- add syntax-checker layer to support
d s
&c s
evil commands to delete or change surrounding parens - disable helm-discbinds to prevent it blocking which-key menu
- main layers: remove syntax checking - lsp makes this redundant
- lsp: disable peek due to visualy conflict with completion popup
- practicalli/main lsp: improve typing responsiveness with longer idle delay
- Clojure Essentail Reference Emacs package to look up functions in book of same name, added key binding in Clojure mode
, h r
- snippet: mkdocs fontawesome icons: book, github, youtube
- snippet: mkdocs full image form
- snippet: link to Practicalli spacemacs and doom emacs configurations
- comment magit-delta-plugin as unstaged changes are not show if delta binary is not on the Emacs PATH, leave for user to enable and install tool
- snippet: comment header and section using --- lines rather than ;;;
- disable lsp hover and associated markdown doc generation call - enable clojure-mode to evaluate forms in rich comment as top level form
- renamed default branch to main
- renamed GitHub repository to practicalli/spacemacs-config
- #7 Refactor dotspacemacs/user-config into individual files
- Update clojure and autocomplete layer variables for optimal use with LSP
- Update LSP variables to include peek menus for references, symbols, etc
- update git layer with git-delta plugin for enhanced diff highlights
- spacemacs-modeline - hide evil state icon (use cursor colour & shape for effective state tracking)
- Move unused configuration to deprecated-config.el
- Spacemacs template updates
- MkDocs snippets