Thank you for taking 30 seconds to read the contributing instructions.
- Issue PRs from a feature branch on your fork, not master (instructions here)
- Make sure you create your PR off the correct branch:
improvements and bug fixes2.x
improvements and bug fixes
- Please include tests and README updates with any new features
Instructions to follow these guidelines are detailed below.
You can create a fork of this addon with the following steps.
Please install dependencies using yarn so you avoid checking in a package-lock.json
git clone
cd ember-tooltips
yarn install # Use yarn, not npm
# Start with the branch for the relevant version of Ember Tooltips:
git checkout master # For 3.x changes
git checkout 2.x # For 2.x changes
# Create your feature branch from which you will issue a PR to sir-dunxalot/ember-tooltips#master:
git branch -b your-feature
# Start development
ember s # Start server
# Keep code well formatted
yarn lint # To report on errors
yarn lint:fix # To attempt to auto-fix errors
Please include tests and documentation updates with any new features and bugfixes.
To run the test suite, visit the /tests
route in the browser after running ember s
If you want to run the test suite for a given ember-try scenario, you can use CLI commands:
# To run the test suite for a given ember-try scenario:
ember try:one ember-lts-3.24 --- ember serve # https://localhost:4200
# To run the tests for all scenarios in config/ember-try.js
ember try:testall
Please update the when making public changes.
Don't worry about updating the dummy app, which is hosted at