Id: 1 Searchables: だ, です, だった, でした, だって, である, ではない, dewanai
The word だ, and its polite form です, is similar to the English word “is”. Here are a few good articles to learn more.
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Expressing state-of-being, Formal Expressions (である、ではない)
- IMABI: Copular Sentences I, Copular Sentences II, Copula Verb Variants
Id: 2 Searchables: particle, particles, postposition, postpositions, の, は, に, から, が, と, かい, を, か, て, で, し, な, だい, よ, より, ね, へ, や, しか, って, わ, とか
- Tofugu: Japanese Particles Cheatsheet
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Introduction to Particles, Particles used with Verbs, Noun-related Particles
Id: 3 Searchables: master, expert, pro
- Japanese Stack Exchange: What would be the best way to express the term 'master', as in a master of some sport?
Id: 4 Searchables: 半端ない, ハンパない, はんぱない
- Gakuu: Hanpa Nai – 半端ない
Id: 5 Searchables: むぎゆ, むぎちゃ, 麦湯, 麦茶, barley tea
- No-Sword: Mugiyu. About the origin of mugicha.
Id: 6 Searchables: Searchables-old: 行け, 行きな, 行きなさい
- Forum: 行け and 行きな?
Id: 7 Searchables: ひらがな, 平仮名
- Tofugu: Learn Hiragana: The Ultimate Guide
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Hiragana
- IMABI: Kana I: Hiragana
Id: 8 Searchables: カタカナ, かたかな, 片仮名
- Tofugu: Learn Katakana Guide
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Katakana
- IMABI: Kana II: Katakana
Id: 9 Searchables: かんじ, 漢字
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Kanji
- IMABI: Kanji Intro I, Kanji Intro I
Id: 10 Searchables: adjectives, adjective, 形容詞, けいようし
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Adjectives
- IMABI: Adjectives I & Adjectival Nouns I
Id: 11 Searchables: verb, verbs, intransitive, past, present, potential, causative, passive, 動詞, transitive, どうし
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Verb Basics, Negative Verbs, Past Tense, Transitive and Intransitive Verbs, Potential Form, Causative and Passive Verbs, More negative verbs (ないで、ず、~ん、ぬ)
- IMABI: Ichidan Verbs, Godan Verbs, The Verbs Suru する & Kuru 来る
Id: 12 Searchables: people, pronoun, pronouns, わたし, わたくし, ぼく, おれ, あたし, わし, 私, 僕, 俺, あなた, 君, きみ, お前, あんた, 手前, 貴様, てまえ, きさま, かれ, 彼, かのじょ, 彼女, parents, parent, 両親, ご両親, mom, mum, mother, はは, 母, お母さん, dad, father, ちち, 父, お父さん, wife, 妻, 奥さん, husband, 夫, ご主人, sister, あね, 姉, お姉さん, brother, あに, 兄, お兄さん, いもうと, 妹, 妹さん, おとうと, 弟, 弟さん, son, むすこ, 息子, 息子さん, daughter, むすめ, 娘, 娘さん, おまえ, りょうしん, ごりょうしん, おとうさん, おかあさん, つま, おくさん, おねえさん, おにいさん, いもうとさん, おとうとさん, むすこさん, むすめさん
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Addressing People
- IMABI: Nouns and Pronouns
Id: 13 Searchables: conditionals, or, と, なら, ば, たら
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Conditionals (と、なら、ば、たら)
- IMABI: The Conditionals & Conditional Phrases
Id: 14 Searchables: must, have to, だめ, いけない, ならない, ても
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Expressing "must" or "have to" (~だめ、~いけない、~ならない、~ても)
- IMABI: Must Not & Must
Id: 15 Searchables: desire, want, volitional, たい, ほしい, 欲しい, たらどう, 意思形, いしけい, だろう, まい, まじき, であろう, がる
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Desire and Suggestions (たい、欲しい、volitional、~たらどう)
- IMABI: Want & Feeling, The Auxiliary Verb ~がる, The Volitional I, Negative Volition: ~まい, The Volitional III
Id: 16 Searchables: と, って, たって, だって
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Performing an action on a subordinate clause (と、って)
- IMABI: The Particle と II: Citation, The Particle と III: と + …~ない, The Particles って, たって, & だって
Id: 17 Searchables: という
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Defining and Describing (という)
- IMABI: Citation II
Id: 18 Searchables: try, attempt, てみる, ようとする, とする, てみたい, てごらん, 試す, 試みる, ためす, こころみる, ようにする
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Trying something out or attempting to do something (~てみる、volitional+とする)
- IMABI: Trying, Try II
Id: 19 Searchables: giving, give, receiving, receive, あげる, やる, くれる, もらう, 上げる, ていやがる
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Giving and Receiving (あげる、やる、くれる、もらう)
- IMABI: Giving Verbs
Id: 20 Searchables: request, ください, ちょうだい, 頂戴, なさい, 下さい
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Making requests (~ください、~ちょうだい、~なさい、command form)
Id: 21 Searchables: number, numbers, count, counting, 数字, すうじ
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Numbers and Counting
- IMABI: Counters with Sino-Japanese Numbers I, Time Counters I: ~日・週間・月・ 年 , Counters V,
Id: 22 Searchables: slang, 俗語, ぞくご
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Casual Patterns and Slang
- IMABI: Slang る Verbs
Id: 23 Searchables: humble, polite, なさる, いらっしゃる, まいる, ごらん, はいけん, おっしゃる, くださる, めしあがる, ごぞんじ, 参る, ご覧, 拝見, 仰る, 下さる, 召し上がる, ご存知
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Honorific and Humble Forms
- IMABI: Honorifics I: 敬称 I: ~さん, ~様, Etc., Honorifics II: Standalone 敬称, Honorifics III: Nouns, Honorifics IV: Adjectives & The Copula, Honorifics V: Light Keigo, Honorifics VI: Regular Verbs, Honorifics VII: Irregular Verbs I
Id: 24 Searchables: unintentionally, てしまう, しまう, ちゃう, じゃう, てしもた, はめになる
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Things that happen unintentionally (~てしまう、~ちゃう/~じゃう)
- IMABI: ~てしまう
Id: 25 Searchables: こと, ところ, もの, 事, 所, 物
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Special expressions with generic nouns (こと、ところ、もの)
- IMABI: Nominalization, Expressions with こと
Id: 26 Searchables: かもしれない, でしょう, だろう, かもしれません, かも, かも知れない, かも知れません
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Expressing various levels of certainty (かもしれない、でしょう、だろう)
- IMABI: Might: かもしれない
Id: 27 Searchables: だけ, のみ, しか, ばかり, すぎる, ほど, さ
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Expressing amounts (だけ、のみ、しか、ばかり、すぎる、Amount+も、ほど、さ)
- IMABI: The Particle だけ
Id: 28 Searchables: よう, みたい, そう, そうだ, らしい, っぽい
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Various ways to express similarity and hearsay (よう、~みたい、~そう、~そうだ、~らしい、~っぽい)
- IMABI: Similarity, Seem: ~そうだ, Hearsay
Id: 29 Searchables: より, のほう, の方, によって, によると, による
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions (より、の方、stem+方、によって、によると)
- IMABI: The Particle より, The Superlative
Id: 30 Searchables: easy, difficult, やすい, にくい
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Saying something is easy or difficult to do (~やすい、~にくい)
- IMABI: Easy I: ~やすい, Difficult I: ~にくい
Id: 31 Searchables: わけ, とする, わけだ
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Hypothesizing and Concluding (わけ、~とする)
- IMABI: わけだ
Id: 32 Searchables: ばかり, とたん, ながら, まくる
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Expressing time-specific actions (ばかり、とたんに、ながら、まくる)
- IMABI: As soon as
Id: 33 Searchables: まま, っぱなし, そのまま
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Leaving something the way it is (まま、っぱなし)
- IMABI: Circumstance: 場合 & ~に備えて
Id: 34 Searchables: はず, べき, べく, べからず
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Things that should be a certain way (はず、べき、べく、べからず)
- IMABI: Planning & Obligation
Id: 35 Searchables: でさえ, ですら, おろか, だに
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Expressing the minimum expectation (でさえ、ですら、おろか)
- IMABI: The Particles さえ, すら, & だに
Id: 36 Searchables: がる, ばかり, めく
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Showing signs of something (~がる、ばかり、~めく)
- IMABI: The Auxiliary Verb ~がる, Suf. VI:Appearance
Id: 37 Searchables: ざるをえない, ざるを得ない, やむをえない, やむを得ない, かねる
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Formal expressions of non-feasibility (~ざるを得ない、やむを得ない、~かねる)
- IMABI: ~ざるを得ない & やむを得ない
Id: 38 Searchables: がち, つつ, 嫌いがある, きらいがある
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Tendencies (~がち、~つつ、きらいがある)
- IMABI: Tendency
Id: 39 Searchables: まい, であろう, かろう
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Advanced Volitional (まい、であろう、かろう)
- IMABI: Negative Volition: ~まい
Id: 40 Searchables: だらけ, まみれ, ずくめ
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Covered by something (だらけ、まみれ、ずくめ)
- IMABI: Suf. VI:Appearance
Id: 41 Searchables: がはやいか, やいなや, そばから, が早いか, や否や
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Advanced proximity of actions (が早いか、や否や、そばから)
- IMABI: Tendency
Id: 42 Searchables: 思いきや, おもいきや, がてら, あげく
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Others (思いきや、がてら、あげく)
- IMABI: Circumstance, Incidental, Result
Id: 43 Searchables: onomatopoeia, ぎおんご, ぎたいご, ぎせいご, 擬音語, 擬態語, 擬声語
- Tofugu: Japanese Onomatopoeia: The Definitive Guide
- IMABI: Onomatopoeia (擬声語) I: 擬音語 I, Onomatopoeia II, Onomatopoeia III
Id: 44 Searchables: Searchables-old: kohai, せんぱい, こうはい, 先輩, 後輩, senior, superior, elder, junior
Id: 45 Searchables: れんだく, 連濁, voicing
- Tofugu: Rendaku aka “Sequential Voicing”
- IMABI: Rendaku
Id: 46 Searchables: 済みません, すみません, すまん, sorry, excuse me, thank you, thanks
- Tofugu: Sorry for Saying Thank You
Id: 47 Searchables: pronunciation, 発音, はつおん, pitch accent, 高低アクセント, こうていあくせんと, アクセント, あくせんと