Thanks to Our Team:
A special thanks to the talented individuals from Gala Games Chain Team who laid the foundation of the SDK we are publishing. The SDK, had been developed internally over the past two years before its public release in January 2024, and used in production for over a year. Now it has reached new heights, thanks to your commitment.
Members of Chain Team at Gala Games in alphabetical order:
- Elijah Baldwin @befitsandpiper
- Piotr Buda @pbuda
- Chris Chuter @cchuter
- Jakub Dzikowski @dzikowski
- Jeff Eganhouse @Jehosephat
- Felipe Fuerback @Fuerback
- Mike Graham @sentientforest
- Dustin Jorge @dustinmj
- Jonas Michel @jonasrmichel
- Michał Mital @herr-bubu
- Rhiannon Nichols @RhiannonNichols
- Umegbewe "Great" Nwebedu @umegbewe
- Todd Rasband @Rasbandit
- Ivan Vodzich @Ivan456
Past Chain Team members:
- Chris Freeland @cruxone
- Piotr Hejwowski @Hejwo
- Greg Horejsi @BitFlippedCelt
- Derek Jarvis @DerekJarvis
- Stephen Nichols @snichols
If by any chance we have unintentionally omitted someone from this list, please accept our sincere apologies. Your contributions are truly valued, and we would be honored to include your name and acknowledgment. Kindly reach out to us so that we can ensure proper recognition for your valuable involvement.
Thank you to everyone who played a part in this journey. Your impact has made a lasting difference.