Sometimes the virtual desktop task view will lock up. This appears to be related to the cached history. So if it does lock up try Clearing the Activity History. This can be found by going to
Start > Windows Settings > Find a setting
and searching for clear activity history. On the Activity history settings page click Clear under Clear activity history.
Alternatively, if you don't want your activity history stored, uncheck Store my activity history on this device.
See Also:
If a file path needs to be longer than 260 characters, then enabling long paths through the registry may fix the issue:
The process locking a file can be found by:
- Open resmon (resource monitor)
- Go to CPU > Associated Handles
- Search for locked file name
- This will list processes using the file
- Either close the process normally or right-click and End Process.
If Windows is taking a while to login, then one option is to go to the %localAppData%/temp
folder and delete its contents. Especially if it is taking up a lot of space.