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This tutorial will guide you through creating a Docker container that utilizes Nix for package management, incorporating Nix Flakes to manage dependencies and configurations. By the end, you'll have a functional Docker container configured with Nix, built using the exact code provided in the solution directory, in case you struggle with it.

1. Create the Dockerfile

First, in an this folder, create a file named Dockerfile. This file will contain instructions for building your Docker image.

2. Specify the Base Image

Begin by specifying the base image for your Docker build. Add the following line to your Dockerfile:

FROM nixos/nix:latest

This line tells Docker to use the latest NixOS image as the foundation for your container. The nixos/nix image includes the Nix package manager, providing a minimal environment with Nix pre-installed.

3. Set the Working Directory

Define the working directory inside the container where subsequent commands will be executed. Add the following line:

WORKDIR /workdir

This command sets /workdir as the working directory. If this directory doesn't exist, Docker will create it automatically. Setting a working directory helps organize files and ensures that commands run in the intended location.

4. Enable Experimental Nix Features

To utilize Nix Flakes, you need to enable experimental features in Nix. Add the following line:

RUN mkdir -p /etc/nix && echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" > /etc/nix/nix.conf

This command creates the /etc/nix directory (if it doesn't exist) and writes a configuration line to /etc/nix/nix.conf to enable the nix-command and flakes experimental features. This step is essential for using Nix Flakes, as they are still experimental and require explicit enabling.

5. Copy Project Files into the Container

Transfer the contents of your current directory on the host machine into the container's /workdir directory by adding:

COPY . /workdir/

This command copies all files from your current directory to the /workdir directory inside the container, allowing the Docker build process to access your project's files, including the flake.nix file.

6. Build the Nix Package

Instruct Docker to build the default package specified in the flake.nix file for the appropriate system architecture:

RUN nix build .#defaultPackage.${system}-linux

This command uses nix build to compile the package defined in the flake's outputs. The .#defaultPackage.${system}-linux syntax specifies the defaultPackage attribute for the ${system} system (could have any name instead of defaultPackage, multiple are possible as well ). If you're using a different architecture (e.g., x86_64-linux for most desktop PCs or aarch64-linux on Apple M Chips ), adjust this line accordingly.

7. Update the PATH Environment Variable

Ensure that the binaries from the build result are accessible by updating the PATH environment variable:

ENV PATH="/workdir/result/bin:${PATH}"

This line prepends the path to the build result's binary directory to the existing PATH, allowing the system to locate and execute these binaries without needing their full paths.

8. Set the Default Command

Specify the default command to run when the container starts:

CMD ["/bin/sh"]

This command tells Docker to launch a shell (/bin/sh) when the container runs, enabling interactive use or further command execution. Alternatively, you could also configure to launch a in the flake preconfigured service, like gitlab on a specific port or the cowsay command form our example.

9. Define the Nix Flake Configuration

In the same directory, create a file named flake.nix with the following content:

  description = "Flake for nixos-container";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-24.11";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: let
    system = "x86_64-linux";  # Change to "aarch64-linux" if using an Apple M Chip
    pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
  in {
    defaultPackage.${system} = pkgs.buildEnv {
      name = "tools";
      paths = with pkgs; [

I know this is a lot thrown at you. Large parts of it are just boilerplate. below is a description what happens. But no worries if you dont get it instantly, this is just a simple showcase. After is a link to excercises on the Nix language, letting some things become more clear.

This flake.nix file defines the Nix Flake, specifying inputs and outputs for the project:

  • description: Provides a brief description of the flake's purpose.
  • inputs: Specifies the dependencies of the flake. Here, it references the nixpkgs repository from GitHub, pinned to the nixos-24.11 branch. This ensures that the flake uses a specific version of the Nix Packages collection, promoting reproducibility.
  • outputs: Defines what the flake produces.
    • system: Specifies the target system architecture. Change this to match your system ("x86_64-linux" for most PCs, "aarch64-linux" for ARM-based systems like Apple's M1).
    • pkgs: Imports the nixpkgs package set for the specified system, allowing access to packages compatible with that architecture.
    • defaultPackage.${system}: Sets the default package output for the specified system architecture.
    • pkgs.buildEnv: Creates an environment that bundles multiple packages together.
      • name: Names the environment "tools".
      • paths: Lists the packages to include in the environment. Here, cowsay and vim are included.

10. Build and Run the Docker Image

With both Dockerfile and flake.nix in place, you can now build and run your Docker image:

# Build the Docker image
docker build -t nix-flake-container .

# Run the Docker container
docker run -it nix-flake-container

The docker build command creates the Docker image and tags it as nix-flake-container. The docker run command starts a new container from the image in interactive mode (-it), allowing you to interact with the shell inside the container.

11. Verify the Installed Packages

Once inside the container's shell, verify that the specified packages (cowsay and vim) are installed and accessible:

# Check cowsay installation
cowsay "Hello, Nix!"

# Check vim installation
vim --version

If both commands execute successfully, it confirms that your Docker container is correctly set up with Nix and the specified packages.

12. Add another program

Continue by searching through the Nix packages and add an addtional program, If you got no idea: you could write a simple java or c hello world using vim, search for the packages containing the dependencies needed and add them to the list.

13. Nix Language tutorial

Finally, start with these short excercises on Nix (O)