A PyTorch-based implementation of various deep learning architectures for semantic segmentation of unstructured road scenes using the Indian Driving Dataset (IDD).
- Overview
- Dataset
- Model Architectures
- Architecture-Comparision
- Results
- Installation
- Usage
- Project Structure
This project implements and compares five popular deep learning architectures for semantic segmentation:
- FCN (Fully Convolutional Network)
- U-Net
- PSPNet
- LinkNet
- DeepLabV3+
The models are trained on the IDD-Lite dataset, which contains road scene images from Indian cities, annotated with 8 classes:
- Drivable area
- Non-drivable area
- Living things
- Vehicles
- Roadside objects
- Far objects
- Sky
- Miscellaneous
This project implements five deep learning architectures, each with its unique strengths for semantic segmentation:
graph LR
subgraph VGG16_Backbone
I[Input] --> C1[Conv Block 1]
C1 --> C2[Conv Block 2]
C2 --> C3[Conv Block 3]
C3 --> C4[Conv Block 4]
C4 --> C5[Conv Block 5]
subgraph FCN_Head
C5 --> FC6[Conv 7x7]
FC6 --> FC7[Conv 1x1]
FC7 --> S1[Score]
subgraph Skip_Connections
C4 --> S2[Score Pool4]
C3 --> S3[Score Pool3]
S1 --> U1[Upsample 2x]
U1 --> F1[Fuse]
S2 --> F1
F1 --> U2[Upsample 2x]
U2 --> F2[Fuse]
S3 --> F2
F2 --> U3[Upsample 8x]
U3 --> O[Output]
style I fill:#f9f,stroke:#333
style O fill:#9ff,stroke:#333
The FCN architecture transforms traditional classification networks into fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. Key features:
- Based on VGG16 backbone
- Replaces fully connected layers with 1x1 convolutions
- Uses skip connections from earlier layers for fine-grained prediction
- Multi-scale prediction fusion for better segmentation details
graph TD
subgraph Encoder
I[Input Image] --> C1[Conv Block 1]
C1 --> P1[MaxPool]
P1 --> C2[Conv Block 2]
C2 --> P2[MaxPool]
P2 --> C3[Conv Block 3]
C3 --> P3[MaxPool]
P3 --> C4[Conv Block 4]
subgraph Bottleneck
C4 --> B[Bottleneck]
subgraph Decoder
B --> U1[UpConv 1]
U1 --> D1[Conv Block 5]
D1 --> U2[UpConv 2]
U2 --> D2[Conv Block 6]
D2 --> U3[UpConv 3]
U3 --> D3[Conv Block 7]
D3 --> O[Output]
%% Skip Connections
C1 -.-> D3
C2 -.-> D2
C3 -.-> D1
style I fill:#f9f,stroke:#333
style O fill:#9ff,stroke:#333
style B fill:#ff9,stroke:#333
The U-Net architecture features a symmetric encoder-decoder structure that's particularly effective for detailed segmentation:
- Contracting path (encoder) captures context
- Expanding path (decoder) enables precise localization
- Skip connections transfer detailed features from encoder to decoder
- Particularly effective at preserving fine structural details
graph TD
subgraph Encoder
I[Input] --> E1[Encoder Block 1]
E1 --> E2[Encoder Block 2]
E2 --> E3[Encoder Block 3]
E3 --> E4[Encoder Block 4]
subgraph Decoder
E4 --> D4[Decoder Block 4]
D4 --> D3[Decoder Block 3]
D3 --> D2[Decoder Block 2]
D2 --> D1[Decoder Block 1]
%% Skip Connections
E1 -.-> D1
E2 -.-> D2
E3 -.-> D3
E4 -.-> D4
D1 --> F[Final Conv]
F --> O[Output]
style I fill:#f9f,stroke:#333
style O fill:#9ff,stroke:#333
LinkNet is designed for efficient semantic segmentation:
- Memory-efficient architecture with strong performance
- Direct connections between encoder and decoder blocks
- Residual connections for better gradient flow
- Lighter computational footprint compared to U-Net
- Ideal for real-time applications
graph TD
subgraph Encoder
I[Input] --> B[Backbone]
B --> ASPP{ASPP Module}
subgraph ASPP_Module
ASPP --> A1[1x1 Conv]
ASPP --> A2[3x3 Rate 6]
ASPP --> A3[3x3 Rate 12]
ASPP --> A4[3x3 Rate 18]
ASPP --> A5[Global Pool]
subgraph Decoder
A1 & A2 & A3 & A4 & A5 --> C[Concat]
C --> C1[Conv 1x1]
B --> LF[Low-level Features]
LF --> C2[Conv 1x1]
C1 --> U1[Upsample 4x]
U1 --> M[Merge]
C2 --> M
M --> U2[Upsample 4x]
U2 --> O[Output]
style I fill:#f9f,stroke:#333
style O fill:#9ff,stroke:#333
DeepLabV3+ represents the state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation:
- Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) for multi-scale processing
- Multiple dilation rates (6, 12, 18) for broader receptive fields
- Encoder-decoder structure with ASPP module
- Fusion of low-level and high-level features
- Superior performance on boundary regions
Architecture | Strengths | Best Use Cases | Memory Usage | Inference Speed |
FCN | Simple, effective baseline | General segmentation | Medium | Fast |
U-Net | Fine detail preservation | Medical imaging, detailed segmentation | High | Medium |
LinkNet | Efficiency, good performance | Real-time applications | Low | Fast |
DeepLabV3+ | State-of-the-art accuracy | High-accuracy requirements | High | Slow |
Model performance comparison on IDD-Lite dataset:
Architecture | Training Set | Testing Set | Mean F1 Score |
FCN | 0.9032 | 0.9034 | 0.687 |
UNET | 0.8784 | 0.7406 | 0.586 |
LINKNET | 0.9231 | 0.7579 | 0.750 |
DEEPLABV3+ | 0.8040 | 0.7712 | 0.787 |
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/your-username/road-scene-segmentation.git
cd road-scene-segmentation
# Install dependencies
pip install -e .
- Python 3.7+
- PyTorch >= 1.9.0
- torchvision >= 0.10.0
- albumentations >= 1.0.3
- OpenCV
- NumPy
- Matplotlib
- tqdm
The project uses IDD-Lite dataset (~50MB). To set up the dataset:
python setup_data.py
This will download and organize the IDD-Lite dataset in the correct directory structure.
To train a model:
python train.py --config config.yaml
Configure training parameters in config.yaml
MODEL_TYPE: 'unet' # Options: 'fcn', 'unet', 'linknet', 'deeplabv3'
BACKBONE: 'resnet34'
To evaluate a trained model:
python evaluate.py --config config.yaml --model-path checkpoints/final_model.pth
For inference on a single image:
from segmentation import SegmentationConfig, UNet, Visualizer
import cv2
# Initialize model and load weights
config = SegmentationConfig(MODEL_TYPE='unet')
model = UNet(config)
# Run inference
image = cv2.imread('path/to/image.jpg')
prediction = model.predict(image)
├── segmentation/
│ ├── models/
│ │ ├── fcn.py
│ │ ├── unet.py
│ │ ├── linknet.py
│ │ └── deeplabv3.py
│ ├── config.py
│ ├── dataset.py
│ └── utils/
├── train.py
├── evaluate.py
├── setup_data.py
└── config.yaml