Adapted from previous approach, updated for Twitter API v2 (Tweepy package v4).
Setup your Twitter credentials, and demonstrate your ability to connect, as described in the README.
Choose a database (SQLite or BigQuery), and if BigQuery, test your ability to connect, as described in the README.
BigQuery Migration:
DATASET_ADDRESS="YOUR_PROJECT.YOUR_DATASET" python -m app.tweet_streaming.bq_migrations
There is no need to migrate the SQLite database.
All operators are evaluated in a case-insensitive manner. For example, the rule cat will match all of the following: cat, CAT, Cat.
"twitter data" has:mentions (has:media OR has:links)
...snow day #NoSchool
... will match Tweets containing the terms snow and day and the hashtag #NoSchool.grumpy OR cat OR #meme
will match any Tweets containing at least the terms grumpy or cat, or the hashtag #meme -grumpy
... will match Tweets containing the hashtag #meme and the term cat, but only if they do not contain the term grumpy.(grumpy cat) OR (#meme has:images)
... will return either Tweets containing the terms grumpy and cat, or Tweets with images containing the hashtag #meme. Note that ANDs are applied first, then ORs are applied.
Make a directory in the "data/tweet_streaming" directory with a name representing your own EVENT_NAME
(e.g. "jan6_committee"). In it create a "rules.csv" file with contents like:
#Jan6Committee lang:en
#January6Committe lang:en
FYI: the first row "rule" is a required column header
Seed your chosen database with rules from the CSV file:
# for SQLite:
STORAGE_MODE="local" EVENT_NAME="f1_racing" python -m app.tweet_streaming.seed_rules
# for BigQuery:
STORAGE_MODE="remote" DATASET_ADDRESS="YOUR_PROJECT.YOUR_DATASET" EVENT_NAME="f1_racing" python -m app.tweet_streaming.seed_rules
UPDATE: we found that rules are associated with the bearer token, and so if you have added a rule by accident, you can run the rules manager to delete it by its identifier:
python -m app.tweet_streaming.rules_manager
Collect tweets matching the specified stream rules:
python -m app.tweet_streaming.job
# with batch size:
BATCH_SIZE=5 python -m app.tweet_streaming.job
# storing to SQLite:
STORAGE_MODE="local" EVENT_NAME="f1_racing" python -m app.tweet_streaming.job
# storing to BigQuery:
STORAGE_MODE="remote" DATASET_ADDRESS="YOUR_PROJECT.YOUR_DATASET" python -m app.tweet_streaming.job