- Features
- Basic Use
- School Search
- Magister Info
- Set necessary data
- Login
- User Info
- Picture
- Appointments
- Homework
- Grades
- Subjects
- Credits
##Features ##
- School search via Magister 6 api
- Login
- Appointments
- Homework
- Grades (with filter)
##Basic Use ##
Use this when you don't know the school's url (or user/password) and want to use functions without being logged in
$magister = new Magister;
You can also use quick start, by calling the following: (when you know them already)
$magister = new Magister("school.magister.net", "username", "password", bool autoLogin);
When you use all the parameters you don't need to do "Set necessary data" or "Login"
$magister->findSchool('part of schoolname');
Returns current Magister release info (such as versions etc)
$magister->setCredentials('Username', 'Password');
The URL is partially fixed by the library, it automaticaly adds a slash to the end if not present and https:// to the front if not present. (Although it's recommended to do this yourself)
Returns user's profile
$magister->getPicture(int 'width', int 'height', bool 'crop');
Returns user's profile picture in Base64 format (see test.php for example)
$magister->getAppointments('date from', 'date to');
Dates are in the YYYY-MM-DD format
$magister->getHomework('date from', 'date to');
This basically gets all the appointments with content
$magister->getGrades(bool 'filter subject', bool 'active periods', bool 'calculation only', bool 'PTA only');
All parameters are optional, if none are given Magister 6's defaults will be used
This returns all the courses the student is attending at the moment
This library is made by Thomas Konings a.k.a. tkon99