Branch idea: Only barmekko
- Drop marimekko function
- Drop marimekko from vignette
- Write R-package-friendly documentation
- Do whatever else it takes to submit to CRAN
** open as .proj and Build --> Check... why does the .Rd file (and mekko-Ex.R) fail to copy over
, causing the check to fail when it can't find the functionlabs
? *** barmekko(df, region, avg_margin, sales) + labs(title = 'Margins by Region') Error: could not find function "labs" - Can I get rid of the dplyr import without marimekko (probably need to change the demo?)
Reincorporating Marimekko:
- Point out problem with ggmosaic and product plots: They want to leave space for null combinations (is this an option I can influence?)
- arrange() doesn't lead to properly sorted marimekko (ignores sort)
- suppress warning re: stacking in barmekko (or just replace geom_bar)
- why doesn't this line work with the .md file created by keep_md option (shows text, doesn't run code):
date: "
r Sys.Date()
- add border lines to marimekko as default (hard to see differences in columns with same color right now)
- if you leave in a grouping variable it groups the chart by it (see cancelation analysis rmd and group by time zone name and time zone)... geom_bar doesn't do this; should I keep this or remove it?
- add value label examples to demo and documentation
- add arrange/sorting examples to the demo and documentation
- add label rotation examples to demo and documentation
- improve label placement when all values are negative
- allow user to set text y, vjust including using a variable (or should it default to y rather than 0?)
- add Simpson's Paradox example from here:
- hack plotly so that it shows the options I want it to show -- see for: "Figure 1.9: Using the style() function to modify hoverinfo attribute values of a plotly object created via ggplotly() (by default, ggplotly() displays hoverinfo for all traces). In this case, the hoverinfo for a fitted line and error bounds are hidden."
- add smart color options e.g. red-green neg-pos (or color can be an additional variable)
- add highlight option e.g. highlight a specific x value or highlight by mininimum or maximum width or y value
- allow multiple columns for X (concatenate) or at least just include a good example in the docs
- replace geom_bar with geom_rect so that it works in plotly (include rangeslider example from
- separate data preparation from rendering to improve testability
- update vignette with new options above once completed
- write tests and include wider array of examples
- get package listed on CRAN. Check that it passes this before submitting:
- allow option to display raw values, categories or percentages of total
- add arrange example
- replace do() with something from purrr()
- add smart sorting (width or y or data source order- never alpha) (is desc by width really most common??)
- Can update README by running the vignette rmarkdown file with output github_document and then copying that as the README. Need to update links to the .png files
- Run checks with
- Don't submit changes to CRAN more than once every 1-2 months
- Update
- Update Can release with