- build: update dep dev (e2e8762)
- fix: escape character in regexp (b77ecca)
- fix: get matching (e2c32da)
- fix: global matching (5afbfec)
- fix: match content (dbd49a2)
- fix: trim parts (95e26c1)
- style: trailing spaces (84fe2de)
- style: trailing spaces (b8c72eb)
- refactor: code orderinh (83a4fe9)
- refactor: commentsFormatting (b0be940)
- refactor: small changes (a239b34)
- docs: added docs for commentFormat option (9e6e7a3)
- feat: added newline formatting for comments (9784534)
- 0.6.0 (581972b)
- build: update changelog (f877707)
- build: update dep dev (b0df484)
- refactor: using walk method and added some tests (c5821bc)
- feat: language attribute support (71aa6c2)
- 0.5.0 (3046e89)
- Update index.js (2c702ac)
- build: update changelog (541091a)
- build: update dep dev (5f66365)
- style: after update dev dep and lint (cead49c)
- refactor: added keys length check for perf (58c56c9)
- refactor: extraced sort logic (5382e21)
- refactor: refactore checks for sortAttrs (a2c1b53)
- refactor: removed + sign for positive (3e7ff26)
- feat: sorting of attributes (0ef866b)
- ci: added github action (1fbfb1b)
- 0.4.0 (c847758)
- build: update changelog (086c003)
- build: update dep dev (f7f2a43)
- ci: appveyor incorrect with node 14 (3864d1a)
- ci: drop support appveyor, issue #242 (a8fba66), closes #242
- ci: drop support old node (8e2dc29)
- docs: update (df36a8a)
- fix: after update dep (aeb6e3a)
- refactor: removed unneccesary variables (774951c)
- feat: added maxlen option (205af78)
- 0.3.1 (7552dfb)
- build: update changelog (3522d53)
- build: update depDev (213b8c3)
- ci: drop and up node version (e8b9bf8)
- docs: change example to link on demo (7afd330)
- docs: rebuild (0f544b3)
- docs: update (0c54fa5)
- docs: update example (40b95be)
- fix: script witchout content, close #237 (06231d5), closes #237
- 0.3.0 (a6e08f0)
- build: bundle (49b5978)
- build: fix lost pkg (24afb0c)
- build: update changelog (c511193)
- build: update depDev (4fbacfc)
- docs: add description for js-beautify (b47f230)
- docs: fix options (14d09bd)
- docs: rebuild (18de96f)
- docs: update demo page (257d0dd)
- feat: beautify script, close #234 (8556f97), closes #234
- test: auto update (37c2867)
- test: for beautify script, issue #234 (d407493), closes #234
- style: indent according linter (5c92797)
- 0.2.6 (97163aa)
- build: add babel upgrade (29dc2d1)
- build: add jsinspector, close #132 (22cb9b1), closes #132
- build: add minify for js (b67708f)
- build: fix path to homepage (c2a4416)
- build: update build system, close #209 (ae50086), closes #209
- build: update changelog (7898989)
- build: update depDev (1cfb2b4)
- ci: drop support for old node (7e26211)
- style: according eslint (f7fd1dc)
- style: fix indent (e824c60)
- style: fix indent (52a56d5)
- style: update indent rules (932be49)
- perf: according jsinspect, close #132 (4bd4e2c), closes #132
- docs: change user name, close #232 (c736183), closes #232
- 0.2.3 (03291ec)
- build: update changelog (4a22aa1)
- feat: install Babel plugin for IE11 support (21cbc34)
- docs: rebuild (c1b8f0f)
- 0.2.1 (1ca2151)
- Create CNAME (d5a27c6)
- Delete CNAME (cf4f194)
- build: add changelog file (c0f17e1)
- build: add config xo, close #221 (d16e6a2), closes #221
- build: add xo space (efebefc)
- build: migration to 4 version (1f0a798)
- build: update and perf for script and config system (8b03cc5)
- build: update changelog (b2e5c91)
- build: update changelog (95aedb5)
- build: update dep dev (60633a5)
- build: update depDev (8df8e9d)
- build: update rules for eslint and clinton (c374a4f)
- perf: downgrade for ie 11, close #224 (74a99f5), closes #224
- perf: drop support old node (01d4c4e)
- perf: not need return promise because posthtml promise (b955f3b)
- test: fix forgot change plain (f564e61)
- test: remove because this remove from new version posthtml (34dd65e)
- style: according stylelint (e757486)
- style: according stylelint (fcddb21)
- style: according stylelint (38cdec3)
- style: according stylelint (74140b2)
- ci: add new node version (e3f0a0b)
- docs: change user name (dc7eaa9)
- 0.2.0 (a0def3b)
- fix: fucking htmlparser2 incorrect parse (d4996dc)
- test: drop test with async (f3c3cfe)
- test: fix lost readFile (7df4222)
- test: for blank lines, #217, #216 (6e51770), closes #217 #216
- test: only test-* file (30c1ec5)
- test: remove process and read file to utils (92b2c40)
- test: return commnet tests (5993060)
- test: revrite check api to async (6f94812)
- test: update according perf detect sync/async (06680b2)
- docs: add description for balnk lines option (5543e74)
- docs: drop license, github have tab license (8997330)
- docs: drop sync option because this resolve in posthtml (6de6b0b)
- feat: option blank lines, close #216, close #217 (00ce993), closes #216 #217
- perf: detect sync async from tree options (13e8a3e)
- perf: rewrited to the promise (793f487)
- perf: trim attributes value (421a6f1)
- build: update changelog (0690f1c)
- 0.1.11 (c7e0dc0)
- revert: drop array includes (a4576b5)
- build: fix add export modules plugin for babel, close #221 (5c0703f), closes #221
- build: update changelog (b92923d)
- perf: drop array includes (665b6d0)
- 0.1.10 (bd9169c)
- fix: cannot find module babel-runtime, close #213 (b6c4bbc), closes #213
- build: fix postpublish script (b7f8251)
- build: update changelog (0b3e6d5)
- 0.1.9 (b927eb8)
- Update .travis.yml (82d1b69)
- Update appveyor.yml (be40a4e)
- build: add envariment (1ce7d5d)
- build: add lint staged (592a7e8)
- build: perf lint options (12190d9)
- build: perf prepublish to prepare (a3aef86)
- build: update depDev (5c0c4e2)
- build: use lock (2cf0ae2)
- fix: for cross os (d1e1f23)
- fix: for node 4 (a43fafa)
- fix: lost native api, close #211 (bba14e2), closes #211
- fix: transpiller for old node (36e1a12)
- test: fix one test (6ff97cd)
- test: for #211 (98dac51), closes #211
- test: forgot env (b1ab4b5)
- docs: update builder (b1dc11c)
- docs: update example (9e9d5a3)
- ci: up versuion (d186d89)
- chore: Update changelog (ae73402)
- 0.1.8 (36b6812)
- chore: 0.1.7 (393986d)
- chore: add @commitlint (0432ab6)
- chore: not used anymore (fbf65d6)
- chore: Update changelog (cb092ec)
- chore: Update changelog (6019008)
- chore: update commit lint (eb0522e)
- chore: update depDev (ecab96d)
- chore(package): update husky to version 0.13.4 (03e1711)
- fix: incorrect build main file destitnation, close #206 (8a3b90f), closes #206
- style: fixed lint report (43644c6)
- 0.1.6 (07a4def)
- docs: add online service, close #57 (c498d81), closes #57
- docs: change ci badges to master, close #161 (52575eb), closes #161
- docs: fix lint (2f4a98e)
- docs: prebuild (3e7b3a7)
- docs: update (2971d81)
- chore: add commit at prepush (8b5cc0e)
- chore: add yarn (63cacab)
- chore: change to folder (6ef496f)
- chore: no-yarn on publish (b776df7)
- chore: remove docs build, webpack freezed (e57006d)
- chore: remove not use pkd (97b498a)
- chore: update (40eeaee)
- chore(changelog): Update changelog v
npm view posthtml-beautify version
(dbb9d4e) - chore(package): update babel-cli to version 6.24.1 (11c84e1)
- chore(package): update babel-eslint to version 7.2.2 (82b6c7e)
- chore(package): update babel-eslint to version 7.2.3 (fbefced)
- chore(package): update babel-preset-babili to version 0.1.2 (c4ad7a9)
- chore(package): update babel-preset-env to version 1.4.0 (d18f8cf)
- chore(package): update babel-register to version 6.24.1 (8cb25c3)
- chore(package): update clinton to version 0.12.0 (458c86c)
- chore(package): update conventional-changelog-lint to version 1.1.8 (d243971)
- chore(package): update conventional-changelog-lint to version 1.1.9 (38ab556)
- chore(package): update coveralls to version 2.13.1 (9ec4444)
- chore(package): update eslint to version 3.19.0 (86c3dc4)
- chore(package): update eslint-config-xo to version 0.18.2 (975cbb7)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-html to version 2.0.2 (6dc7148)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-html to version 2.0.3 (d0f5a7a)
- chore(package): update np to version 2.14.1 (69b6ba8)
- chore(package): update nyc to version 10.3.0 (eb20f11)
- chore(package): update nyc to version 10.3.2 (ecb4b87)
- chore(package): update updtr to version 1.0.0 (e18bd7d)
- fix: remove build docs to prepush (e559371)
- perf: options default (a575164)
- 0.1.5 (8cc6cc2)
- docs(readme): add description for option mini (b86bb89)
- docs(readme): add Greenkeeper badge (fc7c34c)
- docs(readme): remove greenkeaper badge (e665a9a)
- test(test-plugin): test options mini remove empty attributes (f22fc3f)
- test(test-plugin): trim attributes property (069a828)
- feat(index): add options mini remove empty attributes (a7834fb)
- perf(index): trim attributes property, close #166 (f5334c3), closes #166
- fix(index): transform to lower attribute name (a88f1de)
- chore(changelog): Update changelog v0.1.4 (b4d7fde)
- chore(package): update babel-preset-babili to version 0.0.11 (b5e09b2)
- chore(package): update dependencies (d1e27bb)
- chore(package): update posthtml-parser to version 0.2.1 (fe2fcbe)
- 0.1.4 (bf56175)
- fix(*): cannot find module es6.map, close #153 (7848934), closes #153
- chore(changelog): Update changelog v0.1.3 (ad995e1)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-ava to version 4.1.0 (443be04)
- 0.1.3 (cf8ab76)
- revert(index): revert reflect because throw error (cc563cf)
- style(*): add eol (2b56d2c)
- test(package): update reg extension (124f0d6)
- chore(changelog): Update changelog v0.1.2 (6c3ae30)
- chore(package): add babel-polyfill (2bddb87)
- chore(package): update ava to version 0.18.1 (9272230)
- chore(package): update ava-codemods to version 0.3.1 (c7a4433)
- chore(package): update babel-cli to version 6.22.2 (84ad419)
- chore(package): update babel-preset-babili to version 0.0.10 (fd97cf9)
- chore(package): update babel-preset-env to version 1.1.8 (f84450d)
- chore(package): update babel-register to version 6.22.0 (4a3b2a9)
- chore(package): update clinton to version 0.11.0 (32bf0cb)
- chore(package): update coveralls to version 2.11.16 (0bbadc8)
- chore(package): update deepmerge to version 1.3.2 (eec707b)
- chore(package): update eslint to version 3.15.0 (e543e51)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-ava to version 4.0.1 (2590cc2)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-babel to version 4.0.1 (bc474a7)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-html to version 2.0.0 (cfb1bbe)
- chore(package): update husky to version 0.13.1 (943bcc2)
- chore(package): update nyc to version 10.1.2 (63dca2c)
- chore(package): update posthtml to version 0.9.2 (779f276)
- perf(index): use reflect, close #130 (139e819), closes #130
- fix(package): change node version type (be08330)
- 0.1.2 (571279e)
- fix(package): change pkg name in postpublish (d0cb61b)
- fix(rules): return to unix notation, close #112 (0f51218), closes #112
- chore(changelog): Update changelog v0.1.10 (193db71)
- chore(package): update clinton to version 0.10.0 (96b0794)
- 0.1.1 (d1570ad)
- Update readme.md (f7426d8)
- Update readme.md (257eac0)
- chore(changelog): Update changelog (9257e32)
- chore(package): add version on prepublich commit (7bbe068)
- chore(package): change preset-es2015 to preset-env, close #104 (85a3309), closes #104
- chore(package): fix clinton recommendation for ava (d02b136)
- chore(package): update ava to version 0.17.0 (9c9b5ee)
- chore(package): update babel-eslint to version 7.1.1 (98011e8)
- chore(package): update babel-preset-babili to version 0.0.9 (b4b30d8)
- chore(package): update babel-preset-es2015 to version 6.18.0 (04b6065)
- chore(package): update clinton to version 0.9.0 (31cf033)
- chore(package): update conventional-changelog-lint to version 1.1.0 (360299e)
- chore(package): update coveralls to version 2.11.15 (ee0e4e7)
- chore(package): update depDev (a9958b1)
- chore(package): update eslint to version 3.11.1 (66f65bb)
- chore(package): update eslint to version 3.12.1 (588d49a)
- chore(package): update eslint to version 3.8.0 (bc64da5)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-ava to version 4.0.0 (2ea2ce4)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-babel to version 4.0.0 (d0e94c5)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-html to version 1.7.0 (a7eef18)
- chore(package): update np to version 2.12.0 (c2c483f)
- chore(package): update nyc to version 10.0.0 (389a0fb)
- chore(package): update nyc to version 8.3.2 (14aa613)
- chore(package): update updtr to version 0.2.3 (75fbd0e)
- docs(readme): update options (4f48e12)
- test(*): fix path (9b545f4)
- test(package): add node 7 (5474a17)
- ci(*): add node 7 (a00e10c)
- perf(*): change assign-deep to deepmerge (58659ea)
- perf(rules): change property to os.eol, close #101 (0d04acd), closes #101
- feat(*): transform to lower case element name, close #110 (6795c08), closes #110
- style(index): fix no-useless-escape (784f2b2)
- fix(package): add lost pkg (b4c7270)
- fix(package): to lowercase changelog in postpublish (788c91e)
- 0.1.0 (74183a3)
- docs(readme): add description for options sync (dcf6b06)
- docs(readme): add license (1fb27b7)
- test(test-plugin): add tests for sync mode (8b90dd1)
- test(test-plugin): improving processing (98da81c)
- feat(index): add options sync mode, fixed #70 (912291e), closes #70
- chore(changelog): Update changelog (be989a3)
- chore(package): update ava-codemods to version 0.3.0 (5f1148b)
- chore(package): update babel-eslint to version 7.0.0 (a590ee0)
- chore(package): update babel-preset-babili to version 0.0.5 (7db66ca)
- chore(package): update coveralls to version 2.11.14 (df69bbb)
- chore(package): update devDependencies and dependencies (e2e8b7f)
- chore(package): update eslint to version 3.7.0 (872aa33)
- chore(package): update eslint-config-xo to version 0.17.0 (a1af04f)
- chore(package): update eslint-formatter-pretty to version 1.0.1 (3497d0e)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-html to version 1.5.3 (b6ec642)
- chore(package): update husky to version 0.11.9 (d7ec27f)
- 0.0.6 (9b3f61a)
- fix(*): fix last indent if only one element (def6fcd)
- fix(package): fix clinton report (46b52c9)
- docs(readme): update result output.html (2610d49)
- chore(changelog): Update changelog (2b983b5)
- chore(package): add linting javascript in html files (ce36a7e)
- chore(package): change babel-min to babili, fixed #54 (ea43737), closes #54
- chore(package): update ava to version 0.16.0 (5f6300b)
- chore(package): update babel-preset-es2015 to version 6.14.0 (8ac62c6)
- chore(package): update clinton to version 0.8.0 (a083257)
- chore(package): update coveralls to version 2.11.13 (9cce017)
- chore(package): update eslint to version 3.4.0 (d1665bf)
- chore(package): update eslint-formatter-pretty to version 0.3.1 (0b36d24)
- chore(package): update eslint-formatter-pretty to version 1.0.0 (11a3056)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-ava to version 3.0.0 (6b489a8)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-xo to version 1.0.0 (0b297e1)
- chore(package): update husky to version 0.11.7 (3961263)
- chore(package): update np to version 2.8.0 (f9f8774)
- chore(package): update nyc to version 8.1.0 (52bb205)
- chore(package): update nyc to version 8.3.0 (a5285cf)
- perf(index): add line break for last node on level 0, fixed #38 (255c100), closes #38
- 0.0.5 (b306412)
- fix(*): fix according to clinton recommendations (b791b71)
- fix(*): incorrect write value (2ba2a13)
- chore(changelog): Update changelog (d7ac7fe)
- chore(package): add testen, fixed #23 (69a5bad), closes #23
- chore(package): update devDep (a3401bf)
- refactor(*): adds a parser ie conditional comments, fixed #8 (a5b6ffc), closes #8
- refactor(index.js): add tmp conditional internet explorer comment (4f58d27)
- 0.0.4 (0c9f3e0)
- docs(readme): add description for new feature eof (54457fa)
- feat(eof): add EOF feature #29 (cff9c3a), closes #29
- chore(changelog): Update changelog (69939c3)
- chore(package): update babel-register to version 6.11.6 (a66b160)
- chore(package): update coveralls to version 2.11.12 (29b1d6b)
- chore(package): update nyc to version 7.1.0 (c1bcd7f)
- 0.0.3 (e80f9af)
- fix(package): lose dependencies pkg (ed033da)
- chore(changelog): Update changelog (3ef2d80)
- 0.0.2 (55d93aa)
- chore(*): fixed #17, add ignore to clinton config and edit editorconfig (4a6a426), closes #17
- chore(package): add #18, auto node package publish (6b211f1), closes #18
- chore(package): add chlog lint&generator fixed #16 (e002543), closes #16
- chore(package): add key any branch on publish (358def9)
- chore(package): fixed #19, change config clinton (203885a), closes #19
- chore(package): update devDep (3ed4857)
- docs(readme): add badge node support (0afc758)
- refactor(index): remove double call attrsBoolean (4fe7a56)
- test(*): fixed #5, add test with plugins (c6418b6), closes #5
- style(.editorconfig): not need final new line for html (9a38065)
- fix(index): fixed #15, incorrect set indent with posthtml-modules (f072515), closes #15
- Added posthtml in devDependencies for testing (b32764c)
- bump (fae6efa)
- bump (9fee393)
- Fixed #11, now rules as property (0d2d4f2), closes #11
- Fixed #12, added clinton (2a0eef9), closes #12
- Fixed #12, change xo to eslint (4774642), closes #12
- Fixed appveyor config (670d1c2)
- Fixed linter report error (0a9726d)
- not to put preset min (a1d4c39)
- Remove comment (ace0859)
- Remove comment (0d0c702)
- v0.0.0 ... v0.0.1 (055eedb)
- chore(package): update babel-preset-min to version 0.1.15 (9dc2372)
- chore(package): update posthtml to version 0.9.0 (14b09bf)