Install packages
sudo yum -y install xchat # For IRC sudo yum -y install adobe-source-code-pro-fonts # Nicer fonts to work with sudo yum -y install git-all # Git and components sudo yum -y install memcached # Memcached for the session store sudo yum -y install postgresql-devel postgresql-server # PostgreSQL Database server and to build 'pg' Gem sudo yum -y install libxml2-devel libxslt-devel # For Nokogiri Gem sudo yum -y install gcc-c++ # For event-machine Gem
Enable Memcached
sudo systemctl enable memcached sudo systemctl start memcached
Configure PostgreSQL
sudo passwd postgres <new_password> su postgres -c 'initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/data' sudo systemctl enable postgresql sudo systemctl start postgresql su postgres psql -c "CREATE USER evm SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'YourNewPassword'" exit
The most reliable authentication mechanism for git uses SSH keys.
- SSH Key Setup Set up a SSH keypair for authentication. Note: If you enter a passphrase, you will be prompted every time you authenticate with it.
Github account setup Account Settings.
- Profile: Fill in your personal information, such as your name.
- Profile: Optionally set up an avatar at gravatar.com. When you set up your gravatar, be sure to have an entry for the addresses you plan to use with git / Github.
- Emails: Enter your e-mail address and verify it, click the Verify button and follow the instructions.
- Notification Center / Notification Email / Custom Routing: Change the email address associated with ManageIQ if desired.
Forking ManageIQ/manageiq:
- Go to ManageIQ/mangeiq
- Click the Fork button and choose "Fork to <yourname>"
Go to the Members page.
- Verify you are listed.
- Optionally click Publicize Membership.
Git configuration and default settings.
git config --global user.name "Joe Smith" git config --global user.email joe.smith@example.com git config --global --bool pull.rebase true git config --global push.default simple
If you need to use git with other email addresses, you can set the local user.email from within the clone using:
git config user.name "Joe Smith" git config user.email joe.smith@example.com
- chruby: https://github.com/postmodern/chruby
- RVM: http://rvm.io/
git clone git@github.com:JoeSmith/manageiq.git # Use "-o my_fork" if you don't want the remote to be named origin
cd manageiq
git remote add upstream git@github.com:ManageIQ/manageiq.git
git fetch upstream
You can add other remotes at any time to collaborate with others by running:
git remote add other_user git@github.com:OtherUser/manageiq.git
git fetch upstream
gem install bundler -v "~>1.3"
cd vmdb
bundle install --without qpid
cd ..
rake build:shared_objects
cd vmdb
cp config/database.pg.yml config/database.yml
- Edit config/database.yml changing the user "root" to "evm" (the postgres role created above)
- Navigate back to the vmdb directory and run
rake evm:db:reset
- Note: First startup should be full server start to allow DB seeding
rake evm:start