- Overall dependency updates (chore)
- Ace upgrade to
#347 - Slow initial session creation fix #350
- Includes integration with ACE
#279 - Cutting out of maintenance Node.JS support, new minimum node requirement
- Addresses moderate vulnerability in Passport
< v0.6.0
concerning Session Fixation (session regeneration when a users logs in or out)- Weakness: CWE-384
- Vulnerability: CVE-2022-25896
- xterm.js
upgrade - Other dependency updates
- Remediates security vulnerabilities reported in 3rd party packages.
- Notable upgrades to: passport, engine.io, xterm, yargs, jsdav, vfs, ace, xmldom
- iOS: Preferences page is not scrollable #41
- Cutting the support for Node.js v10 #192
- Minimum node.js version set to v12.22.1
- Deprecate the use of optimist #157 #194
- Removal of nodeunit dependency #195
- New scoped packages instead of direct github linking
- @pylonide/architect-build
- @pylonide/smith
- @pylonide/treehugger
- @pylonide/v8debug
- Notable dependency upgrades:
- Engine.io v5.1.1
- xterm v4.13.0
- form-auth promoted to default authentication plugin
- APF usage deprecated #93
- Cutting the support of the following old Node.js versions #122:
- v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9)
- Node.JS v10 required going forward
- Upgrade to ACE v1.4.12
- Notable dependency upgrades:
- Engine.io v4.0.0
- xterm v4.9.0
- New @pylonide scoped dependencies:
- @pylonide/vfs-architect
- @pylonide/vfs-nodefs-adapter
- Dark themed file browser, ui enhancements
- Further namespace changes to Pylon #48
- APF Merged into Pylon IDE as PPC #66
- Connect middleware gets redirect() support #67
- Support for Forms authentication #69
- Removal of apf-packager and apf dependencies #87
- cozy-jsdav-fork dependency changed to @pylonide/jsdav for enhanced security
- dryice dependency changed to @pylonide/dryice for enhanced security
- Pylon namespace changes
- Upgrade to ACE v1.4.5
- Dependency upgrades and security enhancements
- One of the last releases to remain compatible with End-of-Life Releases of Node.js:
- v4
- v5
- v6
- v7
- Further namespace changes to Pylon
- appCache capability check #57
- appCache has been disabled on non-secure connections in modern browsers
- Fix for startup directory creation #59
- Fix for memory leak and improvements to file upload cancellation #61
- Support upload of large files (< 1.5GB) #63
- Upgrade to ACE v1.4.2
- Drop Firefox Quantum starting from v64.0 due to broken experience #65
- Make it possible to install Pylon via NPM (intended for further testing)
- Renaming the project to Pylon IDE - Minimum set of changes #48
- Publishing to NPM as global "pln" package
- Fix to be able to close tabs with image view #46
- Should compile now also on Ubuntu 16.04 and Node 10 by removing indirect dependency to gnu-tools #49
- Last release from exsilium/cloud9 repo as explained in issue #48
- Improvements to UndoManager and APF ActionTracker usage (File editing status is correctly shown) #40
- Fix for possible server crash when refreshing browser with terminals open #42
- Dependency updates
- Gemnasium badge removal
- Includes ACE v1.3.3
- Drop support for legacy node version v0.10, v0.11, v0.12, io.js
- Engine.io stack upgraded to v3.x
- Terminal now uses xterm project in favour of term.js
- new jsDAV
- Basic iPad Pro support with hw keyboard and touch controls
- Basic Microsoft Edge support
- Overall fixes and dependency updates
- Includes ACE 1.3.1
- Dependency updates: async, engine.io, body-parser, connect, qs, serve-favicon
- TTY reconnects automatically when disconnection occurs
- Ace editor has webkit based scrollbars also for Firefox & Chrome
- Final release known to work with legacy unsupported Node.js versions:
- v0.10 (End-of-Life: 2016-10-31)
- v0.11 (Experimental development branch not supported)
- v0.12 (End-of-Life: 2016-12-31)
- io.js
- Going forward the above mentioned version support will be dropped. Cloud9v2 project will try to align with the nodejs/LTS calendar. Minor version bump will occur whenever any node versions are being dropped.
- Now works with Node.js v6.x branch
- Dependency updates: async 2.x, ace 1.2.x, engine.io 2.0
- User extensions are now loadable during run time
- Terminal works with 3rd level characters in international layout keyboards without country specific mapping
- PuTTY style mouse copy-paste feature implemented in terminal
- Selecting text with left click copies content to clipboard
- Right mouse click acts as paste in terminal input
- Terminal allows remote connections by default whenever Cloud9 is started with a non-localhost specific
-l <ip>
- Reverse proxy is now supported. It is possible to configure Cloud9 to work behind a proxy (ie. nginx and https). Closes #13
- A surprise! The previous upstream author (c9) did some spring cleaning and broke some dependencies in the process
- Engine.io as well as other external dependencies received a version bump
- The Connect middleware once again received a huge upgrade, this time to v3.4.1.
Due to middleware architecture changes, many new additional packages were
added as dependency:
- cookie-parser
- body-parser
- serve-static
- csurf
- qs
- parseurl
- passport
- passport-http connect.query() was backported from Connect v2
- Other dependencies were pumped to their newest and greatest versions
- Fix for Stream error: Upload timed out when uploading files
- Minor UI change
- Travis-CI improvements
- Repository is now detached from the original upstreadm
- Connect is upgraded from v1.8.7 to more modern version of v2.29.1 this closes the Cross-Site scripting with connect.methodOverride() security alert
- Many dependencies were upgraded to newer versions
- Travis-CI integration and small fixes
- Node.JS Version 0.10 compatibility
- Terminal added (bash) that works in *x environments, sorry Windows, for now.
- Final official release with the state of upstream ajaxorg/cloud9