?
- dc: run alexandria coverage by Our Networks organizers
- dc: ask abt short radio doc from daniel?
- all: advertising push per above
- Standing Business
- Run through "In Progress"
- Run through "Calendar Deadlines"
- Other Business
- Registration and Advertising
- Billeting
- Accessibility
- Zine Library
- Budget
- Website
- Environment (and para-sympathetic events)
- Keynote
- 67/$2305.00 (of $4150)
- #todo dc draft second email to mailinglist
- 4 remote, 2 x 30 mins, 1 x 45 mins
- Can we reframe this as a "this is the future" what about climate crisis?!?
- dc: experience not too worried?
- bl: options:
- regig schedule
- shorten presentation
- How to make this reliable?
- zoom -- maybe paid acct
- #todo ben to look into this
- pre-recorded
- zoom -- maybe paid acct
- #todo dc: respond to jaya and dan and favour Q&A
- Still waiting on some things coming
- Two bits: childcare ($50-200), closed captioning (labour, less cost)
- bl: no childcare unless we have indication that where will be children attending prior to event, no closed captioning
- rest in favour of childcare
- #todo dc: reach out to rachele RE: childcare
- #todo --> el: twitter announce
- #todo el: chatting to zine folks, social advertising
- what do we do with free zines but that have a purchase option?
- #todo el to discuss further?
- candidate for co-working
- Alexandria Mirror
Discussed on 2019-08-26 AV call how to feature this resource DarkDrgn has been maintaining: https://alexandria.tomesh.net/ Main question is... can Our Networks cover CAD 57 / year Alexandria server cost? (if agreed) yurko: invoice Our Networks and move server into its own account (if agreed) dc/?: add the alexandria archive as an archive for ourtnets on recorded talks page
- Consensed to go ahead with cost
- Swag
- Catering
- Co-work on Saturday
- sarah: social media mailing list sheet, done wed Aug 28
- sarah: followup on email artists for images
- dc: submit screening park permit
- sarah: Sep 4 screening plan nailed down
- ben: draft our blurb about filming
- garry and ben: work on sticker testprint and final order
- garry: ER for test print
- dc: make buttons again second week Sept?
- dc: share tmac and gammaspace logos to hank (#96 (comment))
- dc: infura logo to hank and website (#96 (comment))
- el: push on zine library chatting to zine folks, social advertising
- dc: reach out to rachele RE: childcare
- el: twitter announce childcare once locked down
- ben: look into zoom / A/V Q&A
- dc: respond to jaya and dan and favour Q&A
- dc: draft second email to mailinglist for registration, announce keynote
- garry and ben: work on sticker final order
- dc: ask abt short radio doc from daniel?