{{#if ceremony}}Ceremony: {{ceremony}}
{{/if}}<!-- Please edit this document as you see fit.
The following information is prepopulated for convenience and transparency; however that does not mean that it is all required.
Please exercise your personal judgement, and if necessary delete stuff to reach a balance of privacy and transparency which is comfortable for you. -->
Contributor name: INSERT NAME HERE Date: {{date}} {{time}} Geographic location: INSERT LOCATION HERE Time taken: e.g. "~30 minutes"
Device(s): SPECIFY MACHINE USED, E.G. HARDWARE CPU architecture: {{os.arch}} CPU model: {{cpu.model}} CPU logical cores: {{cpu.cores}} CPU bugs: {{cpu.bugs}} Memory: {{mem.total}}MB
OS type: {{os.type}} OS platform: {{os.platform}} OS version: {{os.version}} Uptime: {{uptime}} Repository upstream: {{repo.upstream}} Repository commit: {{repo.head}} ({{repo.head_name}})
- mashed keyboard to generate random string
- bytes from /dev/urandom from machine ...
- webcam
- audio input
- Geiger counter
- random words from random books
- asked people for random numbers / words
- Left other processes running
- Didn't use swap space
- Ran the software on secure hardware
- Didn't tell anyone except coordinator about participation in advance
- Disconnected network during generation of contribution
- Rebooted with airgap before generation of contribution
- Full disk encryption
- Put the machine in a Faraday cage
- Used multiple machines and randomly picked the result of one of them
- Ensured no one could see the screen
- Filled up memory with memtester
- Rebooted the machine
- Power-cycled the machine
- Wiped the storage drive
- Destroyed the machine after (!)
I intend to share the files:
- via IPFS using multisetups
- via GitHub PR
- via