Date: Sunday, September 15, 2019 @ 15:00-16:00pm
π Participation: meet.jit.si/ournetworks
and calendar
π Notes:: https://hackmd.io/thUKLLPMQSan3mRo2d6bGA?edit
πͺ Attendance:
- bc
- el
- garry
- sarah
- dc
- Old Business
- garry: ER for test print
- ben: ER for swag, A/V gear
- el: twitter announce childcare once locked down
- sarah to confirm Biyi: projecting, presentation of site, using a RPi + monitor
- source a long arm stapler
- sarah: look for long-arm stapler Sep 18
- (maybe): buy a long-arm stapler if needed
- el: to follow up with Melisa Prieto
- dc: email to presenters FRI some tickets remaining, share public parts in your networks
- dc: email round about free events
- garry: update handbill with free stuff for digital sharing THURS
- ben: create Our Networks org account with vistek and book equipment
- ben: Draft email to 4 (remote) presenters (recordings + tools + rundown)
- garry: website updating around tweeting (see reference)
- dc: to get formal quotes + coverage from general insurance
- sarah: add screening to website by weekend
- sarah to send first follow up email to TMAC and mention screen
- OFA response?
- sarah revision to art installation email draft
- dc: send email to andrea at city of toronto FRI
- sarah: email exhibited works set up
- lock down pickup of onsite screen dc ask jules FRI
- dc: thrift store run MON :((
- dc: add screenprinting to program calendar?
- dc: ask other breweries?
- sarah: tweet about matrix channel
- Standing Business
- Run through "In Progress"
- Run through "Calendar Deadlines"
- Other Business
- Registration and Advertising
- A/V
- Screening
- Exhibition (Equipment)
- Swag Production, Onsite
- Accessibility
- Kickoff Party + Catering
- Website
- Keynote Panel
- Zine Library (parked)
- Registration and Advertising
- #todo more advertising with public poster
- 130 open now
- "we're selling out"
- Screening
- 3 confirms
- trying to get one more confirmed, lengthy
- adding in Brett's
- #todo sarah add 3 screening to website by weekend
- #todo dc ensure city of toronto permit working
- Equipment
- #todo dc TMAC calling Monday AM
- #todo dc call CSV to book equipment monday
- #todo purchase/aquire
- 2x 24" tupperware tubs
- bring from home:
- clothes pegs
- laundry rack
- Kickoff Party + Catering
- Choice: end of day Monday
- Beer, cider, wine (no alcohol)
- Drink tickets model
- Presenters one free drink ticket
- Club Mate obtained
- Catering quotes
- Ghazele
- RP Catering
- Afgan Women's Catering Group
- #todo dc: send quotes for signoff end of day Monday
- Keynote panel
- maybe 2, ideas for 3rd, still emailing :/
- Website
- PR merges ASAP now on
- Swag times okay?
- Zine Library
- Got a bunch more
- #todo el: submit ER? (<$100)
- #todo dc: $25 Paypal to Cesar (direct from Our Nets)
- #todo el: to purchase some more zines ($)
- Insurance
- Equipment
- Only one of two quotes got back: $375
- We are okay to purchase, will also ask TMAC
- #todo dc: purchase insurance!
- A/V
- Discuss remote presentation plan and moderator role
- Flag remaining items for Video Production Assets and lock-down date
- New potential sponsor logo
- ISOC graphic requested: ournetworks/artwork#18
- Comments on stream graphics
- garry, dc: I can live with this
- #todo: add RTrade logo to Tier 1 (sarah to send graphic)
- Lock this down Monday night
- Equipment
- Run from Ben's
- Swag (stickers, shirts)
- Drill
- Run from DC's (Thurs)
- Swag (pins)
- Food stuff, old swag
- Laundry rack, clothes pins
- Electric kettle
- Run from DC ()
- Vistek rental
- Ben pickup
- People bringing:
- elon:
- Capture cards & laptop
- hank:
- Camera, tripod & audio recorder
- Also all the rest of the gear (cables, and splitter and whatnot)
- yurko:
- Mesh
- dc: school --
- Semaphore supplies
- Webcam (in desk)
- 2xTRU bodums?
- 2xOPIRG coffee urns?
- sarah:
- screen (thomas -- Tuesday driving in)
- long-arm stapler
- el: zine terminal
- elon:
- Run from Ben's
- Runsheet
- Zine printing PM
- Ben at downtown place
- Printing lanyard?
- Zine printing followup (!?)
- 5pm Walkthru (el tentative)
- 6pm Assembling Lanyard program (gi, dc, bl)
- 12ish Load-in
- Ben Vistek rental
- Vistek return
- #todo dc to make a real runsheet / mega equipment list
- Content pad: https://hackmd.io/jhorq6X4TKOOLswdxe-ZBg
- ben: MON integrate tweeting feature and server backend
- garry: ER for test print
- ben: ER for swag, A/V gear
- el: twitter announce childcare once locked down
- source a long arm stapler
- sarah: look for long-arm stapler Sep 18
- (maybe): buy a long-arm stapler if needed
- sarah: add screening to website
- sarah: email exhibited works set up
- lock down pickup of onsite screen dc ask jules FRI
- dc: thrift store run MON :((
- sarah: tweet about matrix channel
- dc call CSV to book equipment monday
- dc: send catering quotes for signoff end of day Monday
- dc TMAC calling Monday AM
- purchase/aquire: 2 x 24 tupperware tubs
- dc: purchase insurance!
- dc: to make a real runsheet / mega equipment list
- el: submit ER? (<$100)
- dc: $25 Paypal to Cesar (direct from Our Nets)
- el: to purchase some more zines ($)
- ben: add RTrade logo to Tier 1 (sarah to send graphic)